Friday, December 27, 2019

The Shrew By William Shakespeare - 2139 Words

This paper will explore the deception of two characters created by Shakespeare in his plays The taming of The Shrew and As You Like it. Changing outwardly from one gender to another is less difficult than changing from one class to another. Sly is the first character, a drunken tinker who suddenly wakes up as a lord, in the play The Taming Of The Shrew. The second character is Rosalind, who changed her name and appearance and became Ganymede in the play As You Like It. Shakespeare is using similar circumstances with both characters; Christopher Sly has a transformation brought upon him by others while Rosalind undergoes self-transformation.. Sly’s language and habits ultimately betray him and make his transformation less believable while†¦show more content†¦Then suddenly the lord who conceived this trick had Sly brought to his home. Upon waking up, Sly was treated with deference by the slaves. He was given high class reception, offered champagne and had several wor kers at his bay. He initially thought that he was dreaming, having woke up in unfamiliar environment. The servants were ready for Sly to give him whatever he desired. â€Å"Persuade him that he hath been lunatic. And when he says he is , say that dreams, For he is nothing that but a mightly lord† (1.1.357). He was convinced that he was insane for seven years. The lord hatched a plan in secret to make fun of the poor beggar by confusing him to believe that he was mentally unstable for seven years and that he was the right full owner of the throne. Sly doubted himself even after he was assured by the lord that the entire kingdom was his own. Rosalind’s character is at the center of almost everything that happens in As You Like It. Rosalind’s importance is emphasized by the fact that she has more lines that any other character of Shakespeare plays. Rosalind made the choice to dress as a man. She wanted to look like a man. ‘The complexity of her role is enhanced by the fact that for much of four acts she dresses like a man and successfully passes for one† (1617). She feels comfortable dressing like a man with the power that entails. Rosalind initially dresses like a man to protect herself in the forest, but as she continues in this guise she becomes more powerful

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Eight Typical Treatments For Binge Eating Disorder Essay

Since no single treatment alone has been proven effective, most treatment approaches involve a combination of treatments to address medical issues, psychological issues, and nutrition. Some treatments target specific groups such as women, men, children, and college students. This article gives an overview of 8 typical treatments for binge eating disorder. 1. Individual, Group, and/or Family Psychotherapy: Three Types Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) focuses on addressing a persons current thoughts and behaviors about himself. Either in group or individual settings, therapists help people learn to identify distorted or negative thinking about eating and self-image. They learn to recognize and change faulty beliefs, to relate better to†¦show more content†¦Comprehensive social, emotional, and psychological screening helps target related disorders and provide important direction in tailoring a treatment plan. Clients may be asked questions about eating patterns, thoughts, and behaviors. 3. Nutritional Counseling Dieting focuses too much on the scale and the food. Pressures from counting calories, food diaries, reading labels, too low calorie plans, and avoiding certain foods using willpower can aggravate symptoms and quickly trigger binge eating. Behavioral weight-loss programs directly target obesity, which typically results from binge eating disorder. These medically supervised programs use components of cognitive behavioral therapy. They make sure your nutritional needs are met while also helping you learn to recognize and change faulty beliefs about yourself and food and to cope better with triggers. Short in duration, they are fairly inexpensive. Nutrition evaluations with a dietician help you to create an individualized, safe food plan. It helps dispel some of the myths in the mixed messages we get from the media and society about dieting, body image, and fast food. This can be useful when paired with self-help treatments and a behavioral weight loss program i s unavailable. 4. Medications Some types of medications may help reduce symptoms of binge eating disorder, but are not designedShow MoreRelatedTreatment For Anorexia Nervos A Comparison Of Cognitive Behavior Therapy And Treatment933 Words   |  4 PagesMaintenance treatment for anorexia nervosa: A comparison of cognitive behavior therapy and treatment as usual. By: Jacqueline C. Carter, Traci L. McFarlane, Carmen Bewell, Marion P. Olmstead, D. Blake Woodside, Allan S. Kaplan, and Ross D. Crosby. This 2009 study was designed to examine the effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy compared to Maintenance Treatment â€Å"as usual† in patients with Anorexia Nervosa. The study examined the relapse rate of patients with Anorexia Nervosa after undergoingRead MoreBiological Psychology Essay1769 Words   |  8 Pagesseasonal affective disorder. Known as a subset disorder of depression, seasonal affective disorder can only be identified as the recurrence of major depressive periods, typically during the autumnal months, which supress during the summer months of the year. Light therapy is known as the most effective treatment with minimal adverse effects, and successful administration is most common if conducted during the morning. Motivation Under the umbrella of motivation comes the ideas of eating and sexual desireRead MoreEating Disorders Are Potentially Life Threatening Illnesses Essay1912 Words   |  8 PagesAmy’s family noticed she was still dropping weight. Amy was then given the opportunity to meet with an eating disorder therapist (Amy). Since starting this therapy, Amy’s life has changed dramatically. She began to put on weight, the grip that anorexia had on her lifted, and she kept inching the weight on. Now, Amy has a boyfriend and is working hard for her degree at a University. 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Numerous individuals infrequently keep on having manifestations, even in the wake of getting treatment for their bipolar issue. Some types of bipolar issue are: Bipolar I disorder involves periods of severe mood episodes from mania to depression. Bipolar II issue is a milder type of state of mind height, including milder scenes of hypomania thatRead More Exploring the Cause of Eating Disorders - Familial Relationships and Bulimia2454 Words   |  10 Pagesbulimic and has been in therapy for several months now. She seems to be making progress, but this eating disorder seems to rule her life nevertheless. Overwhelmed with conflicting desires, she is obsessed with food and her appearance. I see her suffer and wonder what has caused her to develop such behaviors. I know that there are several factors that can play a role in the inception of an eating disorder. Because of my sister’s problems, I have become interested in the interplay between familial relationshipsRead More The Causes of Eating Disorders Essay1994 Words   |  8 PagesThe Causes of Eating Disorders There is no single cause for eating disorders. A number of factors, including cultural and family pressures, chemical imbalances, and emotional and personality disorders collaborate to produce both anorexia and bulimia, although each disorder is determined by different combinations of these influences. Genetics may also play a small role. Between 40% to 96% of all eating-disordered patients experience depression and anxiety disorders; depression is also commonRead MoreHealthy Life Skills1453 Words   |  6 Pagesthemselves, recognize and respond to emotions to others, be socially competent. 6. What are three broad ways to protect and enhance your mental health? 7. What is a neurotransmitter? What four neurotransmitters have been implicated in mental disorders? Neurotransmitter: brain chemicals that conduct signals from one brain cell to the next. Norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, and gamma aminobutyric acid. 8. What are two implications of the finding that the brain continues to develop into earlyRead MoreAnorexia Nervosa Essay2312 Words   |  10 PagesAnorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder that is most prevalent in adolescent girls and young women. It is distinguished by the loss of at least 15% of the expected body weight (Long). The disease is characterized by the obsessive fear of gaining weight; through this fear, the person engages in dangerous dieting habits that prevent weight gain. According to statistics in 2011 anorexia is categorized as the third most common chronic disease among adolescents, in addition, eating disorders also have the highestRead MoreEating Disorders And Athletic Participation2416 Words   |  10 PagesEating Disorders and Athletic Participation Over the past twenty years, there has been a great increase of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa which have come out as major psychological and health problems. This increase in eating disorders has resulted from the intense societal pressure to diet and conform to an unrealistic weight and body size. For the general population of women, the lifetime number of anorexia nervosa is approximately 0.7%, and that of bulimia nervosa is as high as 10.3%

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Harrison Bergeron Essay Example For Students

