Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Air Pollution, Smog, Acid Rain, the Greenhouse Effect, and Ozone Deplet

Air pollution is a well-known problem throughout the world. Humans know that we are the major cause for air pollution and although we know this fact, we continue to pollute. We poison our air every day by throwing out enormous piles of garbage, burning tons of fossil fuels, and driving millions of miles each year, but do we truly know how much this affects our society and our Earth? Smog, acid rain, the greenhouse effect, and ozone depletion are some of the effects that have resulted from air pollution. Health effects caused by filthy air are also a serious problem that has resulted from pollution. Smog is a term that was created from smoke and fog. It is found most typically in urban and suburban areas rather than rural areas because air pollution occurs most often where there are large numbers of people. Exhaust fumes from vehicles are emitted into the air, and a chemical reaction takes place when these fumes react with sunlight, resulting in smog. Another type of smog is created from dirt particles in smoke from the chimneys of factories and houses (Stille 22). These dirt particles cling to drops of water in the air, which can make eyes water, noses itch, and throats scratchy and sore. People within these cities that deal with this murky haze are much more likely to experience discomfort and develop lung problems due to breathing in too much polluted air (Asimov 15). Acid rain, another effect of air pollution, is formed when sulfur-rich fuels such as coal and oil are burned and combined with water. This rain is harmful to our environment because sulfur creates an acid that kills fish, trees, plants, and crops. It also damages paint on cars and wears away the stone used in buildings and statues (Stille 31). Acid ra... ...s affecting the environment, self-interest should drive concern about the pollutants because it can severely affect one's health. Pollution has contributed to several diseases, especially many forms of cancer. With effort and motivation to reduce these effects from air pollution, we can begin to cleanup our air and make our Earth a better place for not only our future, but also our children's and grandchildren's future. Works Cited Asimov, Isaac. Why Is The Air Dirty? Milwaukee: Garth Stevens, Inc., 1992. Dolan, Edward F. Our Poisoned Sky. New York: Cobblehill Books, 1991 Oppenheimer, Michael, and Robert H. Boyle. Dead Heat: The Race Against the Greenhouse Effect. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1990. Stille, Darlene R. Air Pollution. Chicago: Childrens Press, Inc., 1990. Tate, Nicholas. The Sick Building Syndrome. Far Hills: New Horizon Press, 199

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