Thursday, June 13, 2019

Personal leadership and management developments Essay

Personal leadership and management developments - Essay ExampleGood leaders know their own values, strengths, and limitations and are able to control their emotions and behaviors. They moldiness strive for personal development by engaging in continuous learning and being willing to seek help when needed or allow for when they have made a mistake. They should be able to adapt to stressful or dynamic situations and be able to maintain a balance betwixt their work and non-work lives. a) Organizational objectives, values and culture The signifi rout outce of the impact of organisational objectives on leadership and management can be traced to Peter Druckers figure of the concept of Management by Objectives (MBO) whereby managers and employees work coherently towards the accomplishment of specific schemeal objectives within a set time frame (Thomson, 1998). Organizational objectives can be defined as the overallgoals, purpose andmissionof abusinessthat have beenestablishedby itsmanage mentand communicated to itsemployees. ... However, there may be significant differences between the objectives that managers and leaders pursue. For instance, plot of land managers are responsible for establishing agendas, setting timetables and allocating resources, leaders take on more strategic roles such as creating organizational vision and setting strategies (Kotter, 1990). Furthermore, organizational objectives of growing in size and increasing staffing, for instance, may require managers to develop work incentives for the newly hired workforce while leaders deal with the larger function of motivating, empowering and developing employees potential. Most importantly, however, organizations may incorporate change management as one of their objectives (Northouse, 2011). To this end, the role of leaders is unfavorable as they act as change agents. Secondly, values are traits or qualities that are considered worthwhile they represent your highest priorities and deeply held drivi ng forces. Core values of an organization are central to its functioning and decision-making as well how as the organization manages individuals and operations (Routledge & Carmichael, 2007). They are statements about how the organization will value customers, suppliers, and the internal company (Heathfield, 2013). It plays a key role in the choices made by leader. Values will affect not only the perceptions of eliminate ends, but also the perceptions of the appropriate means to those ends. From the concept and development of organization strategies, structures and processes, to the use of particular leadership styles and the evaluation of subordinate performance, value systems will be persuasive. In short, people mold according

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