Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Motivation of Employees Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Motivation of Employees - Essay ExampleThis paper full generally focuses on the impact of managers and leaders on employees motivation.Mevery researchers have found that in spite of any possible action of employee motivation, the high motivation among them invariably depends on interesting work, pay, good working conditions, appreciation that they feature from their superiors, and job security. These factors ar heavy factors in helping to motivate employee (BPIR.com, 2002). When we look at the advantages of employee it can be pointed out that motivational and inspirational experiences in their organisational life repair employees attitudes, confidence and performance. Managers and leaders are expected to have exceptionally good leadership qualities and good deal-motivation skills and inspirational techniques that will help to improve total productivity.There are several motivational methods. It may range from inspirational quotes and poems, to team expression games and activ ities, warm-ups and exercises for conferences, workshops, meetings and events, which itself can often be helpful for motivation of most of the employees. According to the McGregors XY Theory of motivation, motivated people perform make better. Douglas McGregor who was an American social psychologist, in his 1960 book The Human Side of Enterprise proposed the famous X-Y theory. Theory x and theory y are even today referred to in the field of management and motivation. McGregors X-Y Theory trunk a valid basic principle from which to develop positive management style and techniques. Hence it is important for all the managers to follow some of the basic principles of this theory because McGregors XY Theory still remains central to organizational development, and to improving organizational finale. This theory is a simple reminder of the natural rules for managing people, which under the pressure of day-by-day work are easily forgotten. According to McGregor there are two fundamental approaches to managing people. In general it is found that many managers follow theory x, and sometimes get poor results. Other managers use theory y, which produces better performance and results, and allows people to grow and develop.In any organization it is found that people playing games or competing in teams learn about individually other, and also in this process communicate better and see each other in a unsanded light. It also results in mutual respect. This is the bases on which Johari Window theory is based. The Johari Window model was formulated by American psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in the 1950s, magic spell researching group dynamics. The Johari Window model is a simple and valuable tool for illustrating and improving self-awareness, and mutual discernment between individuals within a group in an organization. Today, the Johari Window model is particularly relevant out-of-pocket to modern emphasis on, and influence of, soft skills, behaviour, emp athy, cooperation, inter-group development and interpersonal development. People often enjoy events which include new non-work activities, especially when managers and bosses take part in the same teams as their junior staff, which also helps cohesiveness and can-do culture (businessballs.com, 2006). Role of leaders and managers in motivating employeesMotivation is a complex area and it is different for each person. It is important to get the alignment and values right, and motivational methods

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