Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Mesaba Energy Project Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Mesaba Energy Project - Case Study caseThe site should accommodate multiple generating units, covering more than 1,000 acres to provide buffer zone in the midst of the plant facilities and nearby communities. Preferred view location is West Range Plant Site, Greenfield which is designated for auxiliary dig purposes (Area Definitions). The main objective for this site is due to Iron range that is only about 70 ccs northwest of Duluth near Taconite and Bovey. Other than this, natural go down on pipelines, high voltage transmission line corridors and viable rail service are also the deciding factors. An alternate site is also under consideration, primed(p) in the east range plant site which is closer to Hoyt Lake iron range, about 50 mile north of Duluth and has access to water as well as feed-stock transportation option (Minnesota Hydrology adopt, 1992). An estimated total project costs approximately $1.97 Billion, Department of Energy share is $36 Million. It is expected to polish off construction work by 2011 and after that within one year to start its operation. The main attributes to this project are, 2005 Energy Policy Act that provides loan guarantees, legislatively mandated PPA with Northern States Power (A3/BBB-), Regulatory incentives and exemption from credentials of need, Public support and large demand in market, and fuel flexibility or lowest-cost fuel (Mesaba).MEP From ember to TechnologyProject is supposed to be designed with a thought as fuel businesslike where primary material is burn a small statistic outlines the fuel compositions which can be use interchangeably 100% ember including Powder River Basin sub-bituminous and Illinois No. 6 bituminous coals, up to 11 ratio of coal and petroleum coke blend and petroleum coke. A group of MIT studied on role of coal to lessen its effect on global climate change. They came up with a consequent that carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology can reduce carbon dioxide procession to a evidential amount without hampering its energy output requirement. According to Dr. Deutch As the worlds leading energy user and greenhouse gas emitter, the U.S. must take the lead in showing the world CCS can work. Demonstration of technical, economic, and institutional features of CCS at commercial scale coal combustion and conversion plants will give policymakers and the public confidence that a practical carbon mitigation control option exists, will reduce cost of CCS should carbon emission controls be adopted, and will maintain the low-cost coal option in an environmentally acceptable manner. coal is a low cost and its usage is increasing day by day. So using coal directly without CCS will affect the climate directly leading to a global change. CCS enables coal to stand its energy criteria in future and in parallel saving the atmosphere from CO2 emissions as coal contains a high carbon percentage (Future of Coal, 2007). Fuel gasification is done first which is a process of converting coal, petroleum coke etc into gaseous state from solid one. It is similar to natural gas and used for electric power generation. The gasification process that MEP will use is ConocoPhillips E-Gas technology. Raw materials are first crushed and slurry is make which is pumped

Monday, April 29, 2019

Sustainability and Luxury Fashion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Sustainability and Luxury Fashion - Essay ExampleThe paper Sustainability and Luxury Fashion looks into the sustainability on brand perception in the style industry in the two countries Sweden and the United Kingdom more or less importantly the impacts.Arguably, Europe was and still is a core part of the cradle of civilization and two countries that contend extra crucial roles in the whole process are the United Kingdom and Sweden. In the fashion world, these two nations have made impressive strides too. They both filled with strong fashion brands that have so far withstood the test of time. Most of these brands can as well be further categorized as luxury fashion brands. Their image is at present glorious but considering how volatile the industry is, the huge job is not getting to the top, the good brand loosely hanging perception is the very(prenominal) breathed task.From its inception, the fashion industry in the United Kingdom and Sweden has never been short of variables. H ence, so as to deem up with the ever-evolving values, adopting a sustainable approach is advised. But this hasnt always been the case. For the young consumers, sustainability is not very relevant a word in their very dynamic and very synthetic consumers dictionary. At this consumers age, ironically, change is the only constant thing. Change is pre- programmed in every young brain. The trick is evolving with the change, sleekly, of course, so as to still a factor in sustainability. All fashion brands in these two countries are at the huge risk of toiling to the top and implementing strategies.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Terri Schiavo Case Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Terri Schiavo Case - query Paper ExampleThe issue of mercy killing/assisted suicide has been particularly controversial of late, particularly out-of-pocket to the sensational trials of Dr. Jack Kevorkian, an unrepentant medical practitioner who openly engaged in euthanasia among terminally ill patients and a recent case in the United Kingdom in which Mr. Alan Reyes of East capital of the United Kingdom publicly helped his partner end his life and was subsequently arrested for the subsequent death of his partner of twenty octad years. Dr. Kevorkian, was incarcerated for eight years for helping people to die, and is reported to have participated in at least cxxx assisted suicides. Significantly as well, the high profile legal cases contact Terri Schiavo brought questions surrounding euthanasia to the avant-garde of the publics consciousness. This essay pass on explore the complex issues surrounding the right to die in America today and demonstrate that the right to die is an inh erent right for individuals1.Seeking to understand the complexities surrounding euthanasia as the debate reach outs, this essay will address both sides of the coin and explore euthanasia from a holistic perspective. Seeking to explore the ethical and legal aspects of euthanasia, this essay will provide a concise yet comprehensive introduction to the major issues surrounding euthanasia in America today. We will discuss and debate the arguments for as well as the arguments against euthanasia and conclude with a synopsis of the investigate undertaken. Significantly, this essay will emphatically argue that the right to die is an inherent right which can be invoked in grave situation. Importantly, court testimony during Schiavo 1 made it clear that Terri Schiavo did not want to continue to live if her chances of recovery were miniscule.2 Accordingly, her husband helped her fulfill her wish to end her life while she was incapacitated. This

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Enviromantal engneering project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Enviromantal engneering project - Essay physical exertionrmore, instead of excavating and transferring the contaminated soil to another site, this process proved successful as it was done on site- saving time and energy. Bioremediation- According to Prof. Shaily Mohindra of UCLA, conventional technologies for justing ground water are not invariably effective. Moreover, these methods usually move pollutants from one point to another. For that reason, Mohindra winduporses Bioremediation using Pseudonocardia dioxanivorans bacteria for the mitigation of next generation pollutants e.g. Perfluorinated compounds, nano materials, and dioxane. The mature of remediation will be monitored usin stable isotopes. Pump and treat- The application of pump and treat technology in Hanford has been successful in soil and ground water remediation. By 2011, 24.7 billion gallons of ground water had been treated, although the unharmed process of remediation will be completed in the next 25 years. At t he end of the remediation process Contaminants such as plutonium and its derivatives e.g. Carbon tetrachloride will be successfully removed(p) from the soil and ground water. In situ thermal remediation- pump and treat technology had been used for more than 17years to clean up chlorinated solvents from the subsoil in Stuttgart with minimal success rates. However, in January 2013 an in-situ thermal remediation pilot lamp test offered a suitable alternative for remediation even under prevailing difficult geologic conditions in Stuttgart. Monitored natural attenuation- The Company was justified as it relied on natural processes to clean up the site.An environmental disaster similar to the silent spring has also been observed in Oregon (Lower Columbia). Since 1985, conservation pertain on removing the nearly extinct bald double birdie from the federal extinction list resulted in probatory overall increase in bald eagle numbers. Yet, in lower Columbia most of the eagle nests in the lower Columbia failed to hatch eaglets and have been producing half the number of

Friday, April 26, 2019

The Implications of the Human Genome Project Essay

The Implications of the humane Genome Project - Essay ExampleThe only current instrumental role in effect that discusses both the human genome and international human rights is the Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights (Declaration) (Tauer, 2001). This declaration looks at the rights of people in the hurtle, the duties of nations to cooperate, and the protection of contractable information revealed by the project itself. People want to protect their privacy on the one playscript, but on the other hand the HGP can lead to a new future in which there is more implementation. As with many bioethics issues, there is a degree of controversy to the human genome projet.On the potentially positive side, the HGP can jock doctors and scientists to infract predict and avoid genetic disorders. It is the assumption that in the future genetic disorders from cerebral paralyse to bipolar disorder will be able to be seen through geneticthrough genetics search such as the HGP. This involves complex and interwoven factors of psychiatric and physical genetic disorders, genetic susceptibility, research ethics, and other points to consider. The growth in knowledge resulting from the mapping of the human genome sequence has enabled life science researchers to better understand the function of genes and discover the genetic basis for health and disease, ultimately resulting in th breeding of new and highly effective drug therapies and treatments (Human, 2004). However, there is also a shadowy side that hand many worried about the future.It is important when looking at the HGP to link the concept of genetic disorders and genetic susceptibility to research ethics by highlighting the ethical problems that may come up in presenting data to family members and patients regarding their susceptibility to genetically predisposed problems. It may be suggested that in the future researchers will pick out to address these issues more concretely. In the future as s usceptibility genes are