Harrison Bergeron Essay In Harrison Bergeron Essay Kurt Vonnegut depicts a society in which everyone is mentally, physically, and socially equal. Throughout the history of our country, Americans have sought racial, gender, and socio-economic equality. On paper such a society seems ideal. Through the story one might infer that Vonnegut views the concept of total equality as ludicrous. Equality can be interpreted many ways. One point of view is the American belief that everybody should be treated equally and another view is the one represented in the story that everybody is equal. I completely agree with Mr. Vonneguts view of the perfect society as being absurd. Having everybody equal looks fantastic in planning but it would never work out that way. If the government was allowed to impose handicaps on the naturally gifted, how could civilization ever make advancements? The great thinkers would not be able to envision new ideas because of the mental handicap radios they had to wear in their ears. Technology would come to a stand still with the gifted not being able to finish a complete thought because of the sharp sounds produced by the mental handicaps. The first apparent difference between the movie and the short story is that the short story takes place in 2081. In the story the government regulates everything, not just intelligence, but strength and beauty as well, and handicap people appropriately. The strong are forced to wear bags filled with lead balls; beautiful people are forced to wear masks so others would not feel unequal to them in looks. The overly intelligent are forced to wear radio transmitters in their ears, that are tuned to a government station that constantly bombards them with horrible sounds to scramble their thoughts. In the movie, the year is 2053 and everyone is forced to wear mind-altering headbands that rest on their temples. These headbands electronically modify intelligence, effectively decreasing everyones IQ to the desired average point. Unlike the story, in the movie, no one wears masks to conceal their looks and some are better looking than other making them unequal in appearance to everyone else. Also the only weight bags that are worn, is by one dancer on the television that wore a small ankle weight with no resemblance to the enormous weight bags that are described in the story. Another difference is that in the story Harrison Bergeron had the apparent status of a god among these average people. He was fourteen years old, seven feet tall, athletic, good looking, and a genius. In the movie, Harrison bares absolutely no resemblance to the one described in the story. He is portrayed as short and stalky, not very handsome. He looks closer to twenty-four than he does to fourteen, and although he seems bright, he is far from being a genius. Finally, in the story, the Handicapper General has more of a police status in this futuristic country, the head Handicapper General is a woman, by the name of Diana Moon Glampers. With her swift decisions and severe actions shows resemblance to that of a dictator. She does not have to wear any handicaps of any kind, but is responsible for the regulating all the handicaps. In the movie, the handicappers generals are far from being portrayed as a police authority. They are a secret organization of highly intelligent individuals, that are hand picked from the general population, that are in charge of running the country and coming up with better ways to make everyone equal. The leader of this secret organization is a man by the name of John Claxton. He plays the role of a godlike advisor, leading the organization behind the scenes. He advises and monitors society, the president, and all forms of media accessible to the public, determining what people can hear, say, watch, and do. There is also a bit of irony prevalent in the movie as well as in the short story. In the movie, Harrison is mocked and branded as an outcast for his intelligence, yet he is secretly being monitored by the secret Administers organization. It is also ironic that there is a necessity for highly intelligent persons in such a perfectly equal society. Advertising Education or Condemnation Essay In this society the public only can see what the have been allowed to see, by this secret, non-equal, organization in this so-called equal country. The .

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Shiloh Grimball Essays - Indian Religions, Philosophy Of Love

Shiloh Grimball English 101 Mrs. Esch September 26, 2016 Arranged Marriage An Essay on a Theme in a Non-fiction Work Arranged marriages date back before the 18th century, as the most common way of marriage throughout the world. Arranged marriages are a type of marital union where the groom and bride are selected by their respective families. In this type of marriage, parents know best. The parents of the bride or groom search for their child's perfect match. There are many factors in finding the perfect match for their child, such as the reputation of the family, wealth, appearance, values he/she possesses, caste or religion, horoscope, and health of the partner. While american culture would argue that arranged marriage isn't the best method, people worldwide agree it is the best way of marriage. With an arranged marriage, individuals don't have to waste time dating looking for the right spouse, couples become closer and build trust within their family, and their love grows throughout the marriage; these factors builds perfect marriages. Parents play an important role in arranged marriages. They are the ones who look for the "perfect match" of their kids. This parental factor bring the families closer and builds trust within them. In the essay "Arranging a Marriage in India," by Serena Nanda, Nanda talks about her trips to India and her discoveries in the arranged marriage custom there. One of the many people Nanda meets is a girl name Sita. Sita has been waiting a little over a year for her parents to find her a husband. Nanda and Sita has a conversation about arranged marriage. Nanda asks her, "How can you go along with this? Don't you care who you marry?" Sista responds, "Of course I care. This is why I must let my parents choose a boy for me. My marriage is too important to be arranged by such an inexperienced person as myself. In such matters, it is better to have my parents' guidance."(548) Nanda explains how the "young men and women in India do not date and have very little social life involving members of the opposite sex."(548) This conversation between the author and Sita has pin points the main role the parents play in arranged marriage. Their conversation ties into another reason arranged marriage is the right marital path to take. In India dating rarely happens: the "young men and women in India do not date and have very little social life involving members of the opposite sex." To continue their conversation, Nanda asked Sita, "But how can you marry the first man you have ever met? Not only have you missed the fun of meeting a lot of different people, but you have not given yourself the chance to know who is the right man for you." Sita responds, "Meeting with a lot of different people doesn't sound like any fun at all. One hears that in America the girls are spending more time worrying about whether they will meet a man and get married. Here we have the chance to enjoy our life and let our parents do this work and worrying for us."(549) Sita remarks seem surprisingly accurate in today's America. Girls in american culture stress and worry themselves about if they'll find their soulmate or forever spouse. They stress so much about it that they do so much to get a man's attention. Girls wear a lot of makeup, tighter clothes , and they change their physical appearance by getting plastic surgery. How Nanda phrases it is, "The high anxiety of the competition to "be popular" with the opposite sex certainly was the most prominent feature of life an an American teenager in the late fifties. The endless worrying about the rules that governed our behavior and about our popularity ratings sapped both our self-esteem and our enjoyment of adolescence." Nanda is still not convinced about the whole idea of marrying a random person, so she ask Sita, "How can you marry someone you don't know personally and don't love? How can you think of spending your life with someone you may not even like?" The answer Sita gives to answer her question proves how arranged marriage is the best way

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Catcher In The Rye By J.D. Salinger, 1945 Essays - Fiction

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, 1945 The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, 1945 4 Main Characters: Holden Caulfield- A young teenager who is kicked out of Pencey High because of several fails and a lack of motivation. He avoids telling his parents of his failings and wanders the streets of New York. He is confused, as well as opinionated. Phoebe Caulfield- The younger sister of Holden. They have a good relationship, and she doesn't want him to live her. Stradlater- This good looking athlete is the room mate of Holden at Pencey High. Holden finds him annoying. Robert Ackley- This is another student at Pencey that Holden finds extremely annoying. Ackley is annoyed by everything, especially Stradlater. 2 Minor Characters: D. B. Caulfield- He is the older brother of Holden. He lives in the West; Hollywood, California. He is a writer. Holden mentions him several times. Jane Gallagher- Stradlater goes on a date with her, and she used to be a friend of Holden. 3 Main Settings: Pencey Prep- This is the high school that Holden has just been kicked out of. A few of the chapters take place here. D.B.'s room- After sneaking into his own house, Holden spends the night in his unoccupied brother's room. The zoo- At the zoo, Holden takes Phoebe to the carousel and feels the happiest he has felt in a long time. Plot: The books starts out with Holden Caulfield just having been kicked out of Pencey Prep School because he fails his classes. To avoid telling his parents, he leaves Pencey without telling them, and wanders the streets of New York. Holden becomes very lonely and wishes to talk with his loving little sister, Phoebe. He sneaks home and spends the night in his unused brother's room. After Holden gives the news to Phoebe that he would like to move to the west, Phoebe is upset and gives Holden the silent treatment. Later, Holden takes Phoebe to the zoo. She is still not speaking to him, but goes along with him. At the zoo, they see the carousel, which Phoebe has always loved. He gives her a ticket to ride and the silent treatment ends. He promises her that he will stay and not go West. As it starts to pour rain, Holden sits getting drenched and watching Phoebe go round and round on the carousel. He feels that this is one of the happiest times of his life. He realizes that this is what makes him happy and near the end, he begins to miss his friends at Pencey. 2 Symbols: catcher in the rye- Holden states that he wants to be the catcher in the rye, preventing people from falling off the edge of a cliff. This symbolizes what Holden truly wants to be. Phoebe- She is a symbol of happiness and joy for Holden. Her happiness brings Holden to tears of joy. Style: Salinger writes this novel in first person, which gives the real thoughts and feelings of Holden. He also has Holden use cuss words and slang to express his many opinions. These techniques make the whole story seem so realistic. Philosophy: The Catcher in the Rye is a book dealing with a young teenager who finds his true self. He goes through several incidents which make him realize that he wants to be the catcher in the rye, not just another annoying high school teenager. 4 Quotes: "They advertise in about a thousand magazines, always showing some hotshot guy on a horse jumping over a fence. Like as if all you ever did at Pencey was play polo all the time. I never saw a horse anywhere near the place." This is an example of Holden's opinionated feelings about Pencey School. "You're right in my light, Holden, for Chrissake...Ya have to stand right there?" This shows Stradtlater worrying about his appearance for girls. "I was surrounded by jerks. I'm not kidding." Holden says this referring to some people at the bar. He shows his disgust toward ?fake' people. "How do you know you're going to do something until you do it?" Holden replies with his whenever someone asks if he's going to ?apply' himself. This is not really Holden's philosophy but his lack of consideration on the topic and a way to beat around the bush.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Immigration does not hurt the Economy essays

