Sunday, October 6, 2019

Alexander The Great as a Military Leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Alexander The Great as a Military Leader - Essay Example He was trained in rhetoric, literature, philosophy, science and was groomed into a knowledgeable person. His sheer military genius was exhibited when he was merely 18 years of age, when he helped win the Battle of Chaeronea. This was just the beginning of a long innings. When Alexander was around twenty years of age, his father, King Philip II was assassinated. Following this tragic event, Alexander ascended the throne in 336 B.C. The situation in Macedonia was not really conducive, since he was surrounded by enemies and there was a threat of internal strife; while foreign relations were not good either, due to which there was the threat of rebellion. In this complex situation, Alexander took the reigns of his kingdom in this hands and took severe steps to do away with the rebellion. He ordered the execution of all those who were against him and quickly disposed the conspirators and rebels. The domestic enemies, were thus steered clear of. "He promptly took Thessaly and Thrace; he brutally razed Thebes except for its temples and the house of Pindar." 1 Carrying forward his father's mission, Alexander carried out an attack on the Thracians and also defeated the Illyrians with an iron hand. He also moved on the Thebes, which had revolted against him. He only spared the house of Pindar and the temple of Gods. He also sold the surviving inhabitants into slavery. Due to his power and valour, the other Greek states submitted meekly and Alexander became the conqueror of Greece. Thus, Alexander restored his dominant position in Greece. "He was elected by a congress of states at Corinth."2. Two years ago, after establishing a strong hold in Greece, Alexander decided to move towards Persia, in 334 B.C. He crossed the Hellespont and near the city of Troy, Alexander fought the Persians. The battle gave way to a massive victory for the Macedonians. Consequently, the res of the states in Asia Minor gave way and submitted to the great king. As the legend goes, it is said that "he cut the Gordian knot in Phyrgia (333), by which act he was destined to rule Asia."3 This knot, he is said to have broken with his sword. Alexander began to move towards the south and met the Persian army led by Darius III. This took place at Issus, in northeastern Syria. The battle was fought with a huge army from Darius' end. His army ended up losing the battle and Darius fled, leaving behind his family. However, his family was treated with respect by Alexander. The next expedition was at the Tyre, which was a seaport. The port was strongly fortified and offered strong opposition. However, Alexander defeated the port as well, in 332 B.C after seven months. He then moved on to Gaza and defeated them. "In the spring of 331 BC, Alexander made a pilgrimage to the great temple andoracle of Amon-Ra, whom

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