Monday, September 30, 2019

Newton Weights Essay

As it is known, different materials have different properties. They act differently under different circumstances. There are a number of properties of matter which can be explained in terms of molecular behaviour. Among these properties is elasticity. Intermolecular forces: these are electromagnetic forces between molecules. The strength and direction of these forces differ in accordance to the separation of the molecules. Materials are often subjected to different forces. Forces can be distorting, that is they can alter the shape of a body. Two distorting forces I shall look at are tension and compression. Tension/tensile stress, more generally referred to as stretch, happens when external forces (larger red arrows) act on a body so that different parts of that body are pulled to go in different directions. In most materials, the intermolecular force (smaller aqua arrows) of attraction shows resistance to these external forces, so that once the external forces have abated, the body resumes its original shape/length. Compression/compressive stress, more generally referred to as squashing, happens when external forces act on a body of material so that different parts of that body are pushed in towards the centre of the body. In most materials, the intermolecular force of repulsion acts against these external forces, so that when the distorting force is removed, the molecules return to their original arrangement and spacing. Materials that do this are known to have the property of elasticity. In short, elasticity is the ability of a material to return to its original shape and size after distorting forces (i.e. tension and/or compression) have been removed. Materials which have this ability are elastic; those which do not have this ability are considered plastic. This always happens when the distorting force is below a certain size (which is different for each material). This point where the body will no longer return to its original shape/size (due to the distorting force becoming too large) is known as the elastic limit (which differs from material to material). As long as the distorting force is below this size, the body that is under the external forces will always return to its original shape. As the body is put under more and more stress (distorting force), the body strains (deforms, extends) more and more. Right up to the elastic limit, the body will continue straining, in accordance to the size of the stress. This is where Hooke’s Law comes in. Hooke’s Law states that, when a distorting force is applied to an object, the strain is proportional to the stress. For example, if the load/stress is doubled, then the extension/strain would also double. However, there is a limit of proportionality (which is often also the elastic limit), only up to which Hooke’s Law is true. Since the strain is proportional to the stress for different materials where Hooke’s Law is true, then there should be a fixed ratio of stress to strain for a given elastic material. This ratio is known as its Young’s Modulus. Young’s Modulus can be calculated from the stress and the strain of an object under tensile/compressive stress. e = change in length/extension of object, in cm p = original length of object, in cm a = cross-sectional area of object, in cm2 f = size of force applied, in newtons For example, the Young’s Modulus of Mild Steel = 2 x 1011 N m-2 Copper = 11 x 1010 N m-2 Hooke’s Law and Young’s Modulus apply to most elastic materials, with the exceptions. A special shape which material can be bent into to in order to optimize use of the elasticity of a material is a spring. Springs are used by us everywhere: in seats, mattresses, cars, toys, and all other sorts of necessary objects and items we encounter in our daily lives. They are normally made from metal, though they can come from plastics, rubber or even glass. When compressive stress is applied to a spring, the spring noticeably ‘shortens’, though the actual length of the body material shortens very little. It is due to this special shape of springs that let it do this. The same occurs when tensile stress is applied. When a spring is being extended or pulled on, it may seem the spring is changing length dramatically, but in actual fact the spring’s body material relatively doesn’t change shape at all, but rather the shape of the body is more spaced out. AIM My objective in this experiment is to find out how a spring varies in length with added load. I also want to witness Hooke’s Law in action, and I want to observe the behaviour of the spring/s even after the load added causes the stress in the spring to exceed the elastic limit. PLAN My experiment is fairly straight forward to set up and carry out. In my experiment the data that I intend to assemble is the extension of the spring each time new/extra load is added to it. It is necessary that I use the most appropriate equipment for my experiment, hence I have chosen to use a retort stand which will hold up the spring and its weights up, a second retort stand from which a meter rule will be suspended. The metre rule will be right up against the spring, so as to ensure an accurate reading. There is no evidence that I can take before hand, other than the material of the spring. This entire experiment has to be as accurate, fair, precise and reliable as can practically be, but it is only possible to make it so to a certain extent. For instance, I cannot be absolutely sure that that all Newton weights weigh exactly 1000 grams, nor is it practical to find a ruler that is absolutely accurate. Hence I am forced to settle for the metre rule, which is accurate to about 1 millimetre, and I will be aware that the Newton weights will be within an accuracy of about i 20 grams. These factors will not really be in my control; however I can reasonably account for them when I construct a graph from my table by using error bars for each point plotted. Another measure I am taking is that I shall not be the only one to take readings from the metre rule; I shall have two other peers who will also be reading off the same metre rule. From these 3 readings I shall draw up averages of level of weight applied to the spring. To be practical and observing at the same time, I must choose an appropriate extent and range, as well as appropriate integers, for the data that I intend to collect. I will be going to take the first measurement as the length of the spring when there is no mass attached to it. The last measurement shall be right up to when the spring can no longer hold on to the weights. I have a rough idea of the spring that I shall use, and I am assuming now that the spring shouldn’t be able to hold much more than 13 kg. I shall be adding the weights one at a time (one Newton/kilogram at a time), and I shall be taking measurements at each of these intervals. The measurements that I shall take of the length of the spring will be in millimetres. So basically, once I have set up the entire apparatus, I shall start off taking the measurement of the spring when it is free of load, then let my peers take theirs. Then I shall add a Newton weight one at a time, taking measurements with my helpers each time I add one. Of course we’ll be wearing our goggles, because I don’t want to take any risks. 1) Collect equipment. 2) Prepare apparatus as shown in diagram. 3) Record the length of the spring when it is load-free, to cm, in the prepared table for results. 4) Add a weight/mass of 1 kg or 1 N, and then take the new length of the spring. Record in the prepared table for results. 5) Continue adding on weights/masses of 1 kg, recording the length of the spring each time in the prepared table for results. This should be carried on until the weights can no longer be attached to the hanging spring. APPARATUS. The apparatus that I shall need set up for my experiment consist of the following items: 1. Retort Stands (x 2) 2. Boss and Clamps (x 2) 3. Metre Rule 4. Spring (length: 50 mm) 5. Newton Weights (x 15 approximately) Other items I shall need are three pairs of goggles. SAFETY I must consider my safety when working in the laboratory. It is common when this type of experiment is carried out that when a weight or anything for that matter is suspended from something as unstable as a hanging spring, the item in being suspended is prone to fall.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Perfume Market in China