Immigration does not hurt the Economy essays Immigration does not hurt the Economy The other day in economics class someone (no names) mentioned that immigration was bad for the economy. Although I had another topic lined up I decided that I write an entire paper based purely on my opinion on the subject. Which is, I totally disagree. Since the founding of the colonies people have come here from every country on earth. Whether it be escaping an oppressive government, or just to find a general better way of life, people immigrate to the United States. Some people say that when an immigrant comes here, they are not used to our way of life, and therefore throw off our way of life and economy. They say that they cause more harm to the stable, tax-paying citizens of the U.S. then they do. I disagree with these people for a few reasons. Although immigrants may cause a few problems, and might not want to immediately comply with our standards and laws, most in time do. Except for a few short-term problems, such as not paying their taxes, drawing on welfare, and increasing an already crowded society, immigrants eventually do more good for our society and economy than bad. No the Government does not lose money because of immigrants. If anything we make more money. The idea of money passes hands from government to business to consumers and back again if a smaller amount is being moved from industry to consumers this means that a large portion of that circle is retaining money. Oh sure they may not pay their taxes at all, or pay them incorrectly, but that isnt as big a deal as it sounds, we have plenty of U.S. citizens who do the exact same thing. Then of course the are under the table wages, but those under the table jobs can come in handy for the rest of us. How many U.S. born underage teenagers would be willing to get paid two or three dollars an hour to take out the trash and clean toilets. Those might be jobs that they are using up that could go to native-born...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Management Practices ETC Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Management Practices ETC - Term Paper Example ETC Group fundamentally deals with the issues related to agriculture (ETC Group, n.d). They especially measure the international affairs pertaining to the field of agriculture which includes maintenance of agricultural biodiversity and securities along with developed and modern technological impact on agriculture. ETC group is a non-profitable organization and it majorly sustains on the donated funds. They generally focus on the process of developing a greener environment. The working procedure of ETC Group signifies that it works as a research team in order to collect particular information on a specific region for protecting the environment (Brodhead, 2001). From the performance and progress made by the ETC Group it is assumed that they manage their operational process systematically in order to conduct their research and education to collect proper and sufficient information with regard to a particular environment. With reference to the context, it can be stated that ETC Group mak es certain of the persuasion of the management practices throughout its operations. ETC Group has considered the processes of planning, leading, organizing, staffing and controlling which are considered to be few of the fundamental rudiments of management practices. Management practice can be defined as the process of managing the specified process systematically. Planning can be defined as the process of considering certain measures for framing a structure in accordance with the operational process.... From the performance and progress made by the ETC Group it is assumed that they manage their operational process systematically in order to conduct their research and education to collect proper and sufficient information with regard to a particular environment. With reference to the context, it can be stated that ETC Group makes certain of the persuasion of the management practices throughout its operations. ETC Group has considered the processes of planning, leading, organizing, staffing and controlling which are considered to be few of the fundamental rudiments of management practices. Management practice can be defined as the process of managing the specified process systematically. Planning Planning can be defined as the process of considering certain measures for framing a structure in accordance with the operational process which requires to be pursued. The facet of planning has been known to entail certain forms with the assistance of which the functions of an organization ar e executed. The types of planning are corporate planning which is referred as a process in which the organization thinks of the long term organizational or future goals along with formulating strategies to attain the intended organizational objectives. Functional planning can be defined as the procedure in which the higher officials of the organization focuses upon the chief internal functions as well as deciding on the organizational structure which is believed to help the organization to perform its operations systematically. Strategic planning is described as the measure which is designed with the aim of facilitating the growth in relation to the organization along with it future development. Operational planning generally involves

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Hulk Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

The Hulk - Movie Review Example ded winning over the hearts of many readers but however there are some major differences and some interesting aspects that have to be attributed to the cinema medium. The comic medium at some point fails to carry the emotions as much as a cinema does, since with reading one restricts himself to his scope of imagination. This scope has been amplified with all the technical effects comprising the sound, music, modulations of speech and adding a sense of our presence, making cinema a more interactive medium. In the comic book Ang Lee connects every scene with extreme care and ensures that the imagination of the reader always stands at the paramount point and he never fails the readers’ interest by maintaining a chronological order of the scenes. The pictures used for the book are eye catching and these pictures talk for themselves, when it comes to the carrying of emotions. The versatile language he uses in the book copes with these drawings. The combination of these reaches the readers’ expectations and makes the book reader friendly. The narration of the episode on the other hand seconds none in the highlights of the comic book. This way each and every aspect of the comic starting with the title, to closing of the story is taken care of. As Ang Lee rightly points out, â€Å"The Hulk† is not a comic book movie but has much more to it making it a horrifying science fiction movie. â€Å"The Hulk†, has all the elements that keep the audience on their toes and calling it a comic book movie would not be appropriate. The creation of a huge monstrous figure like Hulk in the movie from an average built man keeps the audience spellbound. The representation of Hulk in many aspects connects him with the Greek mythology. Stories speak about Hulk in Greek Mythology, as someone who destroys anything that comes in his way and rather likes being alone this has been shown in the movie with some other aspects as well (â€Å"Super heroes and Greek mythology 1†). This has been mixed

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Persuasive speech on child labor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Persuasive speech on child labor - Essay Example In 2008, children aged between 5 and 17 made approximately 215 million child laborers worldwide. Children are adversely affected by child labor as they are still in their development stages of life. It is clear then that child labor has negative effects and should therefore be put to a stop. The effects of child labor are immense. Through the deprivation of their childhood, their development, mentally and physically is widely affected. It interferes with schooling by having to combine long and heavy work with school, having to obligingly leave school prematurely or denying them the important chance of school attendance (International Labor Organization, 2014). Additionally, the tasks are harmful to the children as they are still growing and the heavy physical work could cause damage. The worst forms of child labor include slavery; offering or involving a child in illicit activities; using a child for prostitution, pornographic performances and production; and work likely to harm the child’s morals, health or safety. There are several factors that influence the working of children, poverty being the most compelling. As most families spend most of their meager income on food, supplementary income from working children is much needed (UN, 2014). Other factors include lack of education where it is unaffordable; market demand, as child labor is cheap; and culture and traditions that allow children to spend most of their time laboring. It is also prevalent in households affected by economic crises and natural disasters. The menace is persistent with reluctant national laws and policies for the protection of children. The effects of child labor are devastating, with heightened risk of injury, illness and even death due to dangers involved. Approximately 22,000 children die from work-related accidents every year (Gifford, 2009). Physical strain may damage their bones and joints, causing spinal injuries, disabilities and even

