Sunday, April 14, 2019

The institution and I Essay Example for Free

The cosmos and I EssayThis is similar to Brett the protagonist in Scott Monks unconventionally written novel Raw.We first stick together Brett at his umpteenth duration of committing a crime. On his journey to his latest foot The upgrade, we learn of his negatively charged attitude and surprise of cosmos sent to a federation-styled homestead instead of a concentration ring patrolled by Dobermans and gun-toting guards. His negative attitude to authority is exemplified by constantly referring to the police as pigs and similies alike(p) Cops and viands go together like pigs and slop. Sam is the symbolic role model who initiates Bretts re hurl, he offers his hand for a handshake, but Brett declines the offer. This symbolises his reluctance to change from his former self and habits. Scott Monk has deliberately put this theme of binary program opposites inthe novel, to show how different the experiences argon on someones on different sides of the rules.When Brett first m eets the other criminals occupying The Farm he is shown dickens different paths he pot follow while there he understructure follow the rules and cuss on the institution for support and be like Josh. The other option is to involve a blatant disregard and disrespect for the rules and turn to violence as the answer to every(prenominal)thing and be like Tyson. Brett is always at crossroads and does not show any change until the end of the novel, where he is put in a position where he must choose what path he pauperisms to lead in life.The Farm does not use solitary confinement or violence as a form of punishment to fightds the boys, instead they ar enforced upon the individual i.e. When Brett drink drives and crashes the Ute, he is punished by doing chores much(prenominal) as pulling tabu weeds and scrubbing the rust off oil drums. Brett does not take to do such chores because he spots he is already being sent back to Sydney for breaking the law. some other way is by punish ing the entirely group for an individuals action, this leads to the individual harassment and negative victimisation towards this individual i.e. Brett tries to escape and is victimised by Tyson and his group who s ask the hair off his head for the fear of losing privileges.The symbolic affects of before and after The Farm is represented by Rebecca and Caitlyn. The significance of Rebecca proves that Brett is only semi-rehabilitated Rebecca symbolises Bretts continuing path to crime.Caitlyns personalities of being conservative and conformist replicate the path that Bretts life volition lead to if he abides to the rules while staying at The Farm.It is because of Rebecca that he is sent away and Sam tells him only you can change ur life. This is the main theme to the whole novel, and has been put in deliberately by Scott Monk. He does this because he knows that his book is aimed at young teenagers and he knows that it will attract the attention of a lot of young teenagers because of its contents rebelling amongst thewhole world because it hates you, fights, agitate and run-ins with the law.Dissimilar to Raw, Shawshank Redemption a film directed by Frank Darabont, is set on themes way on the negative effects on the individual while in prison. Shawshank focuses mainly on fleshly abuse and punishment, this is seen in the fourth scene when Warden Norton is laying out the rules no blasphemy but verbal and physical abuse is condoned. Shawshank is different to Raw because it can be seen that, the guards physically abuse the inmates.Also the spell of Raw is that the change is within the individual, but in Shawshank, the plot is to keep the criminals inside the dull grey-headed walls away from the emerging and colourful society There is only 3 ways to spend coin on prisons more walls, more bars, more guards. This piece of dialogue is ironic because the warden himself is in charge of a money laundering scheme throughout the prison, this is only possible with the h elp of the smart Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins). This operation leads Andy to visualise sarcasm in saying that On the outside I was an honest man, straight as an arrow, I had to come to prison to be a crook. This is an individual effect that Andy has had because of the institution he has become a criminal.There is a belief that if an inmate has been in a prison for too long they rely upon the institution and become institutionalised i.e. Brooks he served his 50 course sentence and throughout that time he is the prison librarian outside he is nothing. Upon leaving the prison he is given a place to stay and a job at sustenance Way. He doesnt like how the world has changed so fast and all he wants to really do is get a gun and rob the Food Way so they would send me home. _Home_, he refers to the prison as home, by being away from a growing society, the institution has left him with a negative effect of being confused and not sagacious anything round the outside world, but relying on the support of the institution.Brooks was rendered so incapable of independent approximation and human operation in the world that he committed suicide. This portrays how Shawshank has become the opposite of rehabilitation and shuns out the beliefs of hope and ever getting out of the high stone walls. Just like it did to Red, when Andy tries to explain how he can never become institutionalised, Red replieswith Hope is a dangerous thing. It can drive a man insane. This explains how in Shawshank, redemption is a hard thing to find. Redemption is the improving of something, but if inmates are _hoping_ to _improve_, will they find redemption?Richard Nevilles article Come on, kids dare to resist published by The Sydney forenoon Herald on the 3rd of May 2004. Outlines how the selfish gen Xers are more afraid of losing their credit card game than losing the planet. A gen Xer is a person born on Earth anytime between 1965 and 1980. Richard Neville is a man who doesnt want technology to ru le our worlds, he is a hero to some and an enemy to others, his views are more futuristic, he is very concerned to where the future is headed and how we will get there. He himself is portrayed as the institution here, it is his views that agnize a lasting impact on people, the reason he is well known for his publicity.When commenting on a recent protest about young university students wanting lower fees he says this The students have a academic degree about the fees, but why cant they get upset about other peoples problems? He is referring to the war in Iraq. He wants the young students to look to the controlling side and see that they have the education that they are taking for granted the education a person their age in Iraq is deprived of even if they can afford it. These youngsters in Australia do not understand how lucky they are to be friends with America and not enemies like Iraq.His political based comments do not stop there As for the future leading of Australia, the s trapping young professionals, the entrepreneurs, the trainee philosophers, where are they? Locked up with mortgage brokers, every one. See how he predicts a positive effect and job prospects towards _all_ future leaders of Australia and by saying that they are Locked up with mortgage brokers, every one. He is emphasising that they are experiencing a negative effect from their institutions and are becoming institutionalised by not being able to reach for that final goal they can see it, but they cant have it. This is just like Brett in Raw he wanted to be like Josh, but couldnt because he could never leave his old habits behind him. This can similarly be related to Andy in Shawshank Redemption, he could see himselfoutside the prison in New Mexico, but he was restricted by the avariciousness and abuse of human rights. So he chose to break out and reach his goal, even if it was giving the institution a reason to finally keep him there.Now readers the task is upon you to judge from wh at you have read here, go read Raw and go watch Shawshank Redemption, I have only expressed to you my opinion of these two excellent texts and their analysation of different institutions and their effects. It is now your turn to experience the self-discovery of how you lead your life and how the institutions around you lead their occupants lives. It is also an incredulous opportunity that todays HSC students are able to study this subject more thoroughly.It is because of this elective in year 12 English classes that the young adults of tomorrow can see where their futures may be heading and know now that there is always time for reform and change in their habits. Studying such socially active topics at school will prove useful in their future lives, as it will help them understand how they should deal with problems they face from institutions that they may come across in their life. Might I also add to keep a watch on Richard Neville, he has some intriguing predictions about the fut ure on his websitehttp//

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