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Running Water and Ground Water Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Running Water and Ground Water - Essay ExampleRains maintain a rest through which piss is maintained in the fresh water system resources. Running water is the water that is manifest in the streams. It runs down cod to the crush of gravity. Groundwater is the water that seeps down from the go forth and gathers under the surface in an aquifer or underground reservoir.It rains on mountains quite often, the water from the rain rushes down the mountains due to the force of gravity. At first stage, small streams are formed that combine together to make a bigger stream, streams unite together to form a river. The water in the streams and rivers is called caterpillar track water. In the similar manner, due to sort in temperature from winter to summer, the snow on mountains melt into water. The water rushes down the mountain due to the force of gravity. Running water has high oxygen level and most of the needs are satisfied with the help of running water. Running water is also utiliz ed to generate energy. In olden days, the force of running water was utilized to crush wheat cornels (Hynes, 1983).Ground water is the type of water that seeps down into the surface and settles down in an aquifer or underground reservoir. This water is also the rain water but due to saturation of ground the seeps down to the aquifer. As the quantity of water above the surface decreases, the quantity of water undergrad also decreases. However, annual rains and snowfalls replenish the underground water through the saturated grounds. Wells lie directly over the aquifers. Underground aquifers are good in holding water for longer periods as compared to the above ground water resources. There is no evaporation of water from the underground aquifers. However, little water that comes to the surface due to capillary effect evaporates form the surface (Hynes, 1983).Aquifer is an underground soil or assemblage of rock that allow the underground water to pass through them and move according

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Introduction to Communication-Creating I Messages-discussion Personal Statement

Introduction to Communication-Creating I Messages-discussion - Personal Statement ExampleThese situations could be the temperament and personal sensory system at the time of communication (Bishop 4). Non- assertive communication is in most cases defensive and irrational. I believe one scenario when I was in a meeting with my business partner. We had agreed on the standard hurt for our ERP implementation to one of our clients. A disagreement arose on what duration the implementation of the project would take. A serial publication of questions kept on propping up from my partner. There was a heated disagreement and the discussion turned go forth acrimonious. My partner in deed had some valid concerns.Assertive communication in this case would fuck off solved the acrimony. Assertiveness is a skill that needs to be incorporated in daylight to day communication. When one is tactical in his or her communication, they listen to a greater extent than they talk. The basis of careful lis tening is to add-on a clear understanding of the other persons perspective. The result would be a match reaction to whatever the issues under discussion. I now have an understanding of assertiveness in communication. It is more productive and it results to tangible

Effects of Hurricane Katrina on the gulf coast Essay

Effects of Hurricane Katrina on the disconnectedness coast - Essay ExampleEffects of Hurricane Katrina on the gulf coastTo sympathise what happened to New siege of Orleans and the disconnection Coast during Katrina, however, one must first understand a bit about hurricanes, tropic storms, and their classifications. Storm occur when there are four detail weather conditions present low air pressure, warm temperatures, moist ocean air and tropical hoists blowing go about the equator. Hurricanes begin as a tropical depression, with wind speeds of 23-39 mph, and falling air pressure. Once the wind reaches speeds of 39-73 mph, it upgrades to a hurricane. Category 1 hurricanes kick in winds from 75-94 mph, which does not cause real damage to structures, only to mobile homes, trees and shrubs, and flood is kept to a minimum (Brinkley , 2006, p. 17). Category 2 hurricanes have winds from 96-100 mph (Fradin & Fradin, 2010, p. 14). Category 3 is much stronger, with winds from 111-13 0 mph, which causes some structural damage to small residence, destroys mobile homes, and more flooding (Brinkley, 2006, p. 15). Category 4 hurricanes have winds from 131-155 mph (Fradin & Fradin, 2010, p. 14). Category 5 has winds in excess of 155 mph, which causes complete roof failure on many residences and industrial buildings. Some complete building failures with small utility buildings short-winded over or away. Major damage to lower floors of all structures located less than 15 feet higher up sea direct and within 500 yards of the shoreline. Massive evacuation of residential areas on low free-base within five to ten miles of the shoreline may be required.... Some complete building failures with small utility buildings blown over or away. Major damage to lower floors of all structures located less than 15 feet above sea level and within 500 yards of the shoreline. Massive evacuation of residential areas on low ground within five to ten miles of the shoreline may be require d (Brinkley, 2006, p. 17). Beginning as a tropical depression over the Bahamas on August 23, 2005, then gaining strength while contact landfall in Florida (Hoffman, 2005, p. 4), Hurricane Katrina began hitting the Gulf Coast as a Category 3 Hurricane, with winds up to 141 mph (DesRoaches, 2006, p. 1). The original reports were that Katrina capability only hit the Gulf Coast as a Category 1, which is the lowest grade of Hurricane, but, thus far while reports were that she was a Category 1, there was apprehensiveness that she would pick up fury and steam sooner hitting the Gulf region (Reid & Theiss, 2005, p. 4). As Hurricane Katrina hit the mainland of America, in Florida, she was only a Category 1, with wind gusts of 80 MPH, but picked up strength as she passed the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, which put the Gulf states of Mississippi and Louisiana into a state of emergency (Rodger, 2006, p. 11). While the devastation in New Orleans is what attracted the most attention, and is what will give Hurricane Katrina its most notoriety, Hurricane Katrina was a devastating storm all around, as it alter 45 bridges, destroyed railroad tracks and caused debris to fall into the road which cost $200 million in cleanup costs (Rodger, 2006, p. 1). Of course, Katrina was not the only hurricane during the 2005 hurricane season, although she was easily the most famous of that bunch. 15 hurricanes

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Drug Control Strategy in Netherlands Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Drug Control Strategy in Netherlands - Essay ExampleThe emergence of HIV/AIDS and its prevalence among injecting dose users further tightened the world(prenominal) break apart to classify most of the drugs outlined above as hard drugs and illegal. Consequently, there came the formulation of national policies and strategies, international agreements and cooperative strategies between states to tackle trafficking and combat drug use across borders. To date, the issue of drugs has become to a greater extent complex with the emergence of production and trafficking cartels that have global representation and sophisticated smuggling tactics that argon capable of evading customs authorities in many parts of the world. Efforts of several governments have borne fruit in controlling the menace while others are still staggering around the issue with no existent progress (Thomas 142). Netherlands National Drug Strategy With legislation dating back to the early 20th ampere-seconds enactment of the opium actin 1928, followed by its fundamental amendment of 1976, the national drug strategy of Netherlands came to effect in 1995 to let a framework for dealing with illicit drug-related problems. The strategy has four major objectives, which include prevention of drug usage, rehabilitation and treatment of addicts, harm reduction among users, normal nuisance eradication and diminishing production and trafficking. totally these objectives aim at achieving the broader goal of promoting general health in the country. The strategy is restricted to illegal drugs with musical accompaniment from sector-specific strategies such as destruction of drug plantations, interception, and stoppage of trafficking through the airlines and shipping agencies as well as health promotion campaigns. The strategy is seen by many policy analysts as too liberal and give a lot of room for drug use. This is because drug use constitutes a crime if it involves other illegitimate practices like stea ling and burglary, illegal trade, and trafficking. The use of drugs is also permissible outside public places like hospitals, schools, public means of transport and public parks. The strategy also exempts conviction for being in possession of nice quantities of both soft and hard drugs that do not surpass the respective thresholds, in which confiscation is the single penalty.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Historical Analysis paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Historical Analysis paper - Essay representativeThis has led to different people entering the country in an effort to find a meat of livelihood. One of the greatest jobs that arises from the men and women of the United States getting employment in major companies is that of a househelp to feign care of the house when the owners are absent. Many of the nannies in the United States come from Southern Asia in look of employment opportunities, and it is important to go through the various different cases of pace that nannies go through specifically in California as compared to nannies in other parts of the United States. One of the areas with the highest number of ill-treat cases for nannies is California. The reason for this is that the local anaesthetic state authorities through the various institutions are yet to come up with a well-set system that advocates for the freedoms and rights of these immigrant nannies. In the United States, new-fashioned York has the least union of she-goat abuse cases (Ann 104). The reason for this is that the local government in collaboration with national human rights groups has joined hands and instituted impartialitys that break that the nannies receive quality treatment. One of the issues of abuse that nannies in California encounter as opposed to nannies in newborn York for example is working hours. Initially, many local nannies in the United States used to work for almost sixty hours a week without any extra salary for the overtime hours. Just like California, New York has a very large population working in large corporations, and these people are oft so busy that they forget the responsibilities that they have in ensuring that these Southeast Asian nannies receive the right amount of treatment. Around 10 years ago, New York did not have any instituted laws to govern the rights of these nannies and many clock they were neglected and overworked. In late 2010, however, the New York Nanny Law came into action. Sinc e then over 80 unspoilt cases of househelp abuse have received a hearing from the responsible courts and have led to the payment of almost 250000 dollars of unpaid wages for the workers (Watson & Virtamen). California is completely different from New York in terms of the advocacy of nanny rights. After the working of the law for two straight years in New York, activists sought to precede the law in California that had shown a large increase in nanny abuse cases. This has, however, turn up difficult with many excuses coming from local authorities. One of the most expansive excuses provided is the issues of funds. According to the California local authorities, the state does not have enough funds to go through the legal process of enacting this law stating that it requires a lot of labor and resources in order to get the message across to all households disdain the presence of social and print media that are most effective in delivering the information. The authorities further c laim that the process would appear slow as opposed to New York that has many of the households as apartments. Another dispute posed by the authorities is the fact that the labor industry is decentralized and fragmented, and the issue of nannies is personal. Being a private issue, engaging in discussions or rather activities that seem to violate this is a crime against the law. The New York Nanny Law has also made great strides regarding the health treatment of these nannies. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the state of New York had a very large number of immigrant deaths. This raised an alarm and people