Friday, November 15, 2019

Features of Business Management and Organization

Features of Business Management and Organization Business Environment Individual 1.0 Introduction to organization 1.1 What is an organization? Managers are the ones who operate in organization. Organization is an individual or group of people that collaborate to achieve certain commercial goals that its members would be unable to reach by themselves. Every organization have a management structure that determines relationships between the different activities and the  members, and subdivides and  assigns  roles,  responsibilities, and  authority  to carry out different  tasks. Organizations are open systems in that they affect and are affected by the environment beyond their boundaries. So according to that organization should have following features. Vision A statement of what a company wishes to accomplish in the course of its operations. It is a declaration of a companys goals for the midterm or long-term future E.g.:- Apple Corporation’s Vision- To make a contribution to the world by making tools for  the mind that advance humankind. Mission A statement of the purpose of a  company,  organization  or  person, its  reason for existing. E.g.:- Unilever’s mission- â€Å"To add Vitality to life. We meet everyday needs for nutrition; hygiene and personal care with brands that help people look good, feel good and get more out of life.† Objectives A specific  result  that a  person  or  organization  aims  to  achieve  within a  time frame with available  resources. E.g.:- Unilever objective is to increase their profit by 35% end of the year 2014 Goals An observable and measurable  end result  having one or more  objectives  to be achieved within a more or less fixed timeframe. E.g.:- Unilever goal for 2020 To improve health and well-being, reduce environmental impact and source 100% of our agricultural raw materials sustainably and enhance the livelihoods of people across our value chain. Values Value statements define the organization’s basic philosophy, principles and ideals . they also set the ethical tone for the institution. 1.2 Organisation categories There are various ways to categories the organizations. We can divide organizations in to three types as characteristics, legal form and by size (Figure 01). (Figure 01- Organization Categories) Sole Trader A business owned by one person is a sole proprietorship. In a sole proprietorship, the owner invests capitol, makes all decisions, and receives all profits. Owners in a sole trader however may have more difficulty than larger organizations obtaining loans. More significantly, sole traders are personally liable for their debts if their businesses fail. A purpose of a Sole Trader is to provide a service for a client and charge for that service. Partnership Partnership is the relation between the persons who have agreed to share the profits of a business carried on by all or any of them acting for all or a business owned by two or more people also can be a partnership. The partners share the responsibility for financing, operating and managing the business. Usually profits are divided in proportion to the amount of money that each partner has invested in the business. Private limited company Private companies main objective is maximize the profit; these organizations are owned by shareholders by buying company shares, there can be minimally one shareholder and maximally fifty shareholders in the company. Profit and loss will be shared between shareholders at the company general meeting. The company should be named their company name along with (PVT) Ltd term. 2.0 Stakeholders of an organization The persons and organizations that have an interest in the strategy of the organization are called stakeholders. Stakeholders normally include shareholders, customers, staff and the local community. (Figure 02- Stakeholders) 2.1 Stakeholders of the D-MAC Bookshop 2.3 Stakeholder Analysis What is stakeholder analysis? Stakeholder analysis is methodology of systematically gathering and analyzing qualitative information to determine whose interests should be taken in to account when developing and /or implementing a policy or program. And this can be done by using the stakeholder mapping. Stakeholder mapping 2.4 Identifying the key stakeholders of D-MAC Bookshop Managers High salaries Profit maximization Bonuses Job security Status and growth of the business Employees High pay Job security Pleasing the customers Promotion prospects Job satisfaction and motivation Customers Safe and reliable products Value for money Innovation Product availability Customer service Suppliers A long term relationship with the firm Prompt payment Frequent and regular orders Large size and value of contracts Growth of the business Competitors To compete by all lawful means To differentiate its products Keeping up with innovation If an organization has to achieve the goals and objectives with efficiently and effectively, first of all the organization have to fulfill the objectives of stakeholders. So organization has to do something to achieve it. Those as follows, Employees Speak to them respectfully Make attract full remuneration packages By giving bonus and other allowances By introducing medical and entertainment allowance Providing job securities Customers By providing quality products. Providing products regularly. By giving truthful information about their products. By giving discounts and gifts. Providing other customer services. Government By paying taxes other payment correctly And provide some helps to government sector 3.0 Responsibilities of an organization 4.0 Economic systems â€Å"Economic system is an organized way in which a state or nation allocates its resources and apportions goods and services in the national community† a world in which all humans wants are instantly fulfilled is hard to imagine. Productive resources are limited while human wants are unlimited. Scarcity occurs] because human wants exceed the amounts of production possible with the limited time and resources that are available. Because of the scarcity every country needs a system to determine how to use its recourses productively. There three basic questions that needs to solve by any economic system. Three basic economic problems-: What to produce? –what kinds of goods and services should be produced How to produce? –what productive resources are used to produce goods and services For whom to produce? –who gets to have the goods and services The way a society answers these questions determines its economic system. There are tree economic systems. Command Economy Free Market Economy Mixed Economy 4.1 Command or planned Economy Economic system in which the government largely decides what goods and services will be produced, who will get them and how the economy will grow. Where the means of production are stake controlled and the allocation of resources are managed by centralization. What to produce? – The goods and services produced in a command economy are those which the governments choose to produce to produces. How to produce? – The government chooses the method of production it can direct resources including labor, to whatever activity it chooses Whom to produce? The output of economy is distributed in what the government sees fit. E.g.: it may try to distribute goods and services equally in order to minimize inequality. 4.2 Free Market Economy Economic system in which decisions about what to produce and in what quantities are decided by the market, that is , by buyers and sellers negotiating prices for goods and services. Where the competitive interaction of many producers and consumers without any intervention of by government, provide the forces of demand and supply which allocate resources through the price mechanism. What to produce? – Generally there is an economic incentive for the firm to choose to produce the most profitable goods and services and these will be those which are in higher demand. How to produce? There is an incentive for firm to choose the production method which is the least costly and therefore is the most profitable. Whom to produce? – The people who get the goods and services produced in a free market are those who are will and able to pay the price for them. 4.3 Mixed Economy Economic system in which allocation of resources is made by the market and some by the government. Where resources are allocated by a mixture of free markets and government intervention. Simply in such a type economic there is the presence of private economic freedom and centralized planning with a common goal of avoiding the problems associated with both economic systems. 5.0 Government of UK Economy of UK changes every year. According PWC publication in United Kingdom their economy has grown high in the past year and they are expecting to keep that growth in 2014 as well. The government of UK controls the economy in different ways. Firstly through a legal standard issuing by parliament that creates new laws. Another way is through arrangement of subsidies that create goods and services for people. And thirdly through taxation. 5.1 UK Government Policies Every government have their own aims and objectives to carry out their economic system. mains objectives in UK government are increase the economic growth, to maintain full employment, to stabilize exchange rates, control the inflation and to improve the standard of living of people in the country. To achieve these main objectives the government uses two main strategies. Fiscal policy Monetary policy 5.2 Fiscal Policy Fiscal policy is the use of government spending and tax policies to stimulate or contract macroeconomics activity. This includes taxation and how government adjusts its expenditure. fiscal policy changes in the taxing and spending of the federal government for purpose of expanding or contacting the level of aggregate demand. 5.3 Monetary Policy The actions central bank, currency board or other regulatory committee that determine the size and rate of growth of the money supply and interest rates. This includes interest rates and credit controls. 5.4 The impact of Fiscal and Monetary policy on business organizations In United Kingdom monetary policy is controlled by the Bank Of England. According to Bank of England monetary policy called as monetary stability. Monetary stability means stable prices and confidence in the currency. Stable prices are defined by the government’s inflation target, which the bank seeks to meet through the decisions delegated to the monetary policy committee, explaining those decisions transparently and implementing them effectively in the money markets. In England fiscal policy is called as financial stability. Financial stability entails detecting and reducing threats to the financial system as a whole. This is pursued through the bank’s financial and other operations, including lender of last resort, oversight of key infrastructure and the surveillance and policy roles delegated to the financial policy committee. In UK mostly fiscal policy and monitory policies have an influence on organizations. By fiscal policy government is influencing organization by receiving tax. E.g.:- income tax, vat, BTT, By monitory policy the central bank will increase the interest rate for the deposits, then government will get more and more money, then they will increase the interest rate for loans, then organizations will not going to barrow loans from the bank likewise government influence the organizations, and some of social responsibility also will influence an organization. 6.0 Types of Market Structures Market structure is used to describe the number of buyers and sellers operating in a market. The extent to which the market is concentrated in the hands of a small numbers of buyers and/or sellers and the degree of collusion or competition between buyers and/or sellers. We can identify four types of market structures 1) Perfect Competition Perfect competition is a market structure where competition is at its greatest possible level. There are large number of buyers and sellers, and none begin influence prices. 2) Monopoly- a firm that is the lone producer of a good for which there are no close substitutes. 3) Oligopoly – are industries dominated by a few firms whose decisions are strategically linked; barriers to entry tend to be significant 4) Monopolistic Competition requires easy entry and exit in to industries in which many potential suppliers compete vigorously with makers of close, but not perfect substitute for their â€Å"brand- name† products According to the above information following table can be describe the types of market structure. Perfect Competition Monopoly Oligopoly Monopolistic Competition No. of Firms infinite one many few Product Type Homogeneous Unique Homogeneous or Differentiate Differentiate Freedom of Entry Unrestricted Restricted or blocked Restricted unrestricted Control over Price None Total Significant Some Size of Firms Small Large Small Very large Profit Normal Economic profit. Short long run Losses to normal economic in short long run Economic in short run normal over long run Implications For demand curve Horizontal (price taker) Downward sloping more inelastic than oligopoly Downward sloping relatively inelastic Downward sloping but relatively elastic Possible consumer demand Highly elastic Highly inelastic Inelastic Elastic 6.1 Pricing and output decisions of market structures Generic office supplies, most agricultural and few relatively homogeneous goods are produced by Perfect Competitive markets. Each buyer or seller is too insignificant to single handedly affect the total demand or supply of the goods. There acting as price takers in this market they have no choice but to accept the price set in the market. The demand is perfectly elastic in perfect competition. The producer tires to sell goods for a high price he won’t be able to sell because other competitors also selling for the same price. The demand curve of monopoly market slops down; prices will be inversely related to quantity demanded. Any firm with market power must lower its price to sell more if it can charge only one price at time. Market power is a firm’s ability to alter the price of its output because of inadequate competition or a lack of perfect substitutes for its products.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

College And Sleeping :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Are you curious if those all night cram study hours are working? I bet your wondering if they are actually helping or hurting your midterm grade? I’m sure all of us have spent an all nighter studying for that Chemistry or Economics exam that you just have to do well on because its 50 percent of your grade. Not only are you studying so hard for that A+, but your mental well-being. We all feel pressured to do well in college for many reasons. For that high paying job were promised if we graduate from a top-notch school or what about the assumption that you will have a better future. And for those of you whose parents are paying thousands of dollars for tuition, wouldn’t want to let mom or dad down. The answer is here. June J. Pilcher conducted a study of whether sleep deprivation affects your ability of acing that test if you just would have went to bed earlier.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  June J. Pilcher published an article â€Å"How sleep Deprivation Affects Psychological Variables Related to College Students Cognitive Performance,† in the Journal of American College Health on November of 1997.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Voluntary sleep deprivation is a common occurrence for many collge students, who often partially deprive themselves of sleep during the week and compensate by increasing their sleep time over the weekend. This pattern of sleep deprivation and rebound becomes more pronounced around examination periods, sometimes resulting in 24 to 48 hours of sleep deprivation. By depriving themselves of sleep, college students are not only increasing their feelings of sleepiness during the day, thus decreasing their ability to pay attention in class, but are also negatively affecting their ability to perform on exams.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The effect of sleep deprivation on psychological variable associated with performance, such as self-reported estimates of attention, effort, and performance, have not been thoroughly investigated. Few studies have examined perceived effort and performance, and the results from those studies have often been contradictory. For example, some researchers have suggested that sleep deprivation may affect the willingness of the individual to put forth the effort to perform well on a task more than the actual ability of the individual to perform.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  By contrast, other researchers have concluded that people may realize a decrease in performance levels following sleep deprivation and attempt to overcome this by increasing their effort . However other studies have shown that a perceived increase in effort does not appear to overcome the harmful effects of sleep deprivation.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Marketing Campaign: Organic Foods Essay