Strategy for UNIQLO in India Class: Global Strategy – Optimizing your Global Footprint Professor: Mark Roeske Students: Hidenobu Hayakawa Nagasaka Sohta Nguyen Thanh Thi Phuong Waseda Summer Intensive , August 2012 Final Report Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA CONTENTS Executive Summary PART I/ UNIQLO and Apparel Industry – Overview of UNIQLO business – Apparel Industry: Value Chain & Key Success Factors PART II/ Environmental Analysis – PEST analysis for India – 5 Forces analysis for Apparel industry in India – SWOT analysis for UNIQLO’s entering into IndiaPART III/ Strategy Formation – Entry Strategy: Entry Mode – Expansion Strategy: 3 Phases – Implementation Plan: 4P, AAA Conclusion Reference Appendix 2 Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Japan is famous for innovation and high-tech manufacturing industries but not for fashion. However, this fact should be reconsidered since th e brand UNIQLO, a true Japanese fashion brand, now can be found in the biggest cities of the world from world-class shopping malls like Ginza (Tokyo), Fifth Avenue (New York) to the streets of Shanghai and Malaysia.UNIQLO is the main brand of Fast Retailing Co. , Ltd (see Appendix 1 for Corporate Profile), the largest producer in apparel retailing industry in Japan and ranks the fourth in the world (after ZARA, H&M and GAP). Mr. Tadashi Yanai, the founder a nd current CEO of Fast Retailing (FR) used to be the richest man in Japan. In this report, we develop the strategy to bring UNIQLO to the world second largest population, India. The reasons why we choose this plan can be explained briefly as following.Fast Retailing aims at becoming the number one apparel retailer in the world by 2020. In order to achieve this ambitious vision, they need to boost up sales from other markets other than depending only on the already-saturated Japanese market. First venturing into international mark ets in 2001, UNIQLO now has worldwide operations, including in the U. K. , China, Hong Kong, South Korea, the United States, France, Singapore, Russia, Taiwan and Malaysia. There are very few big economies in the world that UNIQLO has not touched, which includes India.The reason for choosing India as the next destination of UNIQLO brand is mainly because of the attraction of India itself with a big population and rising GDP growth as well as an warm-welcome legal environment for foreign investment. About the structure of this report, we divide in three different parts. The first one will give an overview of UNIQLO brand, its position versa other world-top apparel brands. This part also explains the value chain of apparel industry focusing on SPA model and its relevant key success factors. The second part provides an in-depth but compact environmental analysis of India n general and its apparel industry. Based on the country and industry analysis, a summary of external and internal f actors affectin g the introduction of UNIQLO brand into India is shown in the SWOT analysis. The last but most important 3 Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA part of the report focuses on forming the entry strategy as well as expansion strategy for UNIQLO in Indian market. The main data source for this report is the FR’s latest annual report for fiscal year ended August 31, 2011 as well as information available on reliable websites, which are shown in the Reference.PART I/ UNIQLO and Japanese Apparel Industry UNIQLO of Fast Retailing â€Å"Changing the World with Truly Great Clothing† is the motto of Fast Retailing which show s the corporation’s spirit, vision and strategy. The specialty retailer UNIQLO, the Group’s mainstay operation, has enjoyed strong growth by offering high-quality casual wear at reasonable prices based on its SPA (Specialty store retailer of Private label Apparel) business model, which spans product design, manufacture, distr ibution and retail. UNIQLO’s products range from denim, cashmere, knitwear & underwear to men & women jeans, trousers, shorts, shirts and t-shirts.The first UNIQLO store opened in 1984 and as mentioned above, UNIQLO now has operations in U. K. , China, Hong Kong, South Korea, the United States, France, Singapore, Russia, Taiwan and Malaysia. In 2011, th ey opened global flagship stores in Taipei, Seoul and on New York’s prestigious Fifth Avenue, as part of plans to grow business worldwide. At the end of fiscal 2011, they had 843 stores in Japan and 181 stores in other markets. Their breakthrough products include HEAT-TECH inner wear line, Ultra Light Down jackets and Cool biz line. In Japan, UNIQLO is the nation’s largest apparel retailer, with a 5. % 1 share of the 10. 7 trillion yen Japanese apparel market, and 843 stores nationwide at the end of fiscal 20 11. In fiscal 2011, sales increased 28. 7% year on year to 93. 7 billion yen and operating profit grew 40 . 6% to 8. 9 billion yen. While this is still only a small amount compared to UNIQLO Japan’s sales of 600. 1 billion yen, UNIQLO international’s operations in Asia are providing highly profitable. The total number of UNIQLO International stores stood at 181 at the end of August 2011. They plan to add another 107 to boost the total to 288 stores by the end of August 2012. Fast Retailing’s Annual Report 2011 4 Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA The chart below envisions the breakdown of UNIQLO sales in the future: (Source: Annual report yearend 2011, Fast Retailing Co. , Ltd) Apparel Industry The following chart shows the current ranking of major global SPAs in the apparel world (Source: Annual report yearend 2011, Fast Retailing Co. , Ltd) SPA business model incorporates the entire clothes-making process from procurement of materials, product planning, development and manufacture through distribution and retail to inventory management.To ensure the develo pment of products of exceptional quality, UNIQLO has refined its SPA business model to control the entire business process (see UNIQLO business model in Appendix 2). UNIQLO successfully differentiates itself from other companies by developing unique products and minimize store operation cost. This model is described in the flow of supply and key success factors are identified as below: ?1) Product Planning Key Success Factor: Product development based on customer feedback. Market-Out is a one of key driver for UNIQULO to attract consumer where their preference are diversified. Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA ?2) Raw material Purchase Key Success Factor: Material procurement from around the world. The UNIQLO Material Development Team is able to procure high-quality materials at low costs through direct negotiations with and bulk purchases from material manufacturers globally. ?3) Production Key Success Factor: a) Expert technical guidance at factories emphasizes quality in order to produce millions of products of standardized quality. b) Flexible to produce in small unit(lot) ? 4) Sales & Marketing Key Success Factor: Flagship Stores Boosts the BrandUNIQLO is seeking to build its brand through its network of global flagship stores. Global flagship stores serve as hubs to get out the UNIQLO message, and concept of high-quality basics, while showcasing what sets UNIQLO apart from competitors such as H&M, Zara or Gap. PART II/ Environmental Analysis 1/ PEST analysis for India India, officially the Republic of India, is a country in South Asia. Its population is around 1. 2 billion, second largest after China. In term of the ease of doing business, India ranks 132nd, even worse than Pakistan (105th). ? Political factor:About its political system, India is the world's most populous democracy with a parliamentary republic with a multi-party system. However, India ranks 95th over 185 countries in term of corruption rate and the corporation tax is really hig h at 40%. The law was changed in 2011 and it allows foreign companies to have wholly own subsidiary. Although tax and corruption are negative points, there are lots of positive points as the current Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, promised to bring more transparency in work of public servant and create no barriers to investment in India ?Potential impact to UNIQLO: It is an ideal timing for UQNILO to go to India now because from 24th November 2011, Indian government allowed a foreign company to have its wholly-own subsidiary of retailer. However, it needs to pay attention to potential legal risks from Indian inflexible Labor Law, for 6 Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA example, practically impossible to fire someone in India, requiring payment of annual bonuses even if the company wasn’t profitable, high compensation for workers that suffer injury/death on site of employment and trend of getting stringent on working condition and minimum wage law enforcement. Economi c factor: India is a rapidly rising power. Its GDP growth rate is impressively high (2009: 8. 24%, 2010: 9. 55%, 2011: 6. 86%). In term of nominal GDP, it ranks 11th in the world. Nevertheless, GDP per capita is very low compared to the other BRIC countries ($1,389, 140th ranking). India contains the largest concentration of people living below the World Bank's international poverty line of US$1. 25 per day. Inflation rate is very high of 11. 99% in 2010 and 8. 63% in 2011. As for apparel industry, the total market capitalization is expected to increase from US$32. billion in 2009 to US$57 billion in 2015. ?Potential impact to UNIQLO: consumer’s demand is increasing more and more in the future. Therefore, Indian apparel market creates a huge chance for UNIQLO. However, India is too big to deal with as a one country, so that cities are important to define business strategy. The first targeted destination should be Mumbai, which is the biggest city in population (12. 5 mil peop le) and its density (20,694/km2) is four times higher than Tokyo (5,541/km2). It is absolutely a very promising business because there is no tariff to clothing between Japan and India from 2010. Social factors: Population growth rate is 1. 4% per year and India is expected to reach 1. 4 billion in 2030. The literacy rate is about 74. 04% (2011) and there are more than 90 million English speakers. This population is divided in the following age structure: 0-14 years: 31. 8%, 15-64 years: 63. 1% and 65 years and above: 5. 1%. Their lands are fertile and very good for agriculture. The weather is various in locations and there are summer and winter and raining seasons. ?Potential impact to UNIQLO: UNIQLO should make unique comfortable products suitable for various climates.Although India provides cheap labor cost, the deviation in salary base in India is very large, 2-3 times difference by education and 20-30 times difference for professionals. Another important factor for consideration is related to the labor union in India. There are about 8,000 Labor Unions and they are very active. 7 Final Report ? [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA Technology factors: India is well-known as the land of IT outsourcing, so the infrastructure as well as transport and communication should be good. Nevertheless, there are more and more blackouts recently.As for textile, India is a big textile producer as being the largest producer of Jute, Cotton, Silk, Cellulosic and Synthetic fiber/Yarn. ?Potential impact to UNIQLO: in the long run, UNIQLO should make its own products in India to take the advantage of cheap raw material and low-paid labor sources. However, they now need to build up their distribution from the scratch. 2/ 5 Forces analysis for apparel industry of India In general, the PEST analysis shows favorable results to the business plan of introducing UNIQLO brand in India.In order to form the entry mode as well as competition strategy for UNIQLO, an in-depth understanding of cu rrent apparel industry of India is needed. The 5 forces model of Porter is applied to identify involving forces of this industry and details are shown below: ? Threat of new entrants: High Barrier to new entrant into apparel industry is low because there are no restrictions and the current Indian government shows warm welcome to foreign investment. On the other hand, â€Å"Functional Fiber’’ could lose its uniqueness and distinctiveness by products from other apparel companies.For example, Private brand from Chemical companies (like Du Pont Company) could be our rival in this category. ? Bargaining power of suppliers: Low As the main raw materials are â€Å"Cotton and Functional fiber’’ and cotton is commodity, UNIQLO can find the cotton source from various suppliers in and outside the country. More importantly, UNIQLO has a strong sourcing of functional fiber from Toray, its strategic partner. They have had a good corpo ration on global base under a lo ng-term contract. Finally, access to distribution channels is not limited and retailers provide shelf-space when they receive listing fees here in India. Bargaining power of buyer: Medium There is no switching cost for buyers. Most of the POS (Point of sales) are PAPAMAMA shop but they are small in size and not able to exercise buying power. However, due to the regulation change in 2010 8 Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA with regard to the field of retailer, quantity of mass–retailers has been increasing at urban area, making buyer bargaining power stronger. Consumer spending on fashion products has grown at 7. 