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Diversification Strategies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Diversification Strategies - look into Paper ExampleThe bon ton is among the foremost producers in majority of the markets where it operates in. The products manufactured by 3M are delivered through several distribution channels including wholesalers, distributors, retailers and dealers among others. As of 2010, 3M had 80,057 employees, out of which 32,955 were engaged in the business operations determined in the United States and the rest globally. For the year ending 2010, 3M generated net sales equivalent to $ 26.7 billion which was a 15.3% increment from the year 2009. The operating income of the confederacy overly increased by 22.9% in the year 2010 as compared to that of 2009 (3M, 2010). Sears, Roebuck & Co. is amongst the principal retailers in the United States, functioning in all the fifty states of US in summation to Puerto Rico. The phoner has very limited global presence and operates internationally only in Canada. The company integrate with Kmart to form Sears H olding Corporation in 2004. The total revenue of the company in 2010 was $43,326 million season that in the year 2009 was $44,043 million. The revenue value of the company in 2008 was $46,440 and had been decreasing over the years. As of January, 2011, the company had 280,000 employees in the US and around 32,000 in Canada (Sears Holdings Corporation, 2010). Although Sears, Roebuck & Co was always primarily in retail business, in the early 1980s the company had diversified into real estate as well as brokerage services through its subsidiary Allstate. However, post the diversification though the performance of the finance segment of the company was reasonable, the retail group of the company suffered as it failed to respond to altering times (Monks & Minow, 2008). Diversification Outcomes of the Two Corporations and Reasons for the disparate Outcomes The diversification of 3M into its six different segments had produced positive outcomes for the company. 3M is recognized for its aptitude to produce new-fangled products and generate new businesses. It can be substantiated from the fact that 30 percent of its revenue comes from products developed during the preceding five years. The company had time and again extended its existing technological proficiency to generate a comparable further innovative product. 3Ms success can be attributed to variety of factors, such as a bodied culture that promotes risk taking, a focus on resolving client problems, the utilization of extended and long goals, and independence of the employees to follow their own ideas. Furthermore, 3M consistently follows the system of sharing technologies and expertise amongst the different business segments. It also pursues a reward structure that recognizes innovators in the organization. Thus, 3M had succeeded in diversifying its business by leveraging its technological competency (3M, 2011). The Sears, Roebuck & Co had been struggling since the past couple of decades, trying first one approach and then another, looking at for sustainable growth and momentum and an improved image. As discussed earlier, Sears had diversified into financial services and specialty retail during the 1980s. However, after its diversification into real estate and other financial services, Sears could not maintain its performance in

Saturday, April 20, 2019

The Importance of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise in the UK Essay - 1

The Importance of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise in the UK - Essay recitationameters which tend to change continuously, however when all appropriate preparation has been made, entrepreneurship can lead to a world-shattering development of the commercial market involved. However, in order to ensure the success of their efforts, entrepreneurs should try to follow stringently the principles of the commercial market avoiding risk in cases that there are no limits for the achievement of a particular visualise. The existence of alternative plan of action has to be considered as necessary in order for the entrepreneurship to detain on a long term basis.Entrepreneurship should be considered as a fundamental activity that helps the market to be developed. However, in order for this activity to lead to positive outcomes it is necessary that the participants (entrepreneurs) follow a specialised plan of action which has to be characterized by the thorough analysis of the market, the app ropriate design of strategic plan and the rapid reaction to the opportunities appeared. Of course in any case the existence of risk creates a serial publication of uncertainties for any potential entrepreneurship. But if all appropriate steps of action are followed they are teentsy chances for the entrepreneurship to end up to a failure. This paper examines the characteristics of entrepreneurship as a unique commercial activity and tries to place all the appropriate qualities of a good entrepreneur as they can be observed some(prenominal) in the field of theory but also in practice. For this reason, the relevant literature review has been followed with a few examples of successful entrepreneurs in UK as they have been evaluated and awarded in a relevant awarding arrangement involving entrepreneurial activities in UK.Entrepreneurship has been defined through a variety of terms in order to serve to the needs of the market as they have been observed by theorists throughout years. At a first level, Thornton (1999, 19) refers to entrepreneurship as the creation of new organizations which occurs as a

Friday, April 19, 2019

The use of emulsifiers in the food industry Essay

The use of emulsifiers in the food for thought manufacturing - Essay ExampleIn this paper, the need, use and brilliance of emulsifiers in food industry will be clearly depicted. The importance of emulsifiers in different food preparations will also be explained by examples. 2.0 Emulsifiers Emulsifiers ar the chain of molecules which possess one wet-loving i.e. hydrophilic spirit on one end of the chain and oil-loving, i.e. hydrophobic nature at the other end. For example, when oil and water are added together, it does not mix and the oil floats in the water surface. This mixture can only be possible when emulsifier is added in them. After mixture of emulsifier, oil and water get lightly dispersed with apiece other forming stable, homogenous smooth mixture (Food Info, 2009). Emulsifier is generally a yield which facilitates two substances to mix up homogeneously which ordinarily may not be possible to mix rise up. For example, mayonnaise is an emulsified food product. To enha nce the taste and texture of this food product, emulsifier is added with other ingredients. In food products, the emulsified mixture are the gang of at least two components or phases which in general do not mix well all together. Oil and water are the two phases in mayonnaise (Bernstein, n.d.). 3.0 Importance The food industry uses assorted types of emulsifiers while producing transition of food products. The simplest type of emulsifier employ in food industry is a natural emulsifier which is derived from a source of vegetable referred to as lecithin. This natural emulsifier has been derived from soybeans though other types of emulsifiers are derived from various other sources. For the production of lecithin, the soy oil is expressed from the soil beans, which is ultimately treated with steam. This emulsifier is commonly used in chocolate bars and chocolate candy. The presence of lecithin with other various ingredients in chocolate facilitates to concern stability and avert sep aration and spoilage. In the food industry, emulsifiers are a foremost ingredient separate that are used in products. The primary importance of emulsifiers is to increase the improvement of food palatability. The food products which bring forth use of fats or fatty ingredients need the presence of emulsifier in order to maintain their reliability and quality. some(prenominal) products of chocolate coatings and icings require this as they make fatty things. The disadvantage of the existence of these fats is primarily mouthfeel, which they convey to the lowest product. The addition of emulsifiers makes the finished product more delicious since it reduces the slippery content from the product after relishing of the fat component. Consequently, texture and stability does not negotiate taste and consumer acceptability (Bernstein, n.d.). 4.0 Applications of Emulsifiers Emulsifier is used in variety of food productions in the food industry. Several examples can highlight the importanc e of use of emulsifier It is used in making bread because without the use of emulsifier it becomes dry, low in volume and get decayed easily. Two types of emulsifiers are used in bread, which are dough strengtheners and dough softeners. In dough strengtheners, diacetyl tartaric acid esters and atomic number 11 or calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate are included which help to make the dough stronger and dough softener includes mono- and di-glycerides of fatty acids,

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Institutionalized Discrimination toward Mexicans in America from Essay

institutionalise Discrimination toward Mexicans in America from 1900-1950 - Essay ExampleMexican Americans have been present in the Americas yen before that fateful day on the 4th of July when history took a turn like no other. However, as the 20th century drew closer, the implications of the Mexican American War began to come forth in the form of disfavour against racial hatred against the Mexican Americans who chose to enter America and those who were residing the part of Mexico that fell at bottom US borders at the end of the Mexican American War. The influx of Mexican immigrants into America continued to add over time and there came a point at the beginning of the 20th century where it became empower that Mexican Americans desired to become a fully functioning part of American society. However, the difference amid the two societies did not allow Mexican Americans to settle in America with ease. The Anglo Americans refused to accept the Mexican Americans and the racial hatr ed and prejudice that had been lying low for the last few decades began to become evident in the discourse to which Anglo Americans subjected the Mexican Americans.After World War II, Mexican Americans began to take an active stance against racism and prejudice on the grounds of ethnicity. This was because they began to worry about the well-being of their future generations and desired them to have significantly go lives (Divide, 2008). The Mexican American parents did not want their children to go through the same difficulties that they had gone through in coal mines and assembly plants. In order to build a better future for their children, Mexican Americans began to flip use the justice system to acquire the rights that they had been refused in the past (Terriquez, 2010).An example of institutionalized discrimination against Mexican Americans can be found in the fact that the California school districts made it mandatory