Our campaign, â€Å"why organic? †, includes a series of print ads that increase awareness to consumers about chemically injected foods. Our campaign is differentiated from other campaigns by the multiple perspectives our ads take while sharing a common theme in design and overall point. Humorous, fearful, and informative pictures and facts are used to show consumers the connection between non-organic foods and disease, cancer, and other disorders in consumers. Although organic foods are more expensive in the long run the benefits of eating healthy outweigh the cost of purchasing them. SWOT Analysis: Strengths. In general, the growing concern for healthful habits is beneficial to our campaign. Mothers’ desire for a long and healthy life for their children is largely helpful. Consumers are becoming more aware of the toxins and chemicals used in foods, and want better grocery options. This is apparent in the recent increase of organic food retail sales. â€Å"The Health of Organic Foods† states that sales have steadily been increasing in recent years. The prevalent demand for organic foods will increase the attractiveness of our campaign while catching the attention of other consumers who are not yet aware or sold on the idea. The honesty of â€Å"why organic? † has the strength to build a strong brand image, making the campaign a credible influence to shopping mothers. Weaknesses When promoting organic food choices, there are factors that could potentially weaken the effectiveness of the campaign. Cost is an important purchasing consideration for consumers and a potential weakness for a campaign supporting organic foods. Traditionally, organic foods are more expensive than average groceries. The recent recession has raised consumers’ cost sensitivity. In addition, consumers lack awareness and require further education about the dangers of food additives and the benefits of organic food choices. Opportunities The opportunities pertaining to a campaign centralized around moving to organic food choices includes improving the standard of living for people who do make the choice to avoid chemically injected foods. Food habits have been changing, which creates big opportunities for our campaign. One opportunity we are implementing is partnering with the Breast Cancer Society to motivate women to eat organic foods, which is proven to help prevent breast cancer. A second opportunity is to pair up with restaurants and have them come up with some organic dishes for their menus to offer consumers. A third opportunity is to form an alliance with the Food Network and allow the chefs to start cooking organic meals, and inform their audiences on the benefits of eating organic food. Food habits have been starting to change, which will help allow us to reach consumers better than ever before. Threats A potential threat to a campaign targeting the dangers in U. S. meats is the potential negative reaction from the USDA. Being a direct advocate for avoiding purchasing their products could possibly lead to heavy controversy and ultimately litigation. So, treading lightly and focusing on solid facts is pertinent. Another threat includes competitors such as McDonald’s and other fast food places, where it’s very quick and easy to get processed foods that the campaign is fighting against. Market Selection We have selected mothers of all ages and incomes as the target market. Typically mothers are the influencing agents on grocery purchases. Making mothers the target of the campaign will increase their awareness regarding the dangerous effects of food additives in non-organic milk, meat, and other non organic products that they feed their children. The dangerous diseases and effects of non-organic foods, creates the incentive to make organic food choices. Promotional Advertisements Our advertisements, â€Å"why organic? †, are designed to attract the concern of mothers regarding the foods their families are eating. Our advertisements make consumers question their current non-organic buying habits and consider organic foods. We developed a print ad targeting consumers who purchase fruits and to increase awareness of the pesticide sprays used when farming and how it affects consumer’s health. Another print ad targets Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) additive links to Breast Caner in women. Studies of animals exposed to rBST, which increases levels of insulin-like growth factor in cows, raise concerns about potential changes in milk protein that links estrogen exposure to breast cancer. The longer the exposure to high levels of the hormone, the greater the breast cancer risk (Organic Valley). The processed chicken print ad is targeted to the 90 percent of Americans who spend their food budget on processed meats that tastes appetizing but have dangerous future health defects (Sustainable Table). Our final print ad targets food coloring and additive links that lead to increased levels of hyperactivity, irritability and restlessness that are common signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) in children. An upset baby surrounded with additives being fed to it will be used as the face of our â€Å"why organic? † campaign. This advertisement will reach our target market of mothers, and convey the message that they are essentially feeding their children ADHD, ear infections, eczema, and other health problems. The call to action will leave consumers questioning whether they would in fact feed their children harmful additives. Benefits Sought/Solutions Provided The benefits of encouraging consumers to follow our campaign â€Å"why organic† increases awareness of the dangerous effects associated with food additives, food preservatives, food coloring and pesticides ingested by consumers daily. The value that will be communicated through the integrated marketing campaign is removing the veil that the meat, dairy, and farmers have put in place through educating consumers and ultimately improving their health and children’s future eating habits. The value extends beyond tangible benefits of preventing cancers, neurological problems, and behavioral issues. The value of the campaign is more than just functional but offers emotional benefit as well like security and confidence. Knowing that the parent is instilling healthy eating habits in their children, as well as being a positive example, plays a significant role in the importance of the campaign. The solution of our campaign ideally will be to ultimately eliminate all forms of genetically altered foods by increasing awareness in consumers to make a difference in their lives as well as others by making the decision to purchase organic and ultimately decrease the profits of companies producing unhealthy foods for consumers. Campaign Execution Print ads with the slogan â€Å"why organic? † followed by a specific health risk and an emotional connection to the picture shown is the basis for the integrated marketing campaign to increase awareness about the dangers of food additives and the importance of transitioning to purchasing organic foods. Specifically, hormone injected chicken which is shown in a photo as a â€Å"pink mush† reveals the truth about processed chicken that most mothers have fed children since childhood. The veil that meat suppliers and non-organic farmers have placed over consumers eyes have shielded the true effects of the processes that food goes through. The whole basis of processing food is to gain more profit through bigger produce and bulkier meat products. The result of these injections and additives are dangerous cancers, hyper-activity, neurological deficiencies, and physical disorders. By keeping the print ads consistent at each consumer touch point is important to conveying a recognizable and memorable campaign in the consumers mind. In order to instill a loyalty to the concept of organic foods, it is important to have multiple touch points that involves more than just the magazine print ads. Joint promotions with the National Breast Cancer Association in the campaign to â€Å"fight for a cure for breast cancer† touches the perfect target market for this campaign, women. According to nationalbreastcancer. org, â€Å"NBCF is one of the most highly visible and recognized breast cancer charities in America. † At the â€Å"Race for the Cure† this October in Charlotte, the magazine print ads will be displayed along the run path which had a participation level of 1 million people in 2010, according to http://www. komencharlotte. org. The ultimate goal for the joint promotion with the Breast Cancer Society is to inform the target market of a possible cause of breast cancer (and prostate cancer). In addition, we aim to motivate them to make adjustments in their food habits and transition towards purchasing organic foods to decrease their risk for the very cancer they are fighting. To have an opportunity to reach such a large portion of the Charlotte target market is a substantial step in impacting mothers in the greater Charlotte area and a step towards moving nationally. In order to spread the awareness of the dangers in food additives the print ads will continue to travel as the race for the cure travels across the country in addition to being placed in four national magazines, on food network TV and on foodnetwork. com which will be detailed in a later section. The combination between magazine print ads and a joint campaign with the Breast Cancer Society will ultimately provide the consumer education needed to persuade the target market to follow our campaign and impact their decision whether to change their food purchasing habits. Marketing Mix: Product The marketing mix is a pertinent factor in the integrated campaign because it ties together each individual effort to create awareness. First, magazine print ads that advocate purchasing organic meat, dairy products, fruit, and vegetables will be implemented. The print ads emphasize the link between dangerous health effects and hormone injected bovine, diary products, and pesticide residues on fruit and vegetables. Pesticides may increase the risk of cancer and neurological problems (such as Parkinson’s disease), impair the immune system, and may even result in hepatitis A found from consuming strawberries. In addition, E-coli infection has shown to stem from non-organic alfalfa sprouts and lettuce. These dangerous effects are just a few of the hundreds of health risks pertaining to non-organic food choices. Place. The awareness about the health risks of non-organic foods will be created via catalogue print ads in Parenting, Women’s Health, Cooking Light, and Mothering Magazine and Internet ads on each catalogue website as well as teaming up with foodnetwork. com and food network TV. Food Network chefs advocating using organic meats and dairy products in home cooking would have a significant impact on mothers learning to cook and grabbing new recipes from such a well renowned source. In the magazines, one print ad shows the link between ADHD, hyperactivity, and food coloring. This ad would be placed in Parenting Magazine to target mothers who are dealing with the increasing problems with hyperactivity disorders in children. The importance of the ad would be to make mothers aware of a potential source for these disorders and to motivate them to make a change in purchasing food items and ultimately decrease their children’s risk of developing a hyperactivity disorder. Another touch point to reach mothers would be placing two of the print ads in Women’s Health Magazine and website. The two applicable print ads would include the photo of non-organic fruit causing neurological diseases like Parkinson’s. A call to action, â€Å"join the fight†, in Women’s Health Magazine would feature the connection between non-organic meats injected with rGBH and rBST and breast cancer. The same print ads pertaining to women can be printed on five by three foot banners and hung at the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure this October in Charlotte. The final consumer touch point would be included on foodnetwork. com, their magazine, and Cooking Light Magazine. The print ad to be published on these cooking sites would be the ad showing processed chicken which has been mashed, dyed, injected with hormones and ammonia, and will be turned into chicken nuggets. Chemically injected chicken has been shown to cause underdeveloped metabolism in infants and neurological problems in adults according to buzzle. com â€Å"Pregnancy and Nutrition. † A successful marketing mix is the backbone in creating an integrated marketing campaign and the key to creating awareness among mothers about the true dangers of food additives and the benefits of purchasing organic foods. Promotion In addition to public relations activities to foster goodwill through joint advertising with the National Breast Cancer Society, the event sponsorship will be paired with Internet communications on with links to the campaign’s website and facebook page. From the campaign website and Facebook page consumers can learn about the specific dangers of the foods they purchase, the effects of the additives in their non-organic choices, and download organic food recipes that are plausible for young mothers who are creating the foundations for their cooking habits. Works Cited â€Å"10 SWOT Analysis. † Organic Food Cafe. 25 Jan. 2008. Retrieved Web. 06 May 2011.. ADHD linked to food coloring. Retrieved 8 May 2011. Organic Valley. Retrieved 8 May 2011. http://www. html> Organic Valley. Retrieved 8 May 2011. http://www. organicvalley. coop/why-organic/synthetic-hormones/about-rbgh/> Processed Chicken Effects. Retrieved 8 May 2011. Sustainable Table. Retrieved 8 May 2011. â€Å"The Health of Organic Foods. † Reference Articles on All Topics. CBS, May 2003. Web. 06 May 2011. . â€Å"Processed Chicken,† Agro Products. Retrieved 2 May 2011. http://www. agriculturalproductsindia. com/processed-foods-snacks/processed- foods-snacks-processed-chicken. html> Reference Articles on Organics. CBS, May 2003. Web. 06 May 2011.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Velvet Ant Facts