1% annually from 2002 through 2010. There is a rising affluence which helps to increase brand awareness among Indian consumers.Indian is among the most brand conscious countries in the world (according to the â€Å"Nielsen Global Luxury Brands Study†). Indian often spend around 100$ on an average for apparel. To them, the most important factor is the l ook and feel of the product and price is also another important factor. Therefore, UNIQLO should market itself as the highly functional and innovative clothing brand from Japan to be sold at reasonable price. ? Threat of substitute products of service: High The substitutes are various from price, quality to brand as well as ease of access to customers.Local apparel manufacturers have consolidated in group and they are strong at low-cost operation. Still people have preference in local style outfit (their traditional custom: sari). ? Rivalry of competition: High India is considered an attractive market for luxury brands, about 50 premium and luxury brands, including Zara, GAP, Tommy Hilfiger, Guess, Benetton, Levi’s etc, have opened stores in India in recent years. Direct competitors of SPAs like UNIQLO (GAP and Zara) have been doing business in India and they have solid portions of market share in the non-functional category. Rivalry among existing companies is fierce.Regardi ng strengths and weaknesses of current competitors, Zara’s strength lies in its ability to quickly bring the latest designs to its stores while Levi’s and Benetton strengths are in their supply chains as they have been in India for more than 10 years. Shopper’s stop and Provogue are local players and they are available in more locations of customer attraction. However, current competitors also have weaknesses like: due to fewer seasonal variations, driving new fashions every season hasn’t been easy for them. Except Benetton, most of other brands do not offer traditional (embroidery) and colorful stuff, which Indians prefer more.Some of the competitors do not have good distribution infrastructure. In brief, the market in India is still in its early ages and is growing at a high rate. A lot of other premium brands are planning to open their stores in India soon. Market size is big especially in its tier-1 three most populous cities namely Mumbai, New Delhi and Bangalore (more than 30 million people in total). 9 Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA UNIQLO targets customers of all ages and genders, but in its first bricks, it should focus on customer aging from 15-64 and who is more brand conscious.The targeted customers should earn more than $100 dollars per month to afford UNIQLO products. 3/ SWOT analysis for UNIQLO in India The overview of UNIQLO business and the results of PEST and 5 forces analysis help us recognize the external factors and internal factors affecting to the investment decision and strategy formation of UNIQLO in India. All important factors are summarized in the SWOT frameworks below: Strengths Weakness – High quality, functional products for wide range of customer and to be sold at – UNIQLO originally had image of cheap clothes for everybody with basic designs Japanese culture is still the core value of FR reasonable price – Being famous for innovative products back up by Japan technolo gy innovation while Indian working culture is very much different. – Having strategic cooperation with suppliers (TORAY) – Shortage of global human resources due to the language barriers. – Having strong global footprint – Lack of well-established distribution network – Good SCM with SPA model – The financial status is very healthy Opportunities Threats – Increasing demand of functional products with high-tech and innovative materials in government welcomes oreign investment (apparel) – High Yen – Increase of purchasing power and brand consciousness in India price for market share. – Instability of consumption tax and regulations the second populous world. – Indian – Strong competition which may cause a war of – Different wear behavior of targeted customers and poor access to shopping centers – The global economic downturn and Indian slow GDP growth – Social matters (labor union, war with Afghan, security risk, market exit) – High rental at shopping mall 10 Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA PART III/ Strategy Formation 1/ StrategyBased on environmental analysis as well as strengths and weaknesses of UNIQLO, following is the suggested strategies for UNIQLO upon entering into India. Vision: Becoming the number one lifestyle apparel SPA in India in next 10 years. ? Value Positioning: highly functional clothes selling at middle to high price ? Competitive strategy: Differentiation by innovative product and aiming to be creator of new clothe types (ex: HEAT-TECH or Ultra Light Down Jacket lines) ? Targeted segmentation: Customer aging from 15 to 64 years old of both genders, belonging to the social classes having medium and high-income, living in urban area. Entry mode: first entering as a wholly-own subsidiary of Fast Retailing Co. , Ltd and later expand the store networks through alliance with strategic retailers or franchising/licensing models . UNIQLO had very successful business results with the wholly-own branch model in other countries like China, US and EU, which should be an advantage for them in India. ? Expansion Strategy: Phase-based model Phase 1 (Year 1 – Year 2) Market penetration & Brand and Network building Target: Having piloted 5 big-sized stores in the five most condensed shopping malls of Mumbai (5 stores) Phase 2 (Year 3- Year 5)Brand building & Regional expansion Target: Having 10 stores in malls of 4 big cities: Mumbai, Delhi, new Delhi and Bangalore (40 stores) Phase 3 (Year 6 ~ Year 10) Brand strengthening & National expansion Target: Building the first flagship store in Mumbai and having in total 100 stores nation-wide (1 flagship and 100 stores) 2/ Implementation plan: To realize the above strategy, 4P marketing framework has been applied and details are shown in the table below: 11 Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA Products Place – Phase 1: emphasize functional inner wear à ¢â‚¬â€œ Phase 1: start from big-sized stores in top-tier ine (heat-up and cool-biz types). This makes shopping malls in Mumbai and corporate with Indian more comfortable when combining domestic retailers who are easy to be controlled UNIQLO innerwear with their traditional by UNIQLO. sari. – Phase 2: develop various stores in big and – Phase 2: offer diverse casual apparel small shopping malls in top 4 biggest cities products of vivid designs for men and including Mumbai, Delhi, New Delhi, and women for any occasions. (T-shirt, sleeveless Bangalore. dress, jackets, jeans, etc ) – Phase 3: design styles and develop materials for Indian market to turn UNIQLO as the Phase 3: Open one world-class flagship store in Mumbai and increase the store quantity through franchising or licensing nation-wide. leading lifestyle clothes for domestic people. Price Promotion – Pricing for UNIQLO in India will be based – The store design, furniture, fixtures and music competitors’ pricing in India as well as its are all carefully planned and coordinated to global price strategy. create a shopping experience that reflects – Considering UNIQLO’s unique differentiated products and the income of target customers, the price will range from medium to high. global UNIQLO's brand concept. Marketing strategy will emphasize on the senses to inspire the aspiration lifestyles as – The possibility of lowering price of some Unique Clothing via strong investment in products is high because GPD per capita of advertising on TVs, journalism and on-line India is still very low compared to other websites. Discounts at weekends and special BRICs. ceremonies will be applied to boost the sales. Moreover, India is a totally different market compared to its home Japan in term of culture, religion and politics. Therefore, in order to win in this market, UNIQLO must follow the triple A strategy for its global operation and planning. Adaptation: India is very big and varies in climate, tribes, religion and tradition. Therefore, UNIQLO has to provide diverse products adapting to wear behavior of localities . For example, in Mumbai, where UNIQLO aims to open first stores, is very hot so UNIQLO's high -tech dry T-shirt would be ideal. At the very end, UNIQLO should provide the specific design and fabric exclusively for India (ex: embroidery products with vivid color). By adapting the firm’s products and services to the local 12 Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA context, it can boost revenues and market share. ?Aggregation: India's population is 10 times than Japan and this market is getting bigger and bigger. Therefore, if UNIQLO makes a big success in Indian market, they would get the benefits of economy of scale by turning India into regional or even global operation of UNIQLO. Although they now have a production factory in Sri Lanka, India is a very much bigger market connecting to the Asian sub continent. I n the future, all development, production and marketing can be grouped in India as the regional operations headquarter. ? Arbitrage: India has a big apparel cluster and cheap labor force.On the other hand, now in China, where 80% productions of UNIQLO products are there, labor wage is increasing rapidly. If UNIQLO decided to go to India, they can move factories from China to India to reduce to cost burden as well as avoid the threat of intense political conflict between China and Japan. CONCLUSION UNIQLO aims to create apparel MADE FOR ALL, offering the elements of style in clothes that suit diverse values of customers. Therefore, although India is diverse in term of culture and shopping behavior, in the one-world one-market era, UNIQLO has a big chance.According to us, short-term goal for UNIQLO is to set up profitable business model and increase brand awareness. Long-term goal is to be a leading lifestyle brand in India. Starting from high-profile shopping centers, then flagship s tores but eventually UNIQLO would become popular functional casual clothing that its shops can be found in every cities of India. As for organization and operation, to meet up with the huge demand of labor force in the future, we suggest UNIQLO to recruit and train university graduates in India in the same way as in Japan (either in India or Japan).The fresh approach to staff training will facilitate aggressive new stores openings in India later. Finally, regarding the corporate culture, in order to avoid cultural conflicts as well as to preserve UNIQLO’s Japanese Core Values amid Globalization, (UNIQLO is a company born and bred in Japan), they should balance and integrate its Japanese DNA and Indian DNA to feature itself as a new type of Japanese-originated global corporation. 13 Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA REFERENCE 1/ Note on Globalization and Strategy http://www. iese. edu/en/files/AR-Apuntes9. pdf 2/ Fast Retailing Latest Annual Report 2011 http://www. as tretailing. com/eng/ir/library/annual. html 3/ Other websites: http://www. jetro. go. jp/world/asia/in/biznews/4ed43b5b0cb20 http://www. jetro. go. jp/world/asia/in/invest_04/ http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Corruption_Perceptions_Index http://ja. wikipedia. org/wiki/%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89 http://www. google. co. jp/publicdata/explore? ds=d5bncppjof8f9_=ny_gdp_mktp_kd_zg m=country:IND=ja=ja=%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89gdp%E6%88%90%E9%95 %B7%E7%8E%87) http://ja. wikipedia. org/wiki/%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89) http://www. google. co. jp/url? sa=t=j==s=web=1=0CGAQFjAA =http%3A%2F%2Fcsi. ckinsey. com%2F~%2Fmedia%2FExtranets%2FConsumer%2520Shopper%252 0Insights%2FReports%2FIndias_fast_growing_apparel_market. ashx=LtM0UN7mGIb4mAWmwoG YCQ=AFQjCNE5VELIQ-B385iwXw_VnAjkCscOCw=rXzMNQp0szM7wLXWKzPqXQ http://ja. wikipedia. org/wiki/%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89 http://ecodb. net/country/IN/imf_inflation. html#pcpipch http://www. meti. go. jp/policy/trade_policy/epa/country/pdf/india0408. pdf h ttp://www. google. co. jp/url? sa=t=j==s=web=1=0CGAQFjAA =http%3A%2F%2Fcsi. mckinsey. com%2F~%2Fmedia%2FExtranets%2FConsumer%2520Shopper%252 0Insights%2FReports%2FIndias_fast_growing_apparel_market. shx=LtM0UN7mGIb4mAWmwoG YCQ=AFQjCNE5VELIQ-B385iwXw_VnAjkCscOCw=rXzMNQp0szM7wLXWKzPqXQ http://www. indexmundi. com/india/age_structure. ht 14 Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA APPENDIX Appendix 1: Fast Retailing Corporation Profile Index Figure Country Japan Found year 1963 Sales( billion) 820. 35(2011. 8) Net profit( billion) 54. 35 Total assets( billion) 533. 78 ROE(%) 18. 1 Market value (() 14,742 Stores 2088 (10 countries) Employees (full-time) 14,612 Region sales rate 73(Japan):27(Oversea) (Source: Annual report yearend 2011, Fast Retailing Co. , Ltd) 15

