Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Thunderstorm Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Thunderstorm - Article Example The theatrical attraction and general characterization of the plot, in line with the thematic relevance of the play is magnificent. Despite the play exhibiting more of the ancient settings of the time, the relevance and the brilliance of the actors is exceptionally fascinating. The paper is an analysis of general plot, characterization, the cultural influence and reception by the audience, and the general commentary on the contemporary society of the Chinese through interactions and actions. The thunderstorm is in this case used to describe the complex blood relationships as well as the various tragic incidences that are perceived inevitable. Therefore, it is a dramatic occurrence with significant connotation together with heart-stirring artistic expertise. Zhou Puyuan, the head of the coal-mining modern company is portrayed in the light of a selfish and arrogant person, who has little interest in the whereabouts of both his family and the workers within the company. He is equally hypocritical, cold-blooded, and selfish, as evident through the brutality and dictatorship evident in the scenes. The Chinese culture is characteristically inclined towards male superiority over the female gender, and Zhou Puyuan plays a perfect role of chauvinism in the society. The role is well brought out in the scene through the actor, especially the command tone that inevitably restores dominance in the settings. It is a massive privilege on the part of the modern generation to witness such characterization of their forgotten roots in the modern generation. However, I find the experience complicated for other non-Chinese audience interested in the play, particularly due to the strong translated message of the play, but it is easy to appreciate the colorful and moving acting, which only prompts an urge to see more. I must confess that watching the play was one of my favorite moments, with

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