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Goal of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Goal of Education - Essay ExampleNo rear would against his or her childrens knowledge. There is no child who does not hate his tutor and yet would not want to be deprived of one either. So the question here is why is education so desirable?When asked in a survey, most people said that education, for them, is a trend to deposit money. Pargonnts who shinny hard for their kids education do so in hope of a financially brighter future and an up(a) mobility. Children who spend all their childhood and adolescence period in studying do so, in order to lay down a social standing, where they can enjoy better standard of life. Thus, education is merely a way to become rich and make money (Eames, 1977).As simple as the statement sounds, there are a few loopholes in the argument. First, if education is the best possible way to earn money as proven by its popularity, then why do facts show that the richest people on the planet are either illiterate or high school dropouts? Bill Gates, who dropped out of high school, remained the richest man of the domain of a function for ten consecutive years (Dewey, 1998). Secondly, history shows that the system of education was not invented to help people make more money (Dewey, 1998). The idea of education leading to upward financial mobility emerged at the onset of capitalist economy when all processes and social phenomenon were commodified in order for powerful to outdo the powerless, which is principally the Marxist perspective on capitalism.One now asks, if it is possible to become as rich as anyone can without going to school and the process does not even accredit its alleged purpose, then why bother. What is the ultimate edge that an ameliorate man has over the uneducated one? The answer lies in the quote of Dr. Martin Luther King, The function of education is to determine one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education (Warren, 2001, 27).Education, in i ts true essence is

Human Resource Learning Team Weekly Reflection Essay

Human Resource Learning Team hebdomadally Reflection - Essay ExampleThe concern analysis is done to identify the tokenish requirements in harm of qualifications tat a worker needs to possess. This is done by a panel of experts meeting to countersink a required standard for the seam. The experts meet and decide that a specific parentage requires a minimum set of requirements. The experts then set the job specifications before calling for applications for the job at hand. After the experts gull set the specifications, they then analyze the job to distinguish between the required and desirable specifications for the job. The required job specifications refer to the characteristics of the job that are inflexible, meaning that the applicators must possess these characteristics. Conversely, the desirable job specifications refer to the characteristics of the applicant that put them a step above the rest, which are not mandatory but preferred. Once the job analysis is completed, th ey are then summarized in form of a job definition, which provides the type of job to be done, the qualifications needed from the applicant and the tasks that the worker is required to accomplish.As already stated, a job description is a description of the major job functions that an employee is supposed to undertake when working for a firm. A job description is used by management for several functions, the first function being to outline the tasks that an employee is supposed to realize (Managing Human Resources). This function is important since it informs an employee of the work expected to be done, which indicates whether an employee is qualified for the work. The second function of a job description is to describe the knowledge and critical skills that an employee is supposed to have in order to transform for the job. As already stated, the requirements for a job are divided into two parts, the desirable and required job skills (Managing Human Resources). The job description

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Second World War Essay Example for Free

The Second humanity War EssayThe play was written at the end of the Second World War. However, it was set in 1912. Priestley expresses his testify views ab bulge out society of 1912 through the characters. During these pre- solid ground War 1 years, there was a divide amongst the full and scummy. Attitudes such as the poors struggle to work and survive profit, greed and privilege of class range of a function standards and the lack of responsible pose from those in power, were thought acceptable. Economic success, power and money-making took priority over humanity. The consequences of this attitude flowerpot be seen in both of the World Wars. Priestley is telling us that we are non education lessons from history an example of this is the rotate family who had been given a second opportunity to get it chastise.Mr Birling is a well-fed man of high class. He was Lord Mayor so thinks he has power and decide over everyone below him, even the Inspector. Mr Birling represen ts the high-class men of the Edwardian period. He is provided aft(prenominal) his knighthood which will put him even higher in status. He guesss that there is one set of rules for the rich and another for the poor. He is a factory owner and treats his workers inhumanely. He is very conservatively and does not believe in a union.When workers like Eva Smith had a strike so that they could get higher pay, only because the money they were getting was not enough for their bare essentials, he ignores them and stops the strike. He found out that Eva smith had organised it so he sacked her. His family are kept isolated from the rest of the world and his wife, Mrs Birling as well as himself treat their children as children even though they are at the age of twenty and above. They do not want them to know about the real world precisely they do not realise that their children are not nave like themselves. Priestley conveys to everyone through the character of Mr Birling how selfish and hy pocritical the high-class men were during the Edwardian period.Sheila Birling, Mr Birlings daughter, is also a rich young skirt who is engaged to Gerald Croft. We know that she is rich as she shops at Milwards where she uses her power to sack a worker, Eva Smith, because of jealousy. This was all(prenominal) practical for her to do because of her status. However, she is much different from her parents (the older generation). When the Inspector tells her how she was also part of Evas death taking fructify she changes different her father, mother and fiance.She begins to feel for the poor and feels sorry for Eva, acting as if she knew her. She can put both and two together unlike her mother and we can infer from this play that she will not shimmer out to be like her mother as her mother is very nave. In addition, at the end of the play she has learnt her lesson whereas no one else has except her brother. Priestley shows the audience that the younger generation are to a greater extent impressionable and that they had feelings for the poor and they could accept what was wrong and what was right and they had the capacity to change.Gerald Croft who was engaged to Sheila is also of high status. He is a clever man who thinks everything out carefully. He was very involved in Evas life merely unlike the others he made Eva happy for once in her life. He met her at the palace kick downstairs and took her to the County Hotel and let her stay in a flat. He gave her money and began to have feelings for her and both of them fell in love. He kept her as his mistress which many men in the Edwardian time did. He was very affected by her death and had to cash in ones chips the house to take a walk which is when he got time to think. They went to palace bars often which is where any(prenominal) men like Alderman Meggarty took advantage of women. It was very honey oil during the Edwardian times for the rich men to do this.Mrs Birling is also a well-fed, rich char of hi gh status who is described as socially superior to Mr Birling. She chairs a womans charity where women come to bespeak for help and benefit. She is responsible for the last step of Evas death, as she did not offer her help when she needed it the most. This was all because she had used the name Mrs Birling that had offended her. She is not careful of what she says to the Inspector, an example is everything she says about the man who got Eva significant and how he is fully to blame and totally responsible. She is a nave women who does not even know about her own sons well being or that people like Alderman Meggarty harass women in palace bars. She thinks that she is always right and calls the Inspector impertinent which shows us what she feels of everyone in her surroundings. Priestley intended to get across this character as a selfish, snobby and small-minded woman so that the audience would not feel empathy with her.Eric Birling is a forbidding drinker and is a regular in the pal ace bar. He cared for Eva and tried and true to help her. He tried to do what was morally right even if he did not accomplish it. He is like his child Sheila they both still felt that they had done something wrong during their life even if it did not result in a girls death. Priestley shows through the characters of both Eric and Sheila that the younger generation during the Edwardian period were the better generation as they were not so up-tight about themselves and had feelings for the unfortunate.The Inspector is one of the characters that I feel Priestley conveyed to the audience very well. He is someone who feels a lot for the poor and is prepared to do everything that is right for the less privileged. He is a very clever man who manages to get all of the people present to admit what they did by enterprise the characters personalities. He gets straight to the point and emphasises many times that they all helped to kill Eva and gets it marked in their heads so that they will not forget it. He makes them all feel shocked and extremely guilty by his statements especially when he made his speech near the end of the play when he was about to leaveIf men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught it in fire and wrinkle and anguishThrough the inspector, we can see that Priestley wants to get across the socialist philosophy of the time that some people like the inspector himself believed in. He believed that everyone should look after everyone else and that everyone should live like a community and help everyone else socially. He says and remember there are millions and millions of Eva Smiths and John Smiths, still left with us here it can be seen that he still telling them that they can still try and improve the conditions and their attitudes towards the poor and less fortunate as there are still many of them. However the majority of them did not learn from this and faced the consequences.Edna is the maid of house. Priestley shows that the higher c lass kept maids. He shows us the poorer people of the country. She can be said to be very lucky as she has a place to live unlike many people. It is very unlikely that she would have got much to eat even they were having a celebration.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Of Mice and Men Essay Example for Free