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Psychology Assignment: Perception Essay

Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sensation and perception are mental processes that are sometimes mistaken for each other.   A fine distinction, however, can be drawn between them. Sensation is defined as, â€Å"the conscious experience that follows immediately upon the stimulation of a sense organ or a sensory nerve.† The first result of a stimulus situation is sensation and an elaboration of beyond this first result is perception (Halonen & Santrock, 1996).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A factor influencing man’s behavior and his adjustment is how he looks at places, persons, objects, things, and situations. His interpretation about affect greatly his business and everyday life. If, for example, he looks at a store lay-out and says that it is conducive to increased sales volume, then that is how he perceives the store’s lay-out. The same is true for an employer who evaluates job applicants. He interviews and gives tests to them. The final decision depends upon his awareness of the different traits or qualifications expected of the applicants. This is what is termed as perception (Halonen & Santrock, 1996). Discussion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The dictionary of education defines perception in its most limited sense as â€Å"awareness of external objects, conditions, relationship as a result of sensory stimulation† (McKenna, 2000).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Beach and Clark (1959) define it as â€Å"the process which involves the receiving and organizing or interpreting of stimuli, by the individual (McKenna, 2000).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From the aforementioned definitions, one thing is common and that is the awareness of a stimulus. This awareness is achieved through our sense organs, muscles and glands, and connectors (McKenna, 2000). Characteristics of the Perception Process   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Perception as the action by which the mind refers its sensations to external object has certain characteristics. Beach and Clark enumerated and discussed the characteristics of perception as follows (McKenna, 2000; Clement, 1981):   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is Selective   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When one walks down the street, he is not aware of everything in his environment. Eh pays attention to specific or particular stimuli only and not to all sounds, sight and other types of stimuli about him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Through our sense organs, in other words, we select only those things we are interested in. there is but a particular thing that may attract, maintain, or distract the attention of the individual (McKenna, 2000; Clement, 1981)..   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is Structuring or Patterning Process   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What a person perceives as common to him is a form or structure. This is what is called configuration or wholeness in Gestalt psychology. A person perceives a real thing when it comes in the correct pattern or structure. A complete pattern of an object means that it has all the attributes of the object: (1) it must have shape, (2) it must have a color, (3) it must have a smell; (4) it must have a taste (McKenna, 2000; Clement, 1981).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It Contains Meaning   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The particular sensations experienced by a person are interpreted in a way that will give them meaning in terms of the person’s experience. For a person it is difficult to perceive or understand a thing or stimulus if he does not know it. Before one perceives a thing, he must be familiar with it first. A person attaches meaning to a thing he has knowledge of or is familiar with (McKenna, 2000; Clement, 1981)..   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is Adaptive or Subjective   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When a person perceives a thing, he sees it according to his likes, desires, ambitions or beliefs. In other words, he suits his perception according to his likes, his feelings, his desires, and his beliefs (McKenna, 2000; Clement, 1981).. Factors Affecting or Influencing Perception   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are several factors to be considered to understand perception. These are the sense organs, intelligence, the emotions and feelings, culture, training, social factors, interests, attitudes and motives (Landy, 1985; Baron, 1983; Clement, 1981). The Role of the Senses   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   How a person interprets things or situations depends primarily upon his sense organs. Some senses are stronger than others. There are those who have a keen sense of smell; there are those with very poor eyesight. This may result in different perceptions of objects (Landy, 1985; Baron, 1983; Clement, 1981).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Apparel to a person’s sense makes perception effective. This is illustrated in advertizing. The more senses advertizing appeals to the more lasting the impression is (Landy, 1985; Baron, 1983; Clement, 1981). Culture   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Culture influences our perception both directly and indirectly. Indirectly, because culture influences our personal needs and motives. Directly, because a person’s habits of looking at and interpreting things, objects, persons, and situations depend partly on his culture (Landy, 1985; Baron, 1983; Clement, 1981). Training   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another factor of perception is training and conditioning. Training means the education and experience the individual gains in his life. It involves observing others and/or following instructions. The point is, what will happen in any particular situation and what will done by the people involved, will depend upon the past conditioning and training of the various individuals involved (Landy, 1985; Baron, 1983; Clement, 1981). Social Factors   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A person’s social experiences exert a strong influence on how he sees or interprets a situation, specially a social situation. In his contact with his family, friend, school or business associates his responses to situations are influenced by experiences with these social groups. In other words, his perception of situation depends upon his social interactions with people and society (Landy, 1985; Baron, 1983; Clement, 1981). Emotions   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Emotions influence one’s perception. A situation which appears â€Å"very bad† during a negative emotional moment often turns out to be â€Å"not bad after all† in a calmer moment. Our behavior is not only due to physiological causes but also to psychological causes. These psychological causes are partly due to an individual’s emotion (Landy, 1985; Baron, 1983; Clement, 1981). Intelligence   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When a person is intelligent, he does not only see objects as they are but interprets them in terms of beauty, uniqueness, and the efforts made behind the construction, in other words, he sees things in several dimensions (Landy, 1985; Baron, 1983; Clement, 1981). Motives or Drives   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A person’s motives, needs, desires and drives condition our perception. A salesman displays wares in his counter with the bodily or psychological needs or desires of the customers in mind. The customers’ attention will be attracted because of their personal motives (Landy, 1985; Baron, 1983; Clement, 1981). Interests   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Different individuals perceive the same object in varying ways influenced by their interests. A high school graduate may perceive a city as a place where he can further his studies. A businessman on the other hand, would see it as a good place for business, while an employee from a rural place would see as the place where he can get better play or salary (Landy, 1985; Baron, 1983; Clement, 1981). Attitudes   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The attitude of a person is a determining factor of perception. A favorable attitude toward an object or thing will make him see the object as a desirable thing (Landy, 1985; Baron, 1983; Clement, 1981). Reference: Baron, R. 1983. Behavior in Organizations: Understanding and Managing the Human Side of Work, Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Clement, R.W. 1981. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Management Training. Human Resources Management. Vol. 20, pp.8-13. Halonen, Jane S., and John Santrock. Psychology: Contexts of behavior. 1996. Brown & Benchmark, USA, p. 280. Landy, F.J. 1985. Psychology of Work behavior. 3rd Ed. Dorsey Press. McKenna, Eugene, 2000. Business Psychology and Organizational Behavior: A Student’s Handbook. 3rd Ed. Psychology press: Taylor and Francis Group.      

Friday, September 27, 2019

Theology 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Theology 2 - Essay Example It is harder to keep the distinction between Catholic and Protestant, or between Christian and Jewish, between Judeo-Christian and such interests as the retrieval of Goddess religion, simply because there is so much shared among women, even in rite, beyond institutional divisions. In treating of sacrament, Anchor Bible Dictionary theology, as a form of liberation theology, is concerned with fundamental views of reality and with the shaping of views and practices by patriarchy. To elaborate a radically new way of thinking about and celebrating sacraments, it addresses the critique of ideologies, the retrieval of what has been hidden or submerged, the critique of language and ritual behavior, and praxis. Reutilization, participation, and observation belong together, precisely because Anchor Bible Dictionary theology’s trying not simply to understand what sacrament is or how it works, but to discover what it might become when freed from ideologies, opened to new inspiration, encompassing new experiences, and nourished by new memories. First, the concern is with ritual action and symbolic language that within communities revitalize the Christian tradition from a Anchor Bible Dictionary perspective and draw upon it even while drawing on other religious traditions. Second, while writers often treat of the Church in a comprehensive way and look to a future of celebration within communities of equal discipleship, there is a very particular locus of discourse that is Women-Church or a community of women giving voice and role to women. The foundations of reflective discourse are posited in creative ritual act, through what one might call the process of reutilization par excellence. Quite interestingly, most of the specific French contribution to an understanding of sacrament does not come from theological writings but from Anchor Bible Dictionarys, such as Julia Kristina, who are interested in religious expression as

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Performance measurement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Performance measurement - Essay Example In a broader perspective, the role of performance management system is to provide a fundamental bloc for enhancing total quality management (Besanko, Dranove, Shanley & Schaefer, 2010). Organizations that employ performance management systems are those that wish to establish the individual, departmental, and organizational performance in a bid to enhancing management to achieve organizational goals. Amongst the personal experiences with performance measurement is during the recent visit by auditors. The auditors aimed at ensuring that every employee in the organization had not only complied with the requirements of the firm but had also placed in extra efforts to ensure customer satisfaction in addition to growing shareholders’ value. The auditors found out that most employees in the organization would go an extra mile to call the clients in order to offer advisory services with respect to the organization. Being in the Accounting and Finance Department, the auditors wanted to know how the organization was complying with the Accounting Standards as provided for by the IAS and IFRS. Their advice to the department was the need to keep updating financial and accounting data in a bid to ensure that there was accountability and transparency in reporting the same concepts and

Customer Relationship Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Customer Relationship Managment - Essay Example This paper approves that the company was wise enough to eliminate online booking because this was not personal enough and left a lot of room for mistakes and misconceptions about which products were most suitable for a client. It was therefore necessary to come up with a strategy that will allow discussions between clients directly with Tennyson employees. This has been facilitated by their automated telephone line. The company has improved its customer care in this regard by responding to customer’s enquiries immediately yet at the same time maintaining that personal contact with them. This is quite a commendable effort on their part. Relationship marketing experts assert that when companies have obtained their desired clients, they need to do all it takes to keep them there. They have suggested the use of product promotion tactics, product bundling among others. Product bundling involves offering a number of related services all under once collective price. this essay makes a conclusion that Tennyson initially had a haphazard way of managing their customers. But after merging with merry weather, it realised that there was a need for improvement which could be facilitated by some of merry weather’s clients. The company embarked on customer valuation exercises and should use those findings to improve its relationship marketing strategy in the future. However, the current improvements will facilitate future product offerings and will enhance the companies’ relationship with its market.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Development and Policy in Modern Europe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Development and Policy in Modern Europe - Essay Example After periods of accumulation of wealth prior to the World War II, only a short period of time during the war was sufficient to send Europe on its knees. The prestigious position of the powerhouse of world industrialization was at risk if nothing was forthcoming, to salvage not only Europe but the rest of the world as well. As illustrated, the success thus highlighted after the war would not be conceptualized were it not for socioeconomic and political realignment of the post war community in Europe and in the USA. Firstly, the Word War II had just brought Europe on its knees and the cooperation demonstrated during the formation of alliances prior to the war seemed to have a longer future as the proverbial friends in need should. Without assurances of cooperation at the end of the war in 1939, there would have been little hope for recovery from the devastating impact of the war. The Allies were committed to continue their ties during the recovery period ahead, which is demonstrated by landmark political reorganization to recovery and prevention of similar ugly events in the future. Governments had to make arrangements to cater for declined production and nose-diving unemployment levels against pressures of demand. Hope for recovery against a backdrop of numerous setbacks that stood in the way was only in the promises of success as witnessed in the alliances formed during the war. In addition, perhaps the first brave move that restored balance in international economies came in 1944 by the Bretton Woods agreement on stability in international payment through the US dollar. According to MQF (2012, para.1), the stability obtained during the Bretton Woods conference was achieved through the creation of the IMF as well as the World Bank and the subsequent agreement of a standard based on gold and dollar valuation. In the aftermath of the established economic regime, global inflation had

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Developing a business plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Developing a business plan - Assignment Example The other way is to increase labor and expertise in handling the needs of our clients better. The product logistics and quality controls will be essential in defining the way these products take place. A vertical retail presence in crucial catalogues and e-commerce avenues will be pursued. Advertisement by creating a buzz about this new brand will be made especially amongst opinion leaders based on a combination of product placement and public relations. To achieve this, the needed abilities are good technological backgrounds. The goal is to have a system that enhances customer experiences through the acknowledgement of feedback from the users. The company is also leveraging on its current technology that ensures it can use its services to benefits its clients and provide a solution to their needs. The capabilities lacking are in mass production, which could hinder the number of outlets served. The current number requires an adjustment (Rumelt, 2011). The products are ladies’ creams for both day and night. They will be produced at our manufacturing plant and sold by representatives across the board in both retail and wholesale shops. The goal is to create a wide supply chain team to ensure the products reach out to the largest audience. The sellers will be getting a commission when dealing directly with the company, while those in retail will get lower prices to ensure they profit from stocking our products. The development processes are unique in that they encompass the utility of the ideals of modern technology combine with appropriate understanding of biological attributes of the human body. The production takes place at a facility that follows the required criterion that assures the client of a quality product. The marketing aspect takes place on both new and traditional media, with the new media taking the highest form. This is because most of the targeted clients use these forms of media for communication and information. Products are

