Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Population Density reserach paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Population Density reserach - Research Paper Example They choose a leader unanimously and look for guidance towards that group that they have chosen. The limited resources are not even much of a problem, as people will willingly give up a part of their share so as to help their own counterparts. The situation is quite under control in this case. The homogeneity makes it a gelling factor for the whole community to stick together even in adverse circumstances. If the population belongs to the same culture then comparably life becomes easier for people living there. In contrast if the population contains people of different culture there is always a war going on in which each culture is trying to supersede the other. There is constant conflict and each group strives to get power over the other. It has been seen that such groups have continuous struggle to gain the top position. Even there are constant fights and tussle for the resources. People tend to take more than required just so that the other person doesn’t get it. There is a constant war like situation and people try to get the better of each other and dominate the others to gain full authority. If there are many poor in the society then the situation worsens and people start worshipping some false person even to have their own selfish desires filled. This way they become more disoriented and lose the real purpose of their existence. It is really difficult to survive in a society that has a non-homogenous mix of people and majority of the people are poor. People tend to believe that life is a mess and the only way to survive is to fight their way through life. Survival of the fittest is the main concept here. While if there is a homogenous environment and the people are not poor at all, then again there are huge chances that peace will prevail (Baldassare, 1979). Today in AMERICA there are many minorities living. There is so much diversity in the culture that they are losing their own traditions. It has been observed that in areas where two to three di fferent minorities live strife is a norm. Some of the areas have become so dangerous those even policemen are scared to go there. At night the neighborhoods become small war stripes that people fear to tread. Even the areas near the neighborhoods are considered a difficult place to live. It has been seen that people who generally have low incomes live n these areas, but they face many troubles like small thefts, occasional muggings and sometime one or two knife fights. Usually the white kids also mix up with the kids from these areas and end up ruining their own lives (Baldassare, 1979). Sharing a living place with quite a lot many people and having limited resources is a difficult situation, it has happened quite many times with kids who have lost their parents, or ran away from their homes or even ran from their foster homes. There are many hygiene issues that come up with this kind of living and drug problems also arise. When I had to live in a college dorm, there were in total 7 people who were sharing it with me. They all belonged to different cultures so earlier there were quite a lot of hesitation among us, but gradually the barriers broke and we understood each other perfectly fine. We even started to cover for each other. It became a norm among us that once a month each one of us had to give others a treat. There were unspoken rules for never talking about your own roommate to others. Americans usually try to avoid such areas, and they try to move out of such areas as

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