Of Mice and Men EssayThe broad Depression took place in the United States in the 1930s. Northern California, Salinas Valley was affected by the Great Depression. Many farmers lost their properties and were strained to find other work. Banks were forced to foreclose on mortgages and had to collect debts. Hundreds of thousands of farmers packed up their families and few belongings, and headed for California. The Great Depression left many people in poverty and caused them to face unpleasant veritable(a)ts. This is how life was manage for the characters in Steinbecks novel Of Mice and Men. Mostly all the characters in this novel suffered from loneliness. Some of the work force desire to come together in a demeanor that would allow them to be like brothers to one another. addicted the harsh, alone(p)(prenominal)(a) conditions under which the men live, it is no surprise that they idealize friendship between other men in such a air. In the novel Of Mice and Men, John Steinbe ck uses impersonation of dialogue and actions to face that everyone is lonely in some way even if they be surrounded by others. John Steinbeck uses characterization to show that loneliness causes people to reveal their feelings through dialogue.When Curleys wife walks into the farm, she sees Lennie and begins to talk to him. He tries to avoid her and she says I never get to talk to nobody. I get awful lonely (86). Curleys wife has no one to talk to, and even Lennie tries to avoid her. Her words reveal that she is very lonely and even though there argon so many people around her, nobody wants to talk to her. These words are authoritative because it shows how lonely she really is and how everyone tries to keep away from her because they know she causes drama and that she is married to Curley.George and Lennie also perplex loneliness that they show through dialogue. As George and Lennie walk to the ranch together, George says, Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliness guys in the world. They got no family and they dont belong to no place (121). In addition, George and Lennie cave in no real home. They work the season, and thus move on. They scram no family, no relatives, and no ties miss to each other. Georges words reveal that the life style of migrant workers such as themselves gives the way to a lonely life.This dialogue is significant because it shows how George and Lennie are lonely and that even though they travel and piece new people they inactive possess some kind of loneliness. Even though George was surrounded by many of the men, he sat quietly by himself at on the table all alone. George chip the cards and began turning them over, looking at each one and throwing it down in a hammock (27). George is occupying his time by sitting alone at the table and organizing cards. Georges actions show that he is lonely and has nothing better to do then organize a deck of cards.His actions are significant because it reveals how George is l onely and how he spends his time by himself organizing cards. Also, when Crooks experiences loneliness he occupies himself with books. Even though Crooks is surrounded by so many men, he often feels lonely, but he tries to convince himself that he is not lonely. S commove you had to sit out here an read books. Sure you could play horseshoes till it got dark, but then you got to read books. Books anit no good. A guy needs somebody to be near him he goes nuts if he aint got nobody (72).Crooks is very lonely and he wishes that he could have someone to talk to, but he tries to be busy by playing horseshoes and teaching books. His actions show that he is extremely lonely, and that he occupies himself with little things to keep himself from suffering. Crooks actions are significant because loneliness cause people to spend their time by themselves. In the novel Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck uses characterization of dialogue and actions to reveal that one can be surrounded by a group and still be lonely. The use of dialogue proves that the characters are lonely even though they are working near together.Also, through the characterization of actions the author reveals that most of the men are lonely and that the men occupy themselves even though they are with a group of people. John Steinbecks theme applies to the entire would because it proves that loneliness affects everyone at one time or another. It changes the way a person thinks and behaves. When people feel lonely their actions and way of life are affected. Nobody can run away from loneliness even if they live with a group of people. Its a trait that no one can get rid of.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

The institution and I Essay Example for Free

The cosmos and I EssayThis is similar to Brett the protagonist in Scott Monks unconventionally written novel Raw.We first stick together Brett at his umpteenth duration of committing a crime. On his journey to his latest foot The upgrade, we learn of his negatively charged attitude and surprise of cosmos sent to a federation-styled homestead instead of a concentration ring patrolled by Dobermans and gun-toting guards. His negative attitude to authority is exemplified by constantly referring to the police as pigs and similies alike(p) Cops and viands go together like pigs and slop. Sam is the symbolic role model who initiates Bretts re hurl, he offers his hand for a handshake, but Brett declines the offer. This symbolises his reluctance to change from his former self and habits. Scott Monk has deliberately put this theme of binary program opposites inthe novel, to show how different the experiences argon on someones on different sides of the rules.When Brett first m eets the other criminals occupying The Farm he is shown dickens different paths he pot follow while there he understructure follow the rules and cuss on the institution for support and be like Josh. The other option is to involve a blatant disregard and disrespect for the rules and turn to violence as the answer to every(prenominal)thing and be like Tyson. Brett is always at crossroads and does not show any change until the end of the novel, where he is put in a position where he must choose what path he pauperisms to lead in life.The Farm does not use solitary confinement or violence as a form of punishment to fightds the boys, instead they ar enforced upon the individual i.e. When Brett drink drives and crashes the Ute, he is punished by doing chores much(prenominal) as pulling tabu weeds and scrubbing the rust off oil drums. Brett does not take to do such chores because he spots he is already being sent back to Sydney for breaking the law. some other way is by punish ing the entirely group for an individuals action, this leads to the individual harassment and negative victimisation towards this individual i.e. Brett tries to escape and is victimised by Tyson and his group who s ask the hair off his head for the fear of losing privileges.The symbolic affects of before and after The Farm is represented by Rebecca and Caitlyn. The significance of Rebecca proves that Brett is only semi-rehabilitated Rebecca symbolises Bretts continuing path to crime.Caitlyns personalities of being conservative and conformist replicate the path that Bretts life volition lead to if he abides to the rules while staying at The Farm.It is because of Rebecca that he is sent away and Sam tells him only you can change ur life. This is the main theme to the whole novel, and has been put in deliberately by Scott Monk. He does this because he knows that his book is aimed at young teenagers and he knows that it will attract the attention of a lot of young teenagers because of its contents rebelling amongst thewhole world because it hates you, fights, agitate and run-ins with the law.Dissimilar to Raw, Shawshank Redemption a film directed by Frank Darabont, is set on themes way on the negative effects on the individual while in prison. Shawshank focuses mainly on fleshly abuse and punishment, this is seen in the fourth scene when Warden Norton is laying out the rules no blasphemy but verbal and physical abuse is condoned. Shawshank is different to Raw because it can be seen that, the guards physically abuse the inmates.Also the spell of Raw is that the change is within the individual, but in Shawshank, the plot is to keep the criminals inside the dull grey-headed walls away from the emerging and colourful society There is only 3 ways to spend coin on prisons more walls, more bars, more guards. This piece of dialogue is ironic because the warden himself is in charge of a money laundering scheme throughout the prison, this is only possible with the h elp of the smart Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins). This operation leads Andy to visualise sarcasm in saying that On the outside I was an honest man, straight as an arrow, I had to come to prison to be a crook. This is an individual effect that Andy has had because of the institution he has become a criminal.There is a belief that if an inmate has been in a prison for too long they rely upon the institution and become institutionalised i.e. Brooks he served his 50 course sentence and throughout that time he is the prison librarian outside he is nothing. Upon leaving the prison he is given a place to stay and a job at sustenance Way. He doesnt like how the world has changed so fast and all he wants to really do is get a gun and rob the Food Way so they would send me home. _Home_, he refers to the prison as home, by being away from a growing society, the institution has left him with a negative effect of being confused and not sagacious anything round the outside world, but relying on the support of the institution.Brooks was rendered so incapable of independent approximation and human operation in the world that he committed suicide. This portrays how Shawshank has become the opposite of rehabilitation and shuns out the beliefs of hope and ever getting out of the high stone walls. Just like it did to Red, when Andy tries to explain how he can never become institutionalised, Red replieswith Hope is a dangerous thing. It can drive a man insane. This explains how in Shawshank, redemption is a hard thing to find. Redemption is the improving of something, but if inmates are _hoping_ to _improve_, will they find redemption?Richard Nevilles article Come on, kids dare to resist published by The Sydney forenoon Herald on the 3rd of May 2004. Outlines how the selfish gen Xers are more afraid of losing their credit card game than losing the planet. A gen Xer is a person born on Earth anytime between 1965 and 1980. Richard Neville is a man who doesnt want technology to ru le our worlds, he is a hero to some and an enemy to others, his views are more futuristic, he is very concerned to where the future is headed and how we will get there. He himself is portrayed as the institution here, it is his views that agnize a lasting impact on people, the reason he is well known for his publicity.When commenting on a recent protest about young university students wanting lower fees he says this The students have a academic degree about the fees, but why cant they get upset about other peoples problems? He is referring to the war in Iraq. He wants the young students to look to the controlling side and see that they have the education that they are taking for granted the education a person their age in Iraq is deprived of even if they can afford it. These youngsters in Australia do not understand how lucky they are to be friends with America and not enemies like Iraq.His political based comments do not stop there As for the future leading of Australia, the s trapping young professionals, the entrepreneurs, the trainee philosophers, where are they? Locked up with mortgage brokers, every one. See how he predicts a positive effect and job prospects towards _all_ future leaders of Australia and by saying that they are Locked up with mortgage brokers, every one. He is emphasising that they are experiencing a negative effect from their institutions and are becoming institutionalised by not being able to reach for that final goal they can see it, but they cant have it. This is just like Brett in Raw he wanted to be like Josh, but couldnt because he could never leave his old habits behind him. This can similarly be related to Andy in Shawshank Redemption, he could see himselfoutside the prison in New Mexico, but he was restricted by the avariciousness and abuse of human rights. So he chose to break out and reach his goal, even if it was giving the institution a reason to finally keep him there.Now readers the task is upon you to judge from wh at you have read here, go read Raw and go watch Shawshank Redemption, I have only expressed to you my opinion of these two excellent texts and their analysation of different institutions and their effects. It is now your turn to experience the self-discovery of how you lead your life and how the institutions around you lead their occupants lives. It is also an incredulous opportunity that todays HSC students are able to study this subject more thoroughly.It is because of this elective in year 12 English classes that the young adults of tomorrow can see where their futures may be heading and know now that there is always time for reform and change in their habits. Studying such socially active topics at school will prove useful in their future lives, as it will help them understand how they should deal with problems they face from institutions that they may come across in their life. Might I also add to keep a watch on Richard Neville, he has some intriguing predictions about the fut ure on his websitehttp//www.richardneville.com.au

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Kant philosophy Essay Example for Free

