Monday, July 29, 2019

Challenges facing managers today Research Paper

Challenges facing managers today - Research Paper Example And within this transformation in environment, managers have to change to become a change mentor, an employee advocate or sponsor, and a strategic partner within their organizations. In order to be successful, management is required to be a business driven activity with a comprehensive understanding of the big picture of the organization and have the capacity to affect significant policies and decisions. Generally, the focus of today’s manager should be on strategic technological planning, talents development, and personnel retention. Managers should also be succession planners, coaches, mentors, and counselors to help motivate workers and their loyalty (Daniel & Radenbaugh, 2001). This paper will look at the challenges facing managers today. The paper will take a position and support it using information from relevant research. It is evident that today’s managers are faced with a number of challenges. The following include some of the most apparent challenges. A lack o f resources in an organization can cause grave predicaments for a manager. A lack of resources may make the organization face cutbacks on significant things. This requires the manager to be economically minded and creative when this type of circumstance occurs. It is essential that a manager learns to make the most of what is available and check accessible resources to ensure they are not misused. Managers should also device ways of lessening costs on things which are of nominal significance so that there will be resources for necessary materials. Lack of resources may also have a negative impact on the training of employees (Brickley, Smith, Zimmerman & Willett, 2000). During training, organizations should have budgeted finances for travelling, accommodation, among other needs. If the managers cannot raise the finances to facilitate this, the workers will not have the means of gaining competitive skills, negatively affecting the performance of the organization. Another challenge fa cing the managers of today is their recognition towards input to business access and realization of the objectives of the organization. Some organizations do not see the significance of appointing managers when they have heads of different departments. Technological advancement is another challenge that managers have to deal with. Today, technological advancements are on the rise more than in the early period. Modern technology has to be utilized if an organization wants to provide goods and services which are cost effective, relevant, and congruent with the needs of the society. Therefore, managers face the significant challenge of raising the initial cost of acquiring, running, and maintaining modern technology. This is also made worse by the brief existence of a large number of technological inventions which imply that managers have to reinvest in contemporary technology often in order to protract their relevance (Hollen, Van, Frans & Volberda, 2013). This graph illustrates the i dea that technological progress is both a continuous opportunity and a continuous danger to the organization. Trade unions are another challenge facing the managers. Trade unions can be extremely cruel when it comes to negotiation and they may urge the workers to engage in striking activities. This has a negative impact

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