Monday, September 23, 2019

Case Study Portfolio Grangewood Paper Limited Essay

Case Study Portfolio Grangewood Paper Limited - Essay Example In each instance both criminal and civil liability can be founded. In addition, Grangewood is accountable to the Environment Agency. This paper will critically evaluate each of these duties and their respective consequences. In order to understand how poor waste management constitutes a breach of both statutory and common law duties it is necessary to define waste and the health risks associated with waste. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs divides waste into commercial, industrial and municipal waste.1 Municipal waste is typically waste disposed of by households, schools and small businesses. Commercial and industrial waste is collected from the business and manufacturing sectors respectively. Otherwise, there are no residual differences between municipal, industrial and commercial waste. To this end waste is â€Å"an inevitable by-product of our use of natural resources.†2 Waste is any waste materials generated and collected by local authorities or their agents.3 Council Directive 75/442/EEC also known as the Waste Framework Directive refers to waste as any material that is intended to be discarded or ought to be discarded.5 For all intents and purposes, was is construed within the parameters of the Council Directive.6 In general poor waste management practices can lead to loose debris and pollutants which poses a health risk on site and in the general vicinity.7 These pollutants attract insects and become breeding grounds for germs.8 Solid waste degrades and generally pollutes the area. Similarly liquid wastes becomes stagnant and likewise emits offensive odors and attracts insects such as mosquitoes and other germ and disease carrying insects9. Liquid waste is particularly problematic for Grangewood since its dye is left out so that it is exposed to rain and liquidizes into an unnatural state. Simply put, the Waste Management/The Duty of Care/A

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Technology Essay Introduction Essay Example for Free

Technology Essay Introduction Essay A rapid development of scientific and technological progress, especially in recent decades, has changed thinking of a modern person. An advent of computers has made a real revolution. They altered our approach to work, study, entertainment and other aspects of life. In hospitals, our organism is scanned by complex tomography. Up-to-grade Internet access devices are located in schools while in institutions there are various tools for carrying out calculations and experiments. Being ordinary things, laptop, mobile communications, a global network, automated production lines – thats far from a complete list of useful information technologies. Probably, people did not possess such a sum of knowledge in different fields. Amazing phenomena surround us. Today, figuratively speaking, you can get news from your pocket, connect to a network, or send a message to an individual who is thousands of kilometers away from you. Thanks to technologies, we may get acquainted with people who live in other countries and cities. Science came up with a lot of interesting and useful stuff from biomaterials to artificial hands. From a factitious kidney to contact lenses that train eye muscles at night. From digital libraries, online universities, and courses to advanced deep earth drilling rigs. Present innovations are designed to serve humanity in its quest for high peaks. However, not all technologies benefit the human being. Frequently, we could observe some reverse. For instance, modern weapons are capable of destroying both nature and human lives in frightening proportions. An industry smokes and discharges toxic waste into the water, invades the earths interior in search of resources. In the Pacific Ocean, a new â€Å"continent† of floating debris has already settled down. On the one hand, electronic pages are good, less harm is done to the environment, and storing a large amount of data is easier and more convenient in such form. On the other hand, humanity is becoming increasingly dependent on technology. Most humans cannot even imagine what they will do if, for example, they forget a phone at home. Facebook, Twitter, and other analogs have a significant influence on the well-being and sense of human satisfaction. A lot of studies noted the more time a person spends in so-called â€Å"social relations†, the higher a risk of loneliness and depression. The question arises: does this mean that global networks mostly address single and unhappy people or they make them so? Live interaction is replaced by a set of letters on the computer as facial expressions are emoticons. People just stopped going to visit and see each other. Thus, technological progress has divided the world into two camps. Some people believe that creation of complex gadgets moves an evolution of our civilization forward. Others are convinced of the extremely negative impact of such devices on human health and psyche. First of all, it is worth noting that a lot of techniques are specially established for performing the most laborious and routine job. Similar developments allow you to economize both time and space. At the same time, opponents of technical innovations are sure that they make a person lazy, deprive him/her of the opportunity to act mentally and physically. Many of our contemporaries spend a significant part of their lives waiting for the moment when robots will do all the activity without their participation. Do not forget about a danger associated with an emission of gadgets and an emergence of psychological dependence. But any phenomenon conceals in itself both positive and negative sides. In the context of technology, it is necessary to observe moderation in their applying and to remember their subsidiary rather than a dominant role in our lives.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Organization Theory For General Motors

Organization Theory For General Motors Organization theory is a sociology branch that focuses on the structure, systems and processes within an organization. Organization theory is thus applied by firms and states the activities and goals of that firm. General Motors Company was established in 1908 in Michigan by William Durant. By then it was a parent company for Buick. Later that year, it acquired two motor track companies i.e. the Reliance motor company which was based in Owosso, Michigan and Pontiacs Rapid motor company. However, General Motors Company came to be the market leader in Motor industry in the early 1980s.It started with employing 349,000 employees and had 150 assembly plants. Currently, General Motors produce tracks and cars in over 34 countries worldwide. It sells the vehicles through such brands as Cadillac, Buick, GMS, Chevrolet, Holden, GM Daewoo, Wuling and Vauxhall. The United States is the largest national market for General Motors. Other markets include the China, England, Germany.Russia, Canada and Brazil. Daewoo Auto and Technology Company of South Korea is the main shareholder of General Motors. It has power training and purchasing collaborations with Isuzu motors Ltd and Suzuki Motor corp of Japan. The genuine General Motors accessories and parts are normally sold under GM Goodwrench, GM performance, ACDelco brands and GM brands with the assistance of parts operations and GM service. The GM transmissions and engines are sold via GM power train (Frederick, 1995). General Motors Organizational Structure With regards to its organizational structure, General Motors have transformed form a traditional model to a modern one. The change in the organizational model has had an impact as far as the customers and the local communities of General Motors are concerned. The traditional General Motors Organizational model consisted of a hierarchy with executive or the president on top, then senior managers or vice presidents. Followed by managers and finally the employees. The jobs were usually grouped into departments. The General motors were composed of various independent automakers and each automaker operated differently and competed with each other. The transformation of the organization model saw General motors unified and centralized whereby several individuals work towards achieving a common goal. The corporation is now run in a streamlined manner and the several departments have been abolished (The University of Virginia, 1993). Multinational Company With operations in 34 countries all over the globe, General Motors is a multinational company. Multinational companies refer to those organizations which have operations in many countries. The ability of the General motors to operate in many countries is enhanced by globalization. This entails an ongoing process through which societies, regional economies and culture become integrated as a result of execution and globe network communications. This is usually driven through the combination of technological, political, economic and biological factors. Organization design Managers at General Motors have encompassed the application of the organization design. They have created processes, roles and reporting relationships in order to match the organizations form very closely. It is through the organization design that the company is able to improve probability that members collective efforts will be successful. The General Motors Company have been designed in a beauracratic manner whereby responsibility and authority have been arranged hierachically.This has enabled specialization and grouping of people who performs similar or related tasks in clusters. The bureaucracy in the General Motors have enhanced logic, rationally and most important, the efficiency. It has also had some demerits as far as rigidity and inflexibility are concerned e.g. slow decision making process e.t.c. (Salmon, 1989). Divisional Structure The General Motors Company uses divisional structure. Each organizational function is grouped into divisions. A division which is within the divisional structure usually has all the necessary information and resources within it. The General Motors can thus make a distinction based on geographical aspects e.g. the Russian division and the United Kingdom division and also on its products such as SUVs and another one for subcompact cars with each division having its own engineering, sales and marketing departments. This organizational structure have its own demerits which includes difficulty in product integration i.e. each GM divisional manager concentrates on delivering his or her products and fails to focus on integration and also the employees usually feel a bit affiliated towards their department only and they lacks sense of being a part of the organization. Divisional structure also inhibits the career growth of specialists as technical people may feel alienated from their colleag ues in other divisions and also may lack some exposure to major developments taking place in the organization (Cook, Woollacott, 1995). Organizational Culture The strategic leaders in the General Motors should are vested with the responsibility of creating the organizational characteristics that encourage and reward collective effort. The organizational culture is the most fundamental characteristic as it enables the organization to cope well with its environment. For General Motors to survive individuals must be integrated into a whole and also the organization must adapt effectively to the environment in which it is operating (Lung, 2003). GM External environment General Moors just like many other organizations does not operate in a vacuum. The organization has to be conscious about what happens outside its factory and office walls. These factors that occur outside the business boundaries are known as the external environment. They usually influence the organizations main functions, objectives and strategies. The main factors include the competition i.e. the extent to which other firms competes with the General Motors automobiles. The main competitors of the General Motors ifs the Ford Company. Ford was established in the 1920s by Henry Ford. It has been struggling to overtake General Motors Company using such strategies as lowering prices. Despite these, General Motors have been the market leader due to its variety and good management. To effectively deal with the competition threat from Ford and other automobile makers such as Toyota, the management should aim at improving the quality of the products so as to add the value to their customer s. The company also needs not to flounder in the accounting practices such as derivatives and pensions which have brought huge costs in the General Motors. To improve its management, the General Motors Company has been reshuffling its executives over the years (Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation, 1994). The other factors that affect the General motors are; social i.e. how the consumer and communities at large behave with reference to the companys products. The other external factor is legal i.e. the manner in which the legislation affects the organization e.g. the change of the laws regarding employees working hours. Economic is the other external factor which affects an organization. This relates to such issues as taxation, interest rates, government spending, global economical factors and general demand. The other external factor that affects the business is the technology. For instance, the General Motors have to move with the current trends in the motor industry as far as its production processes and product innovation are concerned. Others are ethics i.e. the morality aspect of doing a business (Bordenave, 2003). The Stakeholders approach The General Motors should adopt the stakeholders approach in which case all its stakeholders will be able to know well how the business is being operated. Stakeholders are those people that have an interest in an organization and are affected by the companys omission or commission of its duties. The managers are required to decide on which views from the stakeholders are necessary to listen. The General Motors Company is currently undergoing through some significant transformations as it strives to become more competitive and so there could be several key things that the company could be involved with without the know-how of the companys management. In an aim of maintaining its competitive status, it is important to enquire from some of its more insightful people who may be experts in the industry about the things that should be done by the GM management so as to make the organization healthier, stronger and a more competitive one. To achieve this, the managers can adopt stakeholders approach which believes that the managers in any organization should consider the views from all the companys stakeholders and not relying only on the owners views. This inturn enables the stakeholders to have active interest as far as the business welfare is concerned. Some of the stakeholder approach and the potential benefits that can be achieved by business include offering the customers excellent after sale services and also good value products so as to create customer loyalty, social corporate responsibilities such as providing the locals with sports facilities so s to create good relations with them which may inturn help to increase sales.Also,a company should provide the workforce with good wages so that the employees can feel motivated and perform their duties enthusiastically and effectively( Rothstein,2005). To stay healthier and stronger, the General Motors needs to keep away from its historical tendencies of being in its comfort zone and regarding itself as the greatest. It should focus on achieving and sustained the momentum so as to bring change and improvements.It needs to borrow a leaf from Toyota which is away ahead of GM (Coetzee, 2001). The General Motors needs to innovate and be ahead of regulation i.e. it should take the opportunity and re-establish itself as a leader in Enviromental technology and avoid being regarded as resistant towards progress on emissions and fuel efficiency. This will enable the company to overtake Honda and Toyota which is deemed as leaders as far as this area is concerned (Greenberg Baron, 1995).