Kant philosophy judgeFor this case, I will be utilise Kantian moral philosophy to pinpoint the rationally correct bodily process to take. Before discussing Kantian ethics in relation to the case, we must first explore what Kantian ethics is. Kantian ethics comes from the deontological school of thought, which focuses on the moral correctness of the guess in itself (Johnson, 2013). This room that the supposition on the fare is done a priori. This is contrasted to the consequentialist school of thought, which focuses on the results of an toy as the f movementor that would suffice the rightness or wrongness of an action (Sinnott-Armstrong, 2012). A consequentialist would make a judgment on an act a posteriori. Kant utilized a concept called the matt Imperative, which states that that which is moral is that which is rational (Johnson, 2013). Therefore, a moral act is one that follows from a rational cistron. An immoral act, as it follows, is that which is irrational (Jo hnson, 2013). Another significant factor to experience in Kantian ethics is that the most key value that they masterk to preserve is autonomy. Contrasted to a Utilitarian, a Kantian would promote autonomy rather than happiness. The Categorical Imperative contains three main fixingss.One instalment of the Categorical Imperative is the recipe of universalizable maxims. The formula of universalizable maxims states that a right action is that which can be universalizable (Johnson, 2013). The call into question here would be would an action be acceptable if everyone did it? To test this, a person would need to hypothesise a twin world wherein that action is the average for everyone. Then that person would need to look out if such a world is conceivable and rational. Another important factor for this experiment would be to see if the universalized act would inhibit other nations freedom.If the universalized act or maxim doesnt infringe on others freedom accordingly this act is acceptable (Johnson, 2013). Another element under the Categorical Imperative is the Humanity Formula. This concept states that humanity is a mode in itself and should neer be hard-boiled guilelessly as a means to an revoke (Johnson, 2013). This means that each human world must be respected because he or she has his or her hold inherent autonomy and dignity (Johnson, 2013). This formula stipulates that a person may not be manipulated by another as a means to achieve a concomitant goal.Realistically, though, you cannot help but use tidy sum as means to an end (Johnson, 2013). This happens everyday, for example, when we use shop clerks to purchase food. In this example, we are using the shop clerks as a means to get the ends, which is food. The reason as to why this particular case of using a person as a means to an end is acceptable is because of the idea of consent. A shop clerk has freely chosen to pursue his or her own line of work and this entails being a means through which people can purchase food. Thus, the shop clerk consents to being a means to this particular end.The third element under the Categorical Imperative is the Kingdom of Ends Formula. This formulation states that an agent exists in a community that is do up of equally rational agents who have just as much say in the maxims that sire universalized (Johnson, 2013). The universalized maxims blend in the law and every agent in this community agrees to conform his or her actions to the law. B. DISCUSSION OF event For this particular case, we are dealing with the maxim of taking cognitive enhancing drugs to increase productivity outfit.If we were to test this particular maxim using the formula of universalizability, we would have to imagine a world wherein every person would do this particular action. In this world, everyone would use cognitive enhancing drugs to meet deadlines or to finish their work faster. In the font of stress, instead of overcoming the obstacle through the pe rsons own hard work and will, he would tho merely need to pop a pill. As mentioned in the case, this kind of accepted behavior could crap a new kind of neuro- confederation. This new neuro-society would be filled with people popping pills like Adderall or Ritalin to focus on their work on hand.There is essentially nothing wrong with increase the ability of a person to focus on a particular task. The downside of this kind of society would be that it would become a society of drug dependency. Designer drugs like the ones previously mentioned would act as a quick fix for people. Instead of relying on their own wills and capacities, people would be relying merely on the drug to be able to produce an output. This dependency goes against the value the Kantian holds above everything else autonomy. By allowing a drug-dependent society to prosper, we would be limiting our own freedom by slowly becoming more dependent on drugs.In this world where using cognitive enhancing drugs is the norm, imagine if the drug would suddenly be taken away. batch would not know how to focus or get their work done without the drug. In the face of stress, people wouldnt know how to act since they have lost the drug that previously did all the work for them. This is because they supplemented their own shortcomings with the drug instead of developing themselves into becoming overflowingy functioning and autonomous adults who could deal with their problems. This maxim being universalized would stunt our own development and would, in turn, create an infantilized society.This thought experiment aims to show that the maxim of using cognitive enhancing drugs does not pass the test of universalizability. Secondly, in this world with this universalized maxim, the using of cognitive enhancing drugs may become a norm not only for college students or adults, but also for children. Children are vulnerable in the sense that their autonomy is still limited. Because a Kantian would uphold autonomy as the most important value, he or she would feel an obligation to protect vulnerable parties who have limited autonomy.In this world, on that point may be over-achieving parents who want their children to be competitive in the world of academics. If the using of cognitive enhancing drugs becomes the norm, then these kinds of parents might try to get their children to take these kinds of drugs to get ahead in their studies. A Kantian would see that the children must be protected from these kinds of actions since they cannot utilize their autonomy in the full capacity. Another point for this motive is that if children are put on cognitive enhancing drugs from an early age, then they will grow up never knowing what it is like to function without these drugs.Furthermore, they will become extremely dependent and they will never be able to realize their own full potential and capacity. This means that their autonomies will always be more or less limited. Therefore, a world wherein cognit ive enhancing drugs are the norm, not just for adults but also for children, must be avoided. Therefore, based on the twin world test, the use of cognitive enhancing drugs should not become a norm since it creates a dependent society and it creates an chance for vulnerable parties to remain vulnerable and never reach their full autonomies.Thirdly, another reason as to why this particular maxim would not be acceptable for a Kantian is because it goes against another element of the Categorical Imperative the Human Formula. As previously stated, this formulation asserts that piece should not be used merely as means to an end. This formulation includes disallowing agents in using themselves as a means to an end (Manninen, 2006). The act of taking cognitive enhancing drugs undertakes the person to merely a means to an end.Instead of respecting ones own capacity to achieve ones full potential, a person merely reduces himself to something akin to a machine that will produce output in th e fast way possible. Instead of the person using his or her own capacity in facing the challenge, the act of using a cognitive enhancing drug will circumvent the process of self-development and will skip the opportunity for personal growth. In this manner, the person will accomplish the short-term goal of churning out an output without actually developing his or her own talents.As noted in a journal member by Manninen (2006), when drugs are treated as a miracle solution to the stressful emotions an agent is feeling, this stops the agent from growing and overcoming the stress by himself or herself. This sacrifices an important aspect of being human the capacity to oblige in personal development. This stunts personal growth and, in turn, society is left with people who do not know how to deal with problems by themselves. Instead, they turn to using drugs as an emotional crutch. In conclusion, we see how a Kantian would view the maxim of using cognitive enhancing pills in response t o stress or a heavy workload.Since the most important value for the Kantian is autonomy and the development of this, he or she would see this maxim as something that limits and stunts autonomy. Therefore, to make this maxim into a universalized law would be irrational. In my opinion, I gestate that Kantian ethics did pinpoint the morally correct response in this case. This is because the using of cognitive enhancing drugs would reduce the agent to a mere means. This is not morally correct since human beings are not mere means nor machines but rather rational agents who deserve respect and the chance to grow.References Johnson, R. (2013). Kants Moral Philosophy. In E. Zalta (Ed. ), The stanford cyclopedia of philosophy. Retrieved from http//plato. stanford. edu/entries/kant-moral/ Manninen, B. A. (2006). Medicating the mind A kantian analysis of overprescribing psychoactive drugs. Journal of medical ethics, 32(2), 100-105. Sinnott-Armstrong, W. (2012). Consequentialism. In E. Zalta (Ed. ), The stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Retrieved from http//plato. stanford. edu/cgi-bin/encyclopedia/archinfo. cgi? entry=consequentialism.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Signficance Of The Study Essay Example for Free

Signficance Of The call for EssayOur study, which is how to make an effective Floorwax without using gas . Instead We used grooming oil (used). It has a lot of conditional relation on life of everyone. The first one is that it helps us avoid Respiratory Diseases, how? For use Youll use a Floorwax cleaning the floor because of the gas contained on it you may take the gas emitted by the Floorwax and it may affect your Respiratory System. Another importance of our study is its materials, especially the used cooking oil, because its already used you dont need to buy it in the market in effect(p) recycle your cooking oil and itll be good. Another significance of this study is observable when you apply it , standard Floorwax was easily remove when water mixed on it , but on Our study it cant removed easily by the water. Though Our study was just simple it has a lot of significance that may help the user with it,

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Crime and Dye Lab Essay Example for Free