Velvet Ant Facts Velvet ants are part of class Insecta and are found worldwide. They get their name from the bright, fuzzy fur on their bodies. For example, Dasymutilla occidentalis (red velvet ant) is derived from the Greek root word meaning shaggy (dasy). Fast Facts: Velvet Ants Scientific Name: MutillidaeCommon Names: Velvet AntOrder: HymenopteraBasic Animal Group: InvertebrateDistinguishing Characteristics: Black or brown bodies with bright red or orange velvety hairSize: 0.25-0.8 inchesDiet: Bumblebee larvae, nectarHabitat: Desert, meadows, fields, forest edgesConservation Status: Not assessedFun Fact: Red velvet ants are often called cow killers because their stings were said to be powerful enough to kill a cow. Description Velvet ants are wasps that get their name from the velvety fur on their bodies and are not very aggressive. Females do not have wings and walk along the ground for food, while the males have transparent wings and look more like wasps. Females possess curved stingers that extend from the abdomen and can sting multiple times. In some species, such as cow killer ants, their stingers have venom. Although the venom is not particularly toxic, the sting will hurt. Males do not have stingers, but they do have pointed pseudo stingers. Additionally, velvet ants have hard exoskeletons, and their bodies consist of a thorax and abdomen, both of which have short hairs. These ants are between 0.25 and 0.8 inches in size, and they have six legs and antenna. Habitat and Distribution Velvet ants are found worldwide. Some, like the red velvet ant, are mainly found throughout the U.S., but especially in dry regions. They gravitate towards open areas like fields, meadows, and even lawns. However, because velvet ants are parasitic, they will appear wherever their host species, such as bumblebees and wasps, live. Diet and Behavior Velvet Ant searching for prey. Â  rkhphoto/iStock/Getty Images Adult velvet ants consume nectar and water from flowers like milkweed. They may also consume larvae and adult insects, such as flies and beetles. Young velvet ants eat the body of their host as well as its larvae or cocoons. Females are most often found scurrying along the ground looking for nests of host species, while males are found on flowers. Velvet ants are relatively solitary creatures and are most active at dusk/night. These wasps are not normally aggressive and will not sting unless aggravated. Males and females can make squeaking sounds by rubbing abdominal segments against each other as a warning sign or when trapped. As parasites, they attack bumblebee nests, other kinds of wasp nests, and even fly and beetle nests to implant their eggs into them. While females spend most of their time searching for any sign of nests, males are usually spotted flying above the ground in search of a mate. Reproduction and Offspring Males fly close to the ground in search of potential mates and try to detect pheromones the females secrete. After mating, and to ensure the survival of her offspring, females search for and infiltrate ground nests of bumblebees and wasps to lay their eggs. Once a suitable host is located, the female lays her one to two eggs in the hosts larvae. She chooses larvae that have completed feeding and are ready for pupation by cutting through the cocoon and laying her eggs inside. The young will then grow and emerge from the host. The young eat their host, spend the winter in cocoons they spin within the case of the host, and emerge as adults in late spring. From the time they hatch, these young are on their own. One generation of velvet ants per female is likely produced each year. Species Velvet Ant. Â Images Insects in the family Mutillidae are considered velvet ants due to the similar salient features of the females- wingless and with velvety fur. About 8,000 species have been reported worldwide in the family Mutillidae, with 435 species located in the southern and western parts of North America. The most common species in this family is Dasymutilla occidentalis, which is known as the cow killer. Depending on the location, different species will have different sizes of males and females. In most species, the males are typically larger than the females, but six species found in Florida have similar sizes between males and females. Conservation Status Velvet ants have not been assessed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and are not considered pests because they rarely invade homes. Sources Cow Killer (Dasymutilla Occidentalis). Insect Identification, 2019, Velvet Ant. Aquarium Of The Pacific, 2019, - Velvet Ants. Featured Creatures, 2019, Velvet Ant | Insect. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2019, Ants. Insects In The City, 2019, Ants, A.K.A Cow Killers Ants. Pestworld.Org, 2019,