Friday, September 20, 2019

Tragic Flaws Of Othello Essay -- essays research papers

Jealousy and Gullibility: The Devastating Flaws of Othello â€Å"The tragic flaw is the most important part of the hero and the events that occur in the work is a reflection of that flaw.† – Aristotle The plot of William Shakespeare's Othello is a tale of love, jealousy, and betrayal; however, the characters, themes, and attitudes of the works are different, with Shakespeare's play being a more involved study of human nature and psychology. Othello is considered to be a prime example of Aristotelian drama. It focuses upon a very small cast of characters, one of the smallest used in Shakespeare. Also, it has few distractions from the main plot, and concentrates on just a few themes, like jealousy. In Shakespeare's Othello, Othello is an excellent example of an Aristotelian tragic hero. His gullibility and jealousy are the main reason of his downfall. Othello deals with love lost because of gullibility and jealousy. The main character, Othello, is a classical example of a tragic hero, and he has the basic elements that match him up to be a true hero defined by Aristotle. His stature, that of a tall, dark, African Moor, combined with his personal magnetism, assist him in gaining the respect and allegiance of the Venetian people and senators. Othello, being a soldier all his life, is seen as a very honorable man. His title alone, governor-general, presents an air of nobility, confidence, and strength. The title defines someone who is held in tremendously high esteem by the people of Venice. An example would be when the Duke and a few Senators are discussing issues around a table when Othello enters the room. It's clear that Othello is held in high esteem when, as he enters, one of the senators states â€Å"Here comes Brabantio and the valiant Moor†(3:1:33: 55). Othello's confidence in himself, another of his positive attributes, is clearly portrayed as he defends himself and his recent marr iage to Desdemona, the daughter of the Venetian Senator Brabantio. In his defense, he associates himself with one of the â€Å"great ones† of the world. He also demonstrates confidence in himself and his actions when Brabantio, Desdemona's outraged father, accuses the Moor of witchcraft. Dignity, courage, a strong belief in religion, self-control and sound judgment is a few of Othello's other positive attributes portrayed in the play. His confidence in himself and his courage are... ...baseness as jealous ones are, it were enough to put them to ill thinking."(3:4:153:26-29) She judged Othello opposite to what he really was. She did not suspect that Othello would suspect her for an affair. In reality, Othello is a gullible person who is drawn into jealousy and falseness by Iago. Othello accomplished his plan of killing his wife and destroying a marriage that had no reason to be torn apart. In conclusion, because of Othello’s gullibility and jealousy, and Iago’s skills and intelligence, lives are ruined, and bad mistakes are made, which leads to Othello’s downfall, and death. Even though Othello was well respected, and very confident, because of his tragic flaw he was unstable, and led him to believe lies by Iago. His trusting nature, overwhelmed him, because he decided to trust and believe Iago over Desdemona, which eventually led him to kill her in the end. In Shakespeare’s Othello, jealousy and gullibility, are flaws of the main character, Othello. His flaws completely put him in a different frame of mind, and cause him to make poor decisions. So, be careful of jealousy and gullibility. It is mysterious and can do harmful things to people it takes over. Tragic Flaws Of Othello Essay -- essays research papers Jealousy and Gullibility: The Devastating Flaws of Othello â€Å"The tragic flaw is the most important part of the hero and the events that occur in the work is a reflection of that flaw.† – Aristotle The plot of William Shakespeare's Othello is a tale of love, jealousy, and betrayal; however, the characters, themes, and attitudes of the works are different, with Shakespeare's play being a more involved study of human nature and psychology. Othello is considered to be a prime example of Aristotelian drama. It focuses upon a very small cast of characters, one of the smallest used in Shakespeare. Also, it has few distractions from the main plot, and concentrates on just a few themes, like jealousy. In Shakespeare's Othello, Othello is an excellent example of an Aristotelian tragic hero. His gullibility and jealousy are the main reason of his downfall. Othello deals with love lost because of gullibility and jealousy. The main character, Othello, is a classical example of a tragic hero, and he has the basic elements that match him up to be a true hero defined by Aristotle. His stature, that of a tall, dark, African Moor, combined with his personal magnetism, assist him in gaining the respect and allegiance of the Venetian people and senators. Othello, being a soldier all his life, is seen as a very honorable man. His title alone, governor-general, presents an air of nobility, confidence, and strength. The title defines someone who is held in tremendously high esteem by the people of Venice. An example would be when the Duke and a few Senators are discussing issues around a table when Othello enters the room. It's clear that Othello is held in high esteem when, as he enters, one of the senators states â€Å"Here comes Brabantio and the valiant Moor†(3:1:33: 55). Othello's confidence in himself, another of his positive attributes, is clearly portrayed as he defends himself and his recent marr iage to Desdemona, the daughter of the Venetian Senator Brabantio. In his defense, he associates himself with one of the â€Å"great ones† of the world. He also demonstrates confidence in himself and his actions when Brabantio, Desdemona's outraged father, accuses the Moor of witchcraft. Dignity, courage, a strong belief in religion, self-control and sound judgment is a few of Othello's other positive attributes portrayed in the play. His confidence in himself and his courage are... ...baseness as jealous ones are, it were enough to put them to ill thinking."(3:4:153:26-29) She judged Othello opposite to what he really was. She did not suspect that Othello would suspect her for an affair. In reality, Othello is a gullible person who is drawn into jealousy and falseness by Iago. Othello accomplished his plan of killing his wife and destroying a marriage that had no reason to be torn apart. In conclusion, because of Othello’s gullibility and jealousy, and Iago’s skills and intelligence, lives are ruined, and bad mistakes are made, which leads to Othello’s downfall, and death. Even though Othello was well respected, and very confident, because of his tragic flaw he was unstable, and led him to believe lies by Iago. His trusting nature, overwhelmed him, because he decided to trust and believe Iago over Desdemona, which eventually led him to kill her in the end. In Shakespeare’s Othello, jealousy and gullibility, are flaws of the main character, Othello. His flaws completely put him in a different frame of mind, and cause him to make poor decisions. So, be careful of jealousy and gullibility. It is mysterious and can do harmful things to people it takes over.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Les Liaisons Dangereuses :: essays research papers

Les Liaisons Dangereuses is a complex and disturbing portrayal of the noble class in pre-revolutionary France. Set in the late eighteenth century during the latter part of the Ancien Regime, Les Liaisons weaves a web of cold, calculated betrayal of the most immoral kind. The story unfolds in the form of letters written between the principal characters, giving it a unique literary texture. By using this style, de Laclos is able to give the reader a shockingly intimate look at these people as they divulge their most intimate secrets and bring to fruition their sinister plans. The protagonists, The Marquise de Merteuil and the Vicomte de Valmont, consider it their life’s ambition to sadistically control and dominate those around them through sexual intrigue. These two villains are indeed locked in psychological combat to see who can actually ‘out-do’ the other in stalking, capturing and destroying the souls of others. Taking absolute pleasure in ripping any virtue from the hearts of their prey, Merteuil and Valmont wave their accomplishments in front of each other like spoils of war. The less the chance of surrender, the more relentless is the pursuit. The story begins with the Marquise de Merteuil corresponding with Vicomte de Valmont regarding a luscious new act of ‘revenge’, as she describes it, against the Comte de Gercourt. The young Cecile de Volanges has just come home from the convent and her marriage to Gercourt has been arranged. However, before he can wed the innocent child, Merteuil proposes Valmont ‘educate’ her, thus spoiling Gercourt’s fancy for untarnished convent girls. Valmont is uninterested in such an easy seduction and is far more aroused by the thought of lulling The Presidente’ de Tourvel, the very epitome of virtue, into submission. And so the tale unfolds. Valmont eventually beds the virgin Cecile in order to humor Merteuil, however, the conquest of Madam de Tourvel is his passion and he indulges in this pursuit until he reaches the intended conclusion. Although, it would be a mistake to depict Valmont as anything but the monster that he is, there seems to be a small measure of actual ‘affection’ for Tourvel, however short-lived. Once Valmont shares this strange and unexpected interest in Madame de Tourvel, The Marquise de Merteuil is enraged, considering it an appalling sign of weakness. In order to save face, Valmont returns to his ruthless ways, thus completing the destruction of Madame de Tourvel, who had ultimately fallen madly in love with Valmont.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Sophistic Movement :: essays research papers