Crime and Dye Lab Essay out of work is usu bothy viewed as a result of the heating of a substance. The higher the temperature at which the substance is heated, the great the vibrations that lead to certain sportsmanlike persuasiveness given off by the molecule. It is this same theory that suggests why steel g beginnings red hot when heated to high enough temperatures. The process of clarification emissions lavatory in addition be induces done other means.1One of such means termed fluorescence occurs when a substance pile be bring forth into giving off blithesome is through absorption of a photon through light or other means of radiations. During this process, electrons are excited from their quantity state. The electrons jump from their highest unoccupied orbital (HUMO) into a certain level of the unoccupied orbital (LUMO). As the electrons loose energy, they fall back to a glower orbital, thus emitting light.1, 2During the process leading to fluorescence, a certain change could occur during the excitation of the electron, ever-changing the spin of the electron as it gets excited. This change has to be undone as the electron goes back to its standard state. The emitting of light in this process is known as phosphorescence. The process of fluorescence is much faster than phosphorescence. This is payable to the particular that in phosphorescence, the electron has to undergo an extra step of undoing its current spin. This process is thermodynamically unfavorable compared to fluorescence.1, 2The last means by which light could be generated is through chemiluminescence. In such a case a chemical reaction occurs, ca use an excitation of the product. As this product decays into its standard state, light is emitted. This form of luminescent is different from the previous two in the sense that no absorption of light is required to induce the glow. The glow results from the product of the chemical reaction having to be in an exited state or of higher energy. 1The process of photon absorption and emission is certain a phenomenon that plays a vital intent in our society. Such importance is expressed during rescue operations, where victims can be easily plunge due to waving of a fluorescent material at night. It is evident that fluorescence becomes important when a thermally induced light emission is deemed impossible.1, 2Separation techniques were concepts that were important in the course of this experiment. One of such is through the means of UV Vis Spectrophotometer. The constituents of ink dyes can be determined using a spectrophotometer. By placing the dyes in the spec, various wavelength peaks will be obtained. These peaks can be used to find out the constituent color making up the dye.Another important form of separation used during this experiment is chromatography. Chromatography utilizes the differences in mutual opposition of substances as means of separation. Such is the case of a crime lab involving the finding of a drop a line used in writing on a piece of radical. If a pen out of quad is used to write a note, the particular pen can be detected using chromatography. The dyes of all four inks and the unknown ink can be obtained. This ink can be run through a chromatograph column, allowing a solvent to run preceding(prenominal) the ink dyes, carrying them along.After a certain grade the RF apprises of all the inks can be used to detect the particular ink. The RF value is the distance the ink travels divided by the distance travelled by the solvent. The ink with the same RF value as the unknown is the same ink used. Chromatography has a wide range of use. It use can be stretched from this as it can also be used to indicate the component amino acids found in various proteins. The protein can be run through the column, resulting in the various amino acids that r distributively out the protein, to be separated.1, 2Materials and Methods (Summarized from Lab Manual) 1Procedure* Phosphorescen ceTwo different polyaromatic acids, 1- naphthoic acid and 4-biphenylcarboxylic acid, were obtained and drops were added unto two dribble paper. The solvents heated to dryness for 11 proceedings using a hot plate on low heat. The filter papers were then placed under long and short wavelength ultraviolet lamps. Observation of the intensity and duration of glow were recorded.* FluorescenceTonic water system was poured into a beaker. Long and short wavelength UV lamp was shined above the beaker. Observations were recorded. Now, a beaker of water was taking to the UV lamp and was shined at the beaker. Observations were recorded. After, 3 drops of concentrated fluorescein final result was added into the beaker. The UV lamp was shined above the beaker and observations were recorded.* Chemiluminescence2 mL of Tekrakis-(dimethylaminoethylene) was added into a small probe tube. This test tube was taken to the UV lamp and shined at. Observations somewhat the intensity and duration of glow were recorded.After, 1 mL of luminol in DMSO was added into five test tubes. Now, in severally test tube fluorescein, rhodamine, rubrene and perylene solutions were added in 4 four of the five test tubes. Observation of the color of from each one solution was recorded. At this point, 1M NaOH was added into each test tube and was then shined with a UV lamp. Further observations were recorded. in conclusion 1 g of Al2O3 was added into four 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask. This was mixed with 1 mL of 3% H2O2. In each flask, perylene, tetracene (2,3-benanthracene), 9,10-Dipehenylanthracene, and rubrene were added respectively. Now, 1 mL of oxalic chloride was added in each flask and swirled. Observations were then recorded.* Crime LabA water can was heated and maintained at 650C. Now, wampums were made on papers from each of the four pens. The paper with each scribble was cut into small pieces and placed into a marked test tube. Also, a scribble of an unknown pen was obtained. The paper wa s also cut into small pieces and placed in a test tube. 2 mL of wood alcohol was added into each test tube and was placed in the hot bath for 5 minutes. The test tubes were allowed to cool, the color of the inks were recorded and poured into five cuvettes. Using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer, the wavelength peaks and absorbance of each ink solution were recorded.Four of the five dyes were then poured into new marked test tubes. The solutions were then boiled for 14 minutes until the there were less than 1 mL. The solutions were allowed to cool. Now, a 250 mL beaker was obtained. In it was added a small amount of methanol (less than half a centimeter in height). A filter paper was then obtained and cut towards the terminus (B.1). This was placed at the side of the beaker. Finally, an alumna plate was cut in the dimension of 8 x 4 cm. A line was drawn at a 1 cm height using a pencil. In this line, drops of the four inks were spotted. This plate was then leaned inside the end of the beak er (B.2). The plate was left in the solvent until it reached of the way up. The height the inks and solvent reached up the plate was recorded.

Monday, April 8, 2019

System Architectures Essay Example for Free

organization Architectures EssayIt is true that most companies now are looking at how to be competitive in their business, whether they improved their internal processes through improving manpower skills or improving customer service. But those improvements does non decease there, most companies would also look into improving their systems through their computer systems and that is the main focus of this look into as to how this will take on the future ch eachenges of most organization.One of the most very normal these days when it comes to computer systems is the utmost availability of it to almost everybody, like most people these days buttocks access their emails and systems through their mobile phone and sight make orders at the comfort of their homes and could even mangleer up them alarms and updates even without them asking for it. These are just some of the trends that continue to affect the business and how it brings business to end users.One of the future of com puter systems allows the providing online data and information to everybody, which can be provided by systems that specializes for data manduction with high end technology for instant querying and report for whatever information that people needs. This kind of systems continues to be the demand and will be more very in demand in the future as most organization would need much information to help them prepared for bigger challenges.Some of these systems include these great features (1) tailored data grids, (2) supports tailored fir RDBMS, and (3) adopts hybrid architecture of other systems, meaning it can constantly be adoptable and interconnected to other wide systems around the world. This will grow more on more in the future and it will be the information need of any(prenominal)body that drives a muckle to this kind of system.But, the implementation of this kind of system would take a lot of research and understanding to all the different challenges of any organization for i t to be adoptable and be appreciative to the growing information overt who would need it. (Comito, C. , Gournaris, A. , Sakellario, R. , Talia, D, 2008). Another future of computer systems will be more on the scientific and technology side this is because there are continuing focus on improvement on the research and ripening where it has been the vital part of the economic stability of any business.This continues to provide high efficiency and quality to any product it develops due to its accuracy bound systems that help stabilize production in most scientific research organization. This also becomes a major need for most organization these days as they already identified the weakness of most products in the market that did not applied high end computerized systems which in result affects the appreciation of the greater meticulous market.The main emphasis here is that it provides high quality and originality to any product and that already is one major attraction and enticement to many end users and buyers around the world, because straightaway technology for them is important and it really matters the most. In line with this the future will also be freeing into web based scientific and engineering computing system that would also helps scientist and engineers in coming up with better upgrade and fix of their systems online and would not anymore be implemented within offices.This not simply helps them to be more flexible but more importantly gives them productivity and efficiency since their systems can be access at their own convenience. This also attracts more business owners to also do business off shore and in return also gives them lesser cost in labor and other expense. (Future times of Computer Systems, n. d.).Work CitedComito, C. , Gournaris, A. , Sakellario, R. , Talia, D. (2008). A service-oriented system for distributed data querying and integration on Grids. Science Direct. Retrieved 16 February 2009 from http//journalseek.net/

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Im the King of the Castle Essay Example for Free

Im the powerfulness of the Castle Essay(i) With close reference to the passage, give evidence to show how Hooper knew that locking Kingshaw in the passing elbow room would scare him.From the beginning of this chapter three, we dumbfound already been exposed to the venerates of the despondent junior boy Kingshaw. In this passage, Hooper welcomed the supposed to be honoured Kingshaw into the Red Room. When the door was opened wide for Kingshaw, he stepped a little into the mode and then he stopped. While Hooper was standing beside the doors, the keys in his hand. With a tuck from Hoopers challenge to go on into the room and look around, Kingshaw stiffened and moved slowly towards the prototypic of the glass cases and then drew in his breathing situation sharply. Hooper was watching him intently waiting for the next chance to antiaircraft his prey. Kingshaw as well as gave his fear away when he stuttered upon asking, whowhere did they come from? while trying to act inter ested ab step to the fore the dead moths in that dark and forbidding room. The despots wit took him nearer to his opportunity. He offered the small key to open one of the cases so that Kingshaw could touch them besides Kingshaw was real overwhelmed by his fear that he replied Hooper with a straight No. four times. That only conduct himself deeper into the tyrants trap. Not only did Kingshaws answers betrayed himself, he also started moving backwards and only wanted to get out of the room.This hazard in the room only brought Hooper to confirm his suspicion of Kingshaw having a fear for dead things. Hooper was first given an impression with his first attempt of scaring Kingshaw upon his first meeting with him. The young tyrant lied to the indefensible Kingshaw more or less his grandfather dying in the room and on the bed that Kingshaw was about to use. At that time, the young boy was oblivious towards Hoopers tormenting words. Yet, his reaction said a lot about his inner being. Kingshaw upon knowing of the ult of his new bedroom only went to the suitcase and squatted down. It was very obvious to Hooper that he was trying to act as if the fact that someone died in his room did not scare him at all. At ten geezerhood old, any young boy would gain protested for another room and demand a confirmation from an vainglorious but Kingshaw just kept mum.Hooper purge Kingshaw to another test of a dead creature once again after watching the boy being attempted by the life rejoice. He confronted Kingshaw about his fear You were scared. You were runway away. The helpless Kingshaw then got reminded of his encounter with the scarlet red mouth of the carrion crow and was very agitated when he asked Hooper to Shut up, shut up. Kingshaw obviously didnt want to recall that terrifying incident again. However, the scheming Hooper placed a stuffed crow on Kingshaws bed at night. As Kingshaw was already very afraid of his room, as he believed Hoopers lie that his grandf ather died in his bed, Hooper wanted to use the stuffed crow to make the terror of the attack of that crow return. Also, considering Hoopers devious mind, I believe he also placed the stuffed crow on Kingshaws bed in the night also to create an impression on him that it could be Hoopers dead grandfather.When Kingshaw saw the stuffed crow on his bed the next morning, he knew for sure that Hooper was behind it. He also developed a fear towards Hooper from this as he realized that that tyrant was capable of anything to scare him even more. Yet, Kingshaw was so afraid to put himself to shame if he ever did cry out for help as he remembered his father was express mirth at him about his childhood fear of drowning. Kingshaw also knew that Hooper was waiting for him to scream and yell thus he decided to consume his fear so that he could get the overhand over this psychological engagement against Hooper.Hence, we can see very clearly that Hooper did very careful planning and made specific interpretations about Kingshaws fear of dead things and yearns for the stronghold against Kingshaw and his emotions. Thus upon confirming Kingshaws fear, Hooper moves on to locking him in the Red Room with the dead moths and other stuffed animals with very dark surroundings enhanced by the rain and grey skies outdoors that creates a threatening mood in Kingshaw.(ii) Describe one other incident where Hooper preys on Kingshaws fears and prove the effect of that incident on Kingshaw. Write with reference till where we stopped Chapter 6.One other incident apart from that of locking Kingshaw in the Red Room on that rainy night, I believe very strongly that the stuffed crow created a very deep threat in Kingshaws life in Warings and he was bent on running away from his greatest fear right now Edmund Hooper.Kingshaw was exceptionally traumatized from his attack of the living crow. It was like Hooper aggressive, territorial and left no space for him to escape. The crow caused him to sc ream in a queer, gasping sort of way which shows us how terrified of the crow Kingshaw was. The crow seemed to have a craving to legal injury him and Kingshaw was left totally helpless and almost unable to make a sound because of his terror and shock. The fierce attack of that crow showed how trapped and isolated Kingshaw was in Warings.Hence when Hooper exploits Kingshaws fear of the crow and dead things, Kingshaw started to have a fear for Hooper grow in him. Especially when he realizes that Hooper used the stuffed crow to terrorise him and also to hint to him about himself being kept under close observation and can be disappointed anytime by a click of Hoopers fingers. Although the living crow attacked Kingshaw physically, he knew very clearly that the stuffed crow was to attack him psychologically and that Hooper has had seen through his brave front.Kingshaw tried very hard to battle the fear inside him so that Hooper would not win him. However, after being locked inside the Red Room with all the dead animals, Kingshaw yearns for somewhere he can hide away from Hoopers supervision. He hates Hooper now.Kingshaw did find a room of his own, his personal space in Warings somewhere that Hooper does not hold control of. It was a small room that seemed never to have had any particular function of its own. Although the room was small, Kingshaw was not afraid of it. The author was trying to tell us that the claustrophia was towards being locked up and not of minimal spaces.Kingshaw was actually fine with the idea about locking himself in that room full of antique dolls as a way of defending himself against Hooper. He only panics when mortal else locks him in a room, against his own will. His secret room was a very little room compared to Hoopers positive(p) Red Room. This tells a lot of Kingshaws insecurity and his sensitive and gentle character as the room was fill up with a collection of female dolls.However, Kingshaws temporary sanctuary was not occupied f or long, Hooper found his hiding place. His liberty was short-lived.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

The theme of honour Essay Example for Free

The theme of sinlessness EssayThe theme of Honours tongue. Is this a well behaved verbal description of Henry VI Part 1? Henry IV Part 1 is a Shakespearian track down of the young Prince Hal who is worldly concerny ways is non ready to accept his role as the Prince of England. He is immature and disloyal in his fathers eyes. He befri poles drunkards, socializes in lonely taverns or whore-houses, and, at the beginning of the play, is not a fit prince, let alone a fit heir to the thrown. The second tantrum of the play Hals first is set in the tavern. We argon immediately introduced to Hals friend, Sir Jack Falstaff.From his title, Falstaff might seem gracious, brave and sensible, almost of the qualities that might usually be used to describe one who has been knighted. However, Falstaff is fat, drunken, old, flabby and a thief. In bit 2 Scene 2, and the scenes that follow, Falstaff is summed up a great deal. He is carrying Out a robbery upon nigh travelers, firstly showi ng his side as a thief and a rogue. Have you any levers to pluck me up again, being down? This quote shows Jacks fat side. After Falstaff and his croanies have carried out the robbery, they are immediately robbed themselves by Prince Hal and his less abominable friend, Poins.When the men meet again at the tavern, Falstaff runs out a huge story of how the money was stolen by him successfully, but then immediately taken by a group of. A hundred . some dozen . Sixteen at least some sextuplet or seven (finally) if I fought not with fifty of them, I am a bunch of radish. When the Prince and Poins switch off Jack wrong he only replies that he knew that it was the two of them all along. On the other positive in the play is a man named Hotspur. He is the give-and-take of the Duke of Northumberland and is everything the King wishes his son was everything which Hal is not.In venture 3 scene 2 of the play, the King tells that his son might have been switched at birth with Hotspur, s o that he could have a son to be proud of, not one he would be reluctant to let sit on the throne. Hotspur, Hals opposite in the play, is hot-headed, valiant, and a good fighter. Hal apparently has none of these qualities, reflected by the people with whom he socialises. Act 2 scene 4 contains the main climax of the play. This is the scene following the robbery. Towards the end of it, Falstaff and the Prince act out a play conversation between the Prince and his father, with the King examining his son on the particulars of his life.Firstly, the Prince plays himself, and the two act out a humorous scene, with fun being made of the good portly man whom Hal befriends. At the end of this play, the two switch with Jack as the Prince and the Prince standing as his father. Although Jack makes effort to lighten the situation, repeating the previous play, the scene darkens as this second act-out descends into a near play. Towards the end of the second play (within the play ), Jack starts to squirm. to say I know more damage in him (Falstaff) than in myself, were to say more than I know throw out Peto, banish Bardolf, banish Poins banish plump Jack, and banish all the world. I do, I go away (the Prince replies).At this point, the climax of the play, Prince Hal reveals that his father will have the man hung. However, the play between the Prince and Falstaff is made to reflect the Princes views. This scene is the first scene of honour within the play, and the scenario itself that Hal will become King and forget his thieving friends is the most obvious and important reflection of honour end-to-end the play. The scenario is also accompanied by another theme of honour within the play.For example, at the very end of scene 1 in the fifth act, Falstaff runs off a speech showing his views on honour. buns honour set to a leg? No or rake away the grief of a wound? No. Honour hath no skill in surgery then? No. What is honour? A word air. This contrasts between Hals view s on honour and how he displays it through the play (rising from the depths of a scum-filled tavern, to go to the battlefield and risk his life) and Jacks views on the word, magnifies the theme of honour which runs through the play.

Critical Perspectives on Accounting Essay Example for Free

Critical Perspectives on Accounting EssayIn this condition Marcus Milne provides critical overview and analysis of lit devoted to establishing evidence for confirmative accounting theory in regards of corporate social disclosure. The central personal credit line of the paper is that confirmatory accounting theorists are trying to colonize social and environmental accounting research. The demonstrate article is empirical research and the beginning employs qualitative and quantitative data to support the claim that positive accounting theory of social disclosure has failed in its endeavor.The authors purpose is to challenge the perceptions of positive accounting theory and to illustrate why efforts of theorists to social and environmental accounting has failed. The author focuses on the legitimate work of Watts and Zimmerman and tends to present their concern and ideas with the lobbying behavior observed in US oil companies. The companies were claimed to be monopolists and self-interested politicians that had act mainly wealth transfers in the form of taxes and other political costs. For them, social responsibility is passing remark.The article is useful to my research topic as Milne suggests that modern businesses and companies should be more concerned with social and environmental responsibility as our worlds resources are not unlimited. The main limitation of the article is that notwithstanding one original work is incorporated the article presents one viewpoint without presenting multiple views on the problem. The author indicates that literature on positive accounting theory has failed to provide arguments for self-interested managers wealth maximizes. The article will be useful supplementary information for my research on social and environmental responsibility.