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to File for a Design Patent

How to File for a Design Patent Unfortunately, there are no premade or online forms available to use for the specification and drawings needed for a design patent. The rest of this tutorial will help you create and format your application. However, there are forms that must accompany your application and they are the: Design Patent Application Transmittal, Fee Transmittal, Oath or Declaration, and an Application Data Sheet.   All Patent applications follow a format derived from the patent laws and regulations. The application is a legal document. Hot TipIt will be a lot easier for you to understand the following instructions on how to apply for a design patent if you read a few issued design patents first. Please take a look at Design Patent D436,119 as an example before proceeding. This example includes the front page and three pages of drawing sheets. Writing Your Specification - Choice One - Begin with an Optional Preamble A preamble (if included) should state the name of the inventor, the title of the design, and a brief description of the nature and intended use of the invention that the design is connected to. All the information contained in the preamble will be printed on the patent if it is granted. Example: Using an Optional PreambleI, John Doe, have invented a new design for a jewelry cabinet, as set forth in the following specification. The claimed jewelry cabinet is used to store jewelry and could sit on a bureau. Writing Your Specification - Choice Two - Begin with a Single Claim You may choose not to write a detailed preamble in your design patent application, however, you must write one claim. Design Patent D436,119 uses a single claim. You will submit all bibliographic information such as the inventors name by using an application data sheet or ADS. An ADS is a common method for submitting bibliographic data about a patent application. Example: Using a Single ClaimThe ornamental design for eyeglasses, as shown and described. Writing the Single Claim All design patent application may only include a single claim. The claim defines the design which applicant wishes to patent. The claim must be written in formal terms. The ornamental design for [fill in] as shown. What you fill in should be consistent with the title of your invention, it is the object which the design has been applied to or embodied in. When there is a properly included special description of the design in the specification, or a proper showing of modified forms of the design, or other descriptive matter has been included in the specification, the words and described should be added to the claim following the term shown. The ornamental design for [fill in) as shown and described. Choosing the Title The title of the design must identify the invention that the design is connected to by its most common name used by the public. Marketing designations are improper as titles and should not be used. A title descriptive of the actual article is recommended. A good title helps the person that is examining your patent know where to/not to search for prior art and helps with the proper classification of the design patent if it is granted. It also helps the understanding of the nature and use of your invention embodying the design. Examples of Titles1: Jewelry cabinet2: Concealed jewelry cabinet3: Panel for a jewelry accessory cabinet4: Eyeglasses Specification - Include Cross References Any cross-references to related patent applications should be stated (unless already included in the application data sheet). Specification - State any Federal Research Make a statement regarding any federally sponsored research or development if any. Specification - Writing the Figure Descriptions of Drawings Views The figure descriptions of the drawings included with the application tell what each view represents. Example:FIG.1 is a perspective view of eyeglasses showing my new design;FIG.2 is a front elevational view thereof;FIG.3 is a rear elevational view thereof;FIG.4 is a side elevational view, the opposite side being a mirror image thereof;FIG.5 is a top view thereof; and,FIG.6 is a bottom view thereof. Specification - Writing any Special Descriptions (Optional) Any description of the design in the specification, other than a brief description of the drawing, is generally not necessary since, as a general rule, the drawing is the designs best description. However, while not required, a special description is not prohibited. In addition to the figure descriptions, the following types of special descriptions are permissible in the specification: A description of the appearance of portions of the claimed design which are not illustrated in the drawing disclosure (i.e., â€Å"the right side elevational view is a mirror image of the left side†).Description disclaiming portions of the article not shown, that form no part of the claimed design.A statement indicating that any broken line illustration of environmental structure in the drawing is not part of the design sought to be patented.Description denoting the nature and environmental use of the claimed design, if not included in the preamble. Specification - A Design Patent Has One Single Claim Design patent applications can have only one claim. The claim defines the design which you want to patent and you can only patent one design at a time. The description of the article in the claim should be consistent with the title of the invention. Example of a Title:Eyeglasses Example of a Claim:The ornamental design for eyeglasses, as shown and described. Making The Drawings BW Drawings or Photographs The drawing (disclosure) is the most important element of the design patent application. Every design patent application must include either a drawing or a photograph of the claimed design. As the drawing or photograph constitutes the entire visual disclosure of the claim, it is very important that the drawing or photograph must be clear and complete, that nothing about your design is left to conjecture. The design drawing or photograph must comply with the disclosure requirements of patent law 35 U.S.C. 112. This patent law requires you to fully reveal your invention. To meet the requirements, the drawings or photographs must include a sufficient number of views to constitute a complete disclosure of the appearance of the design claimed. Drawings are normally required to be in black ink on white paper. However, bw photographs are permitted subject to Rule 1.84 Standards For Drawings. The rule states that you can use a photograph if a photograph is better than an ink drawing to disclose your design. You must apply in writing for an exemption in order to use a photograph with your application. Label Photographs BW photographs submitted on double weight photographic paper must have the drawing figure number entered on the face of the photograph. Photographs mounted on Bristol board may have the figure number shown in black ink on the Bristol board, proximate the corresponding photograph. You Cannot Use Both Photographs and drawings must not both be included in the same application. The introduction of both photographs and drawings in a design patent application would result in a high probability of inconsistencies between the corresponding elements on the ink drawings as compared with the photographs. Photographs submitted in lieu of ink drawings must not disclose environmental structure but must be limited to the claimed design itself. Color Drawings or Photographs The USPTO will accept color drawings or photographs in design patent applications only after you file a petition explaining why the color is necessary. Any such petition must include an extra fee, a copy of the color drawings or photographs, and a BW photocopy that accurately depicts the subject matter shown in the color drawings or photographs. When you use color you must also include a written statement placed just before the description of the drawings that says The file of this patent contains a least one drawing executed in color. Copies of this patent with color drawings will be provided by the United States Patent and Trademark Office upon request and payment of the necessary fee. The Views The drawings or photographs should contain a sufficient number of views to completely disclose the appearance of the claimed design, for example, front, rear, right and left sides, top and bottom. While not required, it is suggested that perspective views be submitted to clearly show the appearance and shape of three-dimensional designs. If a perspective view is submitted, the surfaces shown would normally not be required to be illustrated in other views if these surfaces are clearly understood and fully disclosed in the perspective. Unneeded Views Views that are merely duplicates of other views of the design or that are merely flat and include no ornamental may be omitted from the drawing if the specification makes this explicitly clear. For example, if the left and right sides of a design are identical or a mirror image, a view should be provided of one side and a statement made in the drawing description that the other side is identical or a mirror image. If the bottom of the design is flat, a view of the bottom may be omitted if the figure descriptions include a statement that the bottom is flat and unornamented. Using a Sectional View A sectional view which more clearly brings out elements of the design is permissible, however, a sectional view presented to show functional features, or interior structure not forming part of the claimed design, is neither required nor permitted. Using Surface Shading The drawing should be provided with the right surface shading which shows clearly the character and contour of all surfaces of any three-dimensional aspects of the design. Surface shading is also necessary to distinguish between any open and solid areas of the design. Solid black surface shading is not permitted except when used to represent the color black as well as color contrast.   If the shape of the design is not fully disclosed when you file. Any additions of surface shading after the initial filing may be viewed as new matter. New matter is anything that is added to, or from, the claim, drawings or specification, that was neither shown nor suggested in the original application. The patent examiner will rule that your later additions are part of a new design rather than a missing piece of the original design. (see patent law 35 U.S.C. 132 and patent rule 37 CFR  § 1.121) Using Broken Lines A broken line is understood to be for illustrative purposes only and forms no part of the claimed invented design. The structure that is not part of the claimed design, but is considered necessary to show the environment in which the design is used, may be represented in the drawing by broken lines. This includes any portion of an article in which the design is embodied or applied to that is not considered part of the claimed design. When the claim is directed to just surface ornamentation for an article, the article in which it is embodied must be shown in broken lines. In general, when broken lines are used, they should not intrude upon or cross the solid lines of the claimed design and should not be heavier or darker than the lines used depicting the claimed design. Where a broken line showing of environmental structure must necessarily cross or intrude upon the representation of the claimed design and obscures a clear understanding of the design, such an illustration should be included as a separate figure in addition to the other figures which fully disclose the subject matter of the design. See - Broken Line Disclosure The Oath or Declaration The oath or declaration required of the applicant must comply with the requirements of patent rule 37 CFR  §1.63. Fees In addition, the filing fee, search fee, and examination fee are also required. For a small entity, (an independent inventor, a small business concern, or a non-profit organization), these fees are reduced by half. As of 2005, the basic filing fee for a design patent for a small entity is $100, the search fee is $50, and the examination fee is $65. Other fees may apply, see USPTO Fees and use the Fee Transmittal Form. The preparation of a design patent application and interacting with the USPTO requires knowledge of patent laws and rules and USPTO practices and procedures. If you dont know what you doing, consult a registered patent attorney or agent. Good Drawings Are Very Important Of primary importance in a design patent application is the drawing disclosure, which illustrates the design being claimed. Unlike a utility patent application, where the claim describes the invention in a lengthy written explanation, the claim in a design patent application protects the overall visual appearance of the design, â€Å"described† in the drawings. You can use the following resources to help you prepare your drawings for your design patent application. Drawings for all types of patents fall under the same rules as far as margins, lines, etc. Reference MaterialRules for Patent Drawing StandardsExamples of Design Patents - Disclosures, Shading and Views It is essential that you present a set of drawings (or photographs) of the highest quality which conform to the rules and drawing standards. You cannot change your patent drawings after your application has been filed. See s of Acceptable Drawings and Drawing Disclosures. You may want to hire a professional draftsperson who specializes in preparing design patent drawings. Application Paper Formats You can format your application papers (margins, type of paper, etc) the same as you would a utility patent. See - The Correct Style For Application Pages All papers which are to become part of the permanent records of the USPTO must be typewritten or produced by a mechanical (or computer) printer. The text must be in permanent black ink or its equivalent; on a single side of the paper; in portrait orientation; on white paper that is all of the same size, flexible, strong, smooth, nonshiny, durable, and without holes. The paper size must be either: 21.6 cm. by 27.9 cm. (8 1/2 by 11 inches), or21.0 cm. by 29.7 cm. (DIN size A4).There must be a left margin of at least 2.5 cm. (1 inch) and top,right, and bottom margins of at least 2.0 cm. (3/4 inch). Receiving A Filing Date When a complete design patent application, along with the appropriate filing fee, is received by the Office, it is assigned an Application Number and a Filing Date. A Filing Receipt containing this information is sent to the applicant, do not lose it. The application is then assigned to an examiner. Applications are examined in order of their filing date. After the USPTO receives your application for a design patent, they will examine it to make sure that it complies with all the laws and rules that apply to design patents. The USPTO will closely check your drawing disclosure and compare the design you have claimed to have invented with prior art. â€Å"Prior art† would be any issued patents or published materials that dispute who was first to invent the design in question. If your application for a design patent passes the examination, called being â€Å"allowed,† instructions will be sen to you as to how to complete the process and get your design patent issued. If your application does not pass the examination, you will be sent an action or letter detailing why your application was rejected. This letter may contain suggestions by the examiner for amendments to the application. Keep this letter and do not send it back to the USPTO. Your Response To Rejection You have a limited time to reply, however, you can request in writing that the USPTO reconsiders your application. In your request, you can point out any errors you think the examiner made. However, if the examiner found prior art that disputes you being first with your design that you cannot argue with. In all cases where the examiner has said that a reply to a requirement is necessary, or where the examiner has indicated patentable subject matter, the reply must comply with the requirements set forth by the examiner, or specifically argue each requirement as to why compliance should not be required. In any communication with the Office, applicant should include the all the following applicable items: Application numberGroup art unit number (copied from filing receipt or the most recent Office action)Filing dateName of the examiner who prepared the most recent Office action.Title of invention If your reply is not received within the designated time period, the application will be considered abandoned. To ensure that a time period set for reply to a USPTO action is not missed; a â€Å"Certificate of Mailing† should be attached to the reply. This â€Å"Certificate† establishes that the reply is being mailed on a given date. It also establishes that the reply is timely, if it was mailed before the period for reply had expired, and if it is mailed with the United States Postal Service. A â€Å"Certificate of Mailing† is not the same as â€Å"Certified Mail.† A suggested format for a Certificate of Mailing is as follows: â€Å"I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service as first class mail in an envelope addressed to: Box Design, Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D.C. 20231, on (DATE MAILED)† (Name - Typed or Printed) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Signature__________________________________ Date______________________________________ If a receipt for any paper filed in the USPTO is desired, applicant should include a stamped, self-addressed postcard, which lists, on the message side applicants name and address, the application number, and filing date, the types of papers submitted with the reply (i.e., 1 sheet of drawings, 2 pages of amendments, 1 page of an oath/declaration, etc.) This postcard will be stamped with the date of receipt by the mailroom and returned to applicant. This postcard will be applicants evidence that the reply was received by the Office on that date. If applicant changes his or her mailing address after filing an application, the Office must be notified in writing of the new address. Failure to do so will result in future communications being mailed to the old address, and there is no guarantee that these communications will be forwarded to applicants new address. Applicants failure to receive, and properly reply to these Office communications will result in the application being held abandoned. Notification of â€Å"Change of Address† should be made by separate letter, and a separate notification should be filed for each application. Reconsideration Upon submission of a reply to an Office action, the application will be reconsidered and further examined in view of applicants remarks and any amendments included with the reply. The examiner will then either withdraw the rejection and allow the application or, if not persuaded by the remarks and/or amendments submitted, repeat the rejection and make it Final. Applicant may file an appeal with the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences after given a final rejection or after the claim has been rejected twice. Applicant may also file a new application prior to the abandonment of the original application, claiming benefit of the earlier filing date. This will allow continued prosecution of the claim.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Film critiques on The Bad Sleep Well (Kurosawa, 1960) Essay