The vast majority of today's society isn't the slightest bit aware of the tremendous influence the sophistic period of thought has had and continues to have on modern western politics. But how could a supposedly highly educated and intelligent people be so ignorant of such an important and significant epoch in our history? It was during the fifth century B.C. when the sophistic movement, founded by a man named Protagoras, was at its prime. The sophist were recognized as highly skillful teachers by many and their works on issues such as the efficiency of language and the existence of gods were considered to be revolutionary at the time. Not every one was in aggreance with these new philosophies and not long after the movement began, the sophist and their works were being harshly persecuted. Many of them were exhiled and their works were all but completely annihilated. Now, very little is left of the sophists, except for what other prominent theorists have said about them. At the head of this condescending army was Plato, whose own theories opposed those of the sophists in numerable . Anyone who has read some of Plato's writing can tell you that what he had to say about Protagoras, Gorgias, Prodicus and the other sophists was by no means benevolent, and according to G.B. Kerferd, nor was it a completely factual description of them. Unfortunately, since these innacurate depictions are all we have left, the generations that were to come accepted Plato's hostile opinion of the sophists and it is for this reason that the word sophist is now found to be synonomous with the words bigot and know-it-all. Modern scholars have recently been trying to dispell the myths about the sophists, which is exactly what G.B. Kerferd attempts to do in his book 'The Sophistic Movement';.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to Kerferd, at the foundation of sophistic though is the statement, made by its founder Protagoras, that 'Man is the measure of all things.'; Man considers things to be as they appear to him. To explain this phenomenon, Kerferd makes an example out of the wind. If one man says that the wind is cold, and the man standing beside him finds it to be warm, even if they were both being affected by the same wind, both statements would be considered correct. Since man (the individual) is the measure of all things, the wind is cold to the man to whom it appears cold and warm to the man to whom it appears warm.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Ottomans Versus the Safavids

Many empires of Middle East civilizations have had strong political and social structures. Two of these empires are the Ottomans and the Safavids. The rise of the Ottomans correlates with the decline of the Roman Empire, which generated the shift in power from a singular Christian European society to a more Islamic influence. The Ottoman people became powerful in Asia Minor, which collapsed as a Seljuk Turk Kingdom, in the 13th to 14th centuries. The Safavids rose to power following the collapse of the Turkic Empire and invasion of the Mongols in the 13th and 14th centuries. Although the Safavids had advanced political and social systems, the Ottoman empire had more efficient political and social methods. The Ottomans and the Safavids both had strong features to their political systems. The Ottomans controlled using a strong military, use of weapons, and an extensive bureaucracy. Their empire was known to be geared for warfare. The Ottoman empire had strong governmental power. They ruled in their center of Constantinople, which the Ottomans built defense walls around, aqueducts in, and was where they opened their markets. Absolute power was granted to their Sultans, such as Suleymon the Magnificent. Another unique political factor of the Ottomans was their use of Janissaries. Janissaries were Ottoman infantry divisions that were made up of boys that were legally slaves that were captured and forced to fight. They were extremely strong and beneficial to the Ottomans. The Safavids ruled under the control of a Shah, or emperor. Some of these Shahs were Abbas the Great, Tahmasp I, and Isma’il. A large part of the Safavid political control was their followers who were given the nickname â€Å"Redheads† due to their red headgear. Similar to the Ottomans, the Safavid also had one especially great leader who led the empire to good times and success. This Shah was Abbas The Great, who, like Ottoman janissaries, captured boys from southern Russia for the military and created a grand and powerful army. There were many differences between these empires because the two empires tended to stay separate from each other. When the Ottomans went to advance into the Safavid territory they had to retreat because it was too far away from the supply areas that the Ottomans survived off of. Due to this and other reasons the two seemed the stay separate and just pay attention to other areas and what they could do to better their empires individually. The social life of the two empires were similar in some ways and not at all similar in others. The trade of the Safavid was also more advanced. There were roads built and workshops made during the time of the Safavids. The Ottomans had more religious tolerance than the Safavids did. These two societies for women were very similar. In both of these empires many women in the Islamic heartlands struggled against social restrictions in dress and confinement. In both of the empires, the women were politically weak. They had little to no power over the decisions and politics of the empires. They were meant to be loyal to men and to be veiled. Both of these empires captured boys for their militaries. These men were considered slaves with few social rights, although they did have more then women. Even though the Safavids had many strong ideas on the correct political and social way to run their empire, the Ottoman empire had more efficient and advanced methods. The Ottomans used more warfare than the Safavids. But, the rights of women were the same in both empires. The Ottomans and the Safavids were both strong political empires of their time, with improved and efficient political and social systems.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Year round school

Mr.. Cooker For generations the education system In the US has been a major In how our world is shaped today. And changing it could maybe benefit the American people In ways you couldn't imagine. For years now America has fallen short In basic math, reading and writing while other countries have exceeded expectations. Education Is key to staying connected to other countries and being able to make It In the real world. With that said the united States education system needs to be recognized as a huge part In our ally lives and needs to be changed.Like other countries education system they have school year round showing a huge difference In the scores they get compared to the US. Having the opportunity to have school year round could allow students to graduate from high school faster and potentially college. The freedom to go at the pace that best fits you is what is amazing. In High school this could allow you to get the credits you need and that will allow you to potentially go to th e college of your choice. With this it could decrease school drop outs and help they economy by aging more jobs.This could have the potential to change our system and bring America out of the hole we made for ourselves. A student may even be struggling in a particular subject and with the regular education system it wouldn't be a priority to the teacher or the student to fully understand the subject. With the year round school this problem could be easily solved. Students would be exceeding the level expected or just staying level with their class. There are also many opportunities to being able to graduate from high school with your first year of college basic classes already completed.That saves money and a whole lot of stress, also the education on how to study and write essays in grade school help prepare you for College. Having school year round can allow you to have the time to practice and prepare for the many things that college may bring. College is what sets you up for opp ortunity to get a job and participate in society. College sets you up for many things in life and to have some of the education from high school with year round school can help you tremendously.In order to be successful in college you have to have the write study bits and ways to prepare yourself for test and quizzes so you can pass the class. With the year round school the teachers would have time to teach you all the correct ways of learning that. Education Is key In this day and age and with yearlong education you can get through many things faster and comprehend more. To have an opportunity to change the economy by having more people thinking and making life changing decisions is amazing.This could not only benefit that but the teachers, they would be more recognized for their work and have something to prove It, their successful kids. Also the time that school would start and end would be more realistic for this day and age not to mention having days off more often than now, If we could Just have one school district to try this out to see If It would work It could potentially reveal things that are unbelievable we just need to try. Year round school By Kay-Lucerne For generations the education system in the US has been a major in how our world is shaped today.And changing it could maybe benefit the American people in ways you couldn't imagine. For years now America has fallen short in basic math, reading and writing while other countries have exceeded expectations. Education is key to staying connected to other countries and being able to make it in the real world. With that said the United States education system needs to be recognized as a huge part in our daily lives and needs to be changed. Like other countries education system they have school year round showing a huge difference in the scores they get compared to the making more Jobs.This could have the potential to change our system and bring expected or Just staying level with their class. There a re also many opportunities to a Job and participate in society. College sets you up for many things in life and to ways of learning that. Education is key in this day and age and with yearlong would be more recognized for their work and have something to prove it, their realistic for this day and age not to mention having days off more often than now. If we could Just have one school district to try this out to see if it would work it could potentially reveal things that are unbelievable we Just need to try.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Diet and Nutrition

Overweight and obesity are among the most topical health related problems of our modern society. They are primarily associated with high risk for many terrible diseases, including heart attack, diabetes, etc. Recently, overwhelming majority of women and increasing amount of men are forced to pay serious attention on the meals they eat, to count the calories or to keep to some diet. There is a great deal of information about dieting and following healthy nutrition-style available in contemporary mass media.There are special TV and radio programs, in which medical doctors or other specialists speculate about different diets and give valuable pieces of advice. It is possible to find special magazines and other editions, presenting one or another type of diets or weigh-loss programs for the general audience. Finally, there is abundance of Internet sites, dedicated to the problems of obesity and overweight.As a rule, the most of the recommendations, connected with dieting and putting off weight, are quite individual and must be specifically given for any particular person, taking into consideration his/her health and psychological conditions, present life-style, marital status and so on. But there are some common points and tips, which can be suggested to anyone, who is thinking about starting a new healthy nutrition and life-style. Speaking about diet, first of all, it is necessary to reduce the amount of highly caloric meals in daily ration. Primarily, those are baked and fried foods.Many diet specialists suggest total refusal of eating all sorts of bread and bakery, made from white refined wheat powder. At the same time, it is necessary to include some small amounts of household bread or graham crackers, because bread has some important rare nutrients, essential for human organism. Also, any type of fried food is considered to be dangerous and caloric. Fried and fatty meals are direct contribution into fat deposits, which are drastically increasing weigh of the b ody. The same can be said about sweet foods, especially sugar and its products.These foodstuffs are rich with glucose, which is a perfect source of energy, but, at the same time, can be easily conversed to fat. That is why one of the easiest and most common recommendations for fatty people is to lover the consumption of sugar, sweets and chocolate. Second important suggestion is decreasing the amount of junk food. Contemporary life is making us very busy and tired of our problems, children, offices, schools and all the things. That is why it is a good solution in many situations to use ready meals in fast food restaurants, or to prepare ready-to-cook products.At the same time, our favorite pizza, Big Mac or Whopper are simply caloric bombs. They are usually prepared on extremely dangerous fats or oils and have a lot of fat-containing ingredients, like cheese, sausages, etc. The third tip on improving nutritional habits is to avoid overeating and eating late at night. Dietologists su ggest eating three-four times a day, serving a number of different meals in small portions. If hunger appears before the scheduled meal-time, some light yogurt, piece of fruit or tomato juice can be the best solution for handling it.Also, it is better to have dinner at least in two-three hours before going to bed. Certainly, not everything is based on correct nutrition and healthy food consumption in the program on putting off weight. Such activities like doing REGULAR physical exercises, being always moving and dynamic during the day, spending a lot of time outdoors and preferring active rest, are milestone points for people with extra weight. Besides, such spiritual practices, like yoga, proved to be very effective and supportive for those, who are trying to decrease own weight.If a woman is 5'4†³ tall and has 158 pounds of weight, she can find out (using some Internet resources or special comparative tables) that she is quite overweight, but, fortunately, not obese. That is why she does not need to keep to a strict exhausting diet, but some urgent steps must be done in order to put off her extra pounds. To do so, she needs to make some changes in her nutritional habits and establish some new rules of maintaining healthy life-style. To start with, she can adopt above mentioned recommendations, trying to lower the amount of fat and sugar in her daily meals and avoiding eating late at night.It would be necessary to learn cooking healthy meals, using as much as possible vegetables, cereals, fruit, meat, fish and other natural products. It would be healthy for all the family to give up eating macaroni or fried potatoes and enjoy delicious boiled or stewed foods, which are much more healthy and useful. Besides, she needs to re-schedule her daily routine and find more time for additional physical activity. For example, dieting can be perfectly supported by regular strolls or jogging.At the workplace it is better not to sit for long, or (if the work is connect ed with sitting) to do some frequent refreshing physical exercises. On the way home it is better to walk as much as possible, at least from the further parking place. Of course, it is good to use the opportunity of having active rest on weekends, like going out of the city, hiking, swimming, etc. The most important moment is: healthy nutrition and physical activity have to be regular. This will never work for people, who always put the things off until tomorrow and look for reasons to give up.Only doing regular exercises and always keeping away from unhealthy meals will work for good. This way, maintaining healthy life-style has to grow into a habit and work for keeping the body in normal weight for long time. That is why, in addition to everything above mentioned, it is also extremely important to get psychologically ready for the hard work on weight-loss plan. It will take enormous efforts to refuse some favorite meals, like cakes, hamburgers or fries; to follow the schedule of ha ving meals; to learn how to cook new dishes; to find some time to do physical exercises or jogging, etc.It is necessary to remain focused on the goal and be ready to do everything possible to achieve it. Undoubtedly, dieting and following healthy life-style will bring some certain changes into daily activity of the woman. For instance, it may take some more time to cook more healthy meals, or some extra time will be required for doing exercises and outdoors activity. That’s why in the beginning her husband and children may feel lack of her attention; she may have no time for doing something she used to do; she can feel more tired and have lack of rest, etc.Nevertheless, in three or four months the first results will take place and the first pounds will disappear. By that time, the woman will definitely get into the swing of her new life-style and feel less pressure from the things to be done. Therefore, the first outcomes of her efforts will become clear. She’ll feel l ighter and healthier, her self-esteem will rise and her capabilities will increase. This everything will immediately reflect on her family and bring to numerous positive reactions.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Industry Analysis Breadtalk