Film critiques on The Bad Sleep Well (Kurosawa, 1960) - Essay Example This opening goes a long way in setting the groundwork for the plot of the story, since the audience is shown a few facts about those involved with the wedding. We see that Tatsuo has threatened to kill Nishi and that Nishi has only married Keiko for the wealth and power of her family. All of this is revealed during a seemingly happy time, which sets the rest of the film up very well. The audience is also privy to Nishi seeking revenge for the death of his father. He blames corporate entities for this death, which is why he wants to show the world how corrupt the corporate world is in Japan. The main issue is that the corporation that he focuses on is owned by his father-in-law. At the same time, however, we see Nishi legitimately fall for his new wife, which makes it more difficult for him to reach his objectives. This part of the plot features similarities to Shakespeares Hamlet, as the protagonist, Hamlet, focuses on getting revenge on a family member for the death of his father. The ending of this film is a tragedy, similarly to Hamlet, since the protagonist dies while attempting to reach his goals. The main difference is that the villain in The Bad Sleep Well, Iwabuchi, does not die, while Hamlet’s villain, Claudius, does perish. Perhaps the main goal of this film is to create a social commentary on the state of Japan at that time. Those who were involved in the corporate world could get away with nearly anything, unless there was enough evidence to back it up. We see at the end of the film that even though Nishi and Wada were both murdered, everyone involved in the situations knows that no one will ever be convicted of the crime because there was not any firsthand evidence present. On the other end of the spectrum, we see lower level employees of this corporation feeling bound to the company. Wada, for example, would rather die than

Friday, November 1, 2019

It Doesnt Matter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

It Doesnt Matter - Essay Example As expected, this is a full reorientation from the manner IT is depicted. For several years, people have been taught with the notion that IT is an indispensable resource for strategic business. However, Carr persuasively explains that the age of the strategic significance of IT has gone by. From the point of view of business, strategic leverage arises from shortage, not fullness. The universal character of IT has made it another crucial component of the business world. Although the notion of strategic significance may have been reasonable in the formative years of IT, nobody predicted the current global recognition of these technologies. Similar to earlier scholars, Carr evaluates the progress of IT against other industries like electricity, transportation, and communication. Studying how technologies influence firm-level competition, Carr compares infrastructure and private technologies. The latter can be owned by a company and employed as the foundation of continuous competitive le verage. The former are accessible to everyone and are typified by principles, diminishing prices and heightened competition.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Management Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management Journal - Essay Example The big question will be how to allocate the available time, say twelve hours and the activities of the day. Theoretically, management can be a cheap course but it is more interesting in a real life situation as the application of the effective concepts of management to actual personal and societal needs and wants (Mejia & Cardy, 2008). We shall analyze management in real life and how proper management or mismanagement is a cost to both the individual and society at large. Management and Planning Our day to day lives involves a lot of activities from waking up, preparing breakfast, going to work, attending social functions etc. Considering the limitation of time in a day, that is, twenty four hours a day and you subtract the medically recommended resting hours, we are left with sixteen hours. The big puzzle is how to attend to all these functions and activities still maximizing their benefits and these calls for planning. This would involve listing down the activities of the day in t heir order of priority and try to allocate appropriate time and resources so as to achieve the desired objective. In real life situation, we will find that during the week some activities will not be of great importance on weekdays and can be scheduled for the weekends. Planning will be of a paramount goal so as rule in the objectivity of an activity and its corresponding returns to you as a person and to the society. Management and Organization After planning your activities and the functions of the day or week, how do you organize them for smooth transfer? As discussed above planning will curtail the order of priority of activities of the day. Organizing these activities is of the paramount importance so as save time and foresee the accomplishment of each one of them. For instance, if on a given day you are supposed to report to work, take your child to the school and visit your bank or financial broker, then you can organize these activities in relation to the length of time allo cated to each activity and the convenience involved. It will be prudent if you first report to work, and then finish our morning duties at work, take the child to the school and finally you can visit the broker in the evening or afternoon. At this juncture, reporting to work and taking the child to school will require the opportunity cost involved such that if the kid is supposed to be in school in the morning, then you can opt to be late to work for a few minutes but first take the child to school. Management and Control In real life situations we are faced with activities which tend to pull us away from the expected or targeted objective. These are short term positive and luring incidences which are too sweet to ignore but they carry a substantial drag of our objectives. For instance, you have a long term goal of saving one million dollars to finance the purchase of a house. After evaluating all of your income sources, factoring out the basic necessities and outsourcing the extra funds, your final plans shows a period of five months to achieve the objective. During this time period, unnecessary opportunities may arise which may require you to withdraw some of the saved income or at the same time divert the monthly saving to cater for â€Å"short- term† that opportunity which in most case they do not bring forth returns so you end up making losses in the venture. Effective management and a solid ground, will allow you to control your spending so as to achieve the intended goal. Management and

Monday, October 28, 2019

A Brief History of Operating Systems Essay Example for Free

A Brief History of Operating Systems Essay A History of Operating Systems To understand and to be prepared for the future of computer support it helps to know the history of operating systems. The operating system is the software that links the user to the computer’s hardware. Early mainframes (the predecessor of the personal computer) did not use an operating system. Programs were loaded onto the mainframe by paper punch cards, magnetic or paper tape. The user would start the program and wait for the program to complete, or crash. Debugging of the program was often done by adjusting banks of switches. With every new mainframe shipped, the operation and usability would change. There were no standards. As early operating systems were developed they were generally only designed to operate on that customer’s specific unit. With the development of mass produced microprocessors, computers become more common and more affordable. With the number of computers sold each year increasing there became a need for a standardized operating system. In the beginning there were many companies fighting to produce a viable operating system for the masses. The two most prominent were Microsoft and Apple. Microsoft’s first entry in the operating system foray was MS-Dos or Windows 1. 0 in 1985, a command line operating system that was not the simplest to use but for its time was pretty user friendly. Of course as computing power advanced so did Microsoft’s operating systems. In 1987 Windows 2. 0, then in 1990 there was Windows 3. 0, the first OS that had a desktop and icons to start programs. At this point Microsoft began to separate their operating systems into home user oriented and business oriented. In 1993 Microsoft released Windows NT 3. 1, the first fully 32 bit operating system, it featured better networking support and the NTFS file system. NT progressed through 4. 1 then to Windows 2000. These operating systems were geared toward corporate users and were slightly more robust. On the home front in 1995 Windows 95 was introduced and it was the first version to have the taskbar and the start button. The next version of the home OS was Windows 98, then 98SE followed by Windows ME. The next iteration of Windows was XP; this version of Windows was unique in a couple of ways. XP was the first OS to include activation, which linked the hardware in the pc where it was installed to a unique ID number. The other thing that made XP unique from previous versions of windows was that it came in several versions from home use to corporate use. Windows Vista followed Windows XP but was met with much scrutiny because of its lack of support for legacy devices and software and it’s lackluster performance. Windows 7 followed quickly behind and addressed most of these shortcomings. There are several other choices for operating systems, although none have been able to maintain a sizeable amount of the market share due to the compatibility and popularity of the operating systems offered by Microsoft. Some of the other offerings are Mac OS from Apple, UNIX, Linux (an open source OS based on Linux), Android and IOS just to name a few. While most of these do not offer the support and compatibility that you would find in operating systems from Microsoft, they are quickly gaining ground and acceptance in use from desktop pc’s to handheld devices.