Industry Analysis Future outlook and trends For its outlook, BreadTalk planned for the China and regional market and rising food cost. This is the largest challenge for the Bakery business. BreadTalk is going to shorten the supply chain and buying in bulk globally for economies of scale. Shanghai is one of the example that BreadTalk have successfully piloted using frozen dough to arrest rising labour and rental costs while maintaining the quality of our products. This is to encourage that BreadTalk will explore the possibility of extending this initiative beyond Shanghai. The BreadTalk Transit model has also proven to be an efficient model for swift expansion and its potential we will be harnessed to expedite growth. For Market Trends, KFC, McDonald's, Long John Silver's and Pizza Hut were dominating most of the chains in the past in Singapore. However, trends have been changed for decades. Local Brands were replaced. BreadTalk controls 55% of Indonesia’s bakery market and it becomes giant franchises dominate the Southeast Asia region. (Fresin Fries,2012) Analysis of competitors BreadTalk operates in the highly competitive F&B industry which has close to no barriers to entry. Some of its competitors are established players in the bakery and confectionery industries and may have greater financial and marketing resources. The entry of new competitors into the same F&B segments or into the immediate areas around the group’s retail outlets may affect its earnings (CIMB Research Report,2009). Focusing on main competitors, the direct competitors of BreadTalk outlets are local names such as Four Leaves and My Bread (CIMB Research Report,2009). Market segmentation BreadTalk divides itself into three segments: bakery, food court and restaurant. The bakery segment is not only bakery products but it includes the business of manufacturing and retailing of all kinds of food also franchising. For the management and operation of food , drinks and drinks outlets are in the segment of food court. For operating food and drinks outlets, eating houses and restaurants are in restaurant segment (CorporateInformation. com, 2012). Industry forecasts According to CIMB Research Report in 2009, BreadTalk expected its revenue to grow at 10-15% over from the year 2009-2011. It is no longer part of the group after the disposal of its 70%-owned Twin Peak Venture Singapore Pte Ltd. BreadTalk expected profit growth to pick up to around 31% this year from the opening of new outlets in 2009 and lower raw material costs. Its net profit was forecasted CAGR of 29. 3% for 2009-2011. Description of Venture Products and Services BreadTalk ® Group Limited runs 7 sections of products and service. BreadTalk, the first section, keys as the bakery chain that has over 1,000 different types of bakery. While the Icing Room, second, sells a wide range of cakes, pastries and cookies and brings with it a unique proposition of allowing customers to decorate their own cakes. Third, Toast Box was developed in 2005 as the coffee shops in the 1960s and 70s generation. It serves traditional favorites such as peanut butter thick toast, mee siam, kaya toast and soft boiled eggs. Coffee and other hot beverages are also prepared in the traditional â€Å"pulled† style. Food Republic , fourth, offers a wide spread of local hawker and street food under one roof and in an air-conditioned environment. Fifth, Din Tai Fung Din is known for the healthy house specialties such as its ‘Xiao Long Bao’ (steamed pork dumplings). Sixth, Carl’s Junior which is a fast-food chain offering juicy, premium-quality charbroiled burgers in western US. The last one, The Station Kitchen which is the group’s integrated F&B concept for diners, one of Singapore’s latest clubbing hot spots (BreadTalk,2012). Size of business BreadTalk was founded as F&B operator in Singapore in 2000 and listed on the SGX in 2003 and became BreadTalk ® Group Limited with global staff strength of more than 6,000 employees, the Group has a network of over 500 bakery outlets in 16 countries. It also operates 13 Michelin Star Din Tai Fung restaurants in Singapore and Thailand, as well as over 30 award-winning Food Republic food atrium in Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Taiwan and Thailand. (BreadTalk. com,2012). According to SME award winning for 2010 in Singapore, HSBC was the key to sponsor the award of SME together with DP Information Group, has helped elevate the status of SMEs and entrepreneurs by acknowledging their achievements. Exactly, Breadtalk Group Limited was achieved Sales/Turnover Growth Excellence Award (HSBC. com,2012) Office equipment and personnel The concept of Breadtalk is about the bakeries with our distinctive sleek and clean lines and signature ‘see-through' kitchens showcasing the expertise of our bakers. It also make customers feel familiar and warm close friendships into its stores. Happy Chefs are the new characters of Breadtalk in different nationalities. The centerpieces of the stores are the bread display cases. It is cut out like facets of a diamond, bringing out the freshness like their jewels – the freshly baked aromatic breads. The new stores also recreate the atmosphere of a friend's kitchen. Equipped with new state-of-the-art bakery equipment imported from Germany, Spain and Japan, the taste, aroma, quality and texture consistency of our breads are further enhanced. New staff uniforms also environmentally-friendly packaging for all products complete the entire new look. The new concept stores will be rolled out gradually in Singapore and overseas to further reinforce a cohesive branding effort (BreadTalk,2012) Background of entrepreneurs BreadTalk was incorporated in Singapore on 6 Mar 03 as an investment holding company. Its principal subsidiary, BreadTalk Pte Ltd, is a private limited company incorporated in Singapore on 24 Apr 2000. The group was founded by its managing director, Mr George Quek and Executive Director, Ms Katherine Lee. It was listed on the SGX Catalist Board in 2003 (CIMB Research Report,2009). Brief For industry analysis can be summarized into Market segmentation of BreadTalk were divided itself into three segments: bakery, food court and restaurant which many subordinated lines of the main segmentation. Analysis of competitor from CIMB Research in 2009, the direct ompetitors of BreadTalk outlets are local names such as Four Leaves and My Bread Future outlook and trends was planned by BreadTalk to expand into China and regional market and rising food cost. As it is the largest challenge for the Bakery business. BreadTalk is going to shorten the supply chain and buying in bulk globally for economies of scale. Industry forecasts was reported by CIMB Research in 2009 that BreadTalkâ €™s revenue grew as they expect and the net profit was forecasted to grow up more in 2009-2011. Description of Venture Products and Services of BreadTalk ® Group Limited can be grouped into 7 sections : BreadTalk keys as the bakery chain. The Icing Room sells a wide range of cakes, pastries and cookies and allowing customers to decorate their own cakes. Toast Box is the coffee shops in the 1960s and 70s generation. Food Republic offers a wide spread of local hawker and street food with an air-conditioned environment. Din Tai Fung is the healthy house. Carl’s Junior is a fast-food chain offering juicy, premium-quality charbroiled burgers in western US. The last one, The Station Kitchen is the group’s integrated F;B concept for diners. Size of business, BreadTalk was founded as F;B operator in Singapore in 2000 and listed on the SGX in 2003 and became BreadTalk ® Group Limited and won SME awards from many institutions. Office equipment and personnel were renew again with the concept of friendly kitchen , friendly friendship and the most clean. Background of entrepreneurs said in CIMB Research Report in 2009 that BreadTalk was incorporated in Singapore on 6 March 2003 as an investment holding company. The group was founded by Mr George Quek and Executive Director, Ms Katherine Lee. It was listed on the SGX Catalist Board in 2003. Reference BreadTalk. com, 2012, Breadtalk Concept retrieved 19 July, 2012 from http://breadtalk. listedcompany. com/concept. html Breadtalk. com, 2012, Business Review, retrieved 19 July, 2012 from http://www. breadtalk. com/business-review. html Fresin,F. , 2012, Fast Food Restaurant Business Plan, Market Segmentation, retrieved 19 July, 2012 from http://www. bplans. com/fast_food_restaurant_business_plan/market_analysis_summary_fc. php#ixzz213vUZ1us CIMB Research Report, 2009, BreadTalk Group Limited, Main competitors, retrieved 19 July, 2012 from http://breadtalk. listedcompany. com/misc/BreadTalk_Initiation. pdf CIMB Research Report, 2009, BreadTalk Group Limited,Background, retrieved 19 July, 2012 from http://breadtalk. listedcompany. com/misc/BreadTalk_Initiation. pdf CorporateInformation. com, 2012, Breadtalk Group Ltd, retrieved 19 July, 2012 from http://www. corporateinformation. com/Company-SnapShot. aspx? cusip=C702VL300;from=Manta HSBC. com , 2012, Industry Event , retrieved 23 July,2012 from http://www. hsbc. com. sg/1/2/business/news-and-